0001 0002 Aiwnios.com 0003 0004 Welcome to Aiwnios.com,the best server on earth,which is served by a HolyC 0005 backend(source code). I will show you how to do cool stuff like write compilers 0006 and make games. I will write articles time to time,but first let me tell you 0007 about myself. 0008 0009 My name is Clayton and I like compilers alot.I wrote Aiwnios which is a HolyC 0010 compiler that runs on 64,bit arm,risc-v and X86_64 and it's Travis Scott lit.I 0011 will explain it in detail how it works,the first part is the lexer. I'm not a 0012 unix pro but here are my notes Unix Notes or my Jain Notes. 0013 0014 Here is a link to the User Guide if you want to know how to use aiwnios. Or 0015 maybe you are here for the Shitpit 0016 0017 Checkout My FlashCards app and flash cards for the latest in nroots Greek 0018 Quest(download the ISO and MountFile it in Aiwnios to use it). 0019 0020 I wrote a Compiler Tutorial. Check it out 0021 0022 AiwniosTube Beta 0023 0024 A sexy video sharing site like youtube but written in HolyC. 0025 0026 AiwniosTube 0027 0028 Irc Server 0029 0030 Served by Gihon HolyC IRC server 0031 0032 0033 aiwnios.com 6667 or irc.aiwnios.i2p 6667 0034 Turn off SSL before connecting in your client 0035 Dont send anything important over the IRC server 0036 0037 0038 0039 Shitpit Pt.3 Old Pt.2!! 0040 <1>0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 2-9-25 Pt.1 0061 0062 Yeah,Got SHA256 working(again). rsync --delete done messed me up. 0063 0064 2-8-25 Pt.2 0065 0066 My balls and brain have been restored as aiwnios does Curve25519. Time to 0067 listen to Drake. I will fix bugs in aiwnios for the remainder of today. 0068 0069 2-8-25 Pt.1 0070 0071 My balls and brain have exploded due to the magnitude of Curve25519. After 0072 that I will need to implement SHA256 before I can get into the juicy parts of 0073 TLS1.3 . I am tempted to write a C trans-compiler for TempleOS but that is 0074 cheating. 0075 0076 2-7-25 Pt.1 0077 0078 Who the fuck came up with Curve25519. Genius mode.As I kid I scoffed at the 0079 idea of computer science.I thought there was no science in computers as they 0080 were man made. Elliptic curves are ball busters. The fact the gender studies is 0081 more important than Curcve25519 will make any rational man's balls explode. 0082 0083 I would disatance myself from gender studies people and focus on math. I do 0084 not believe the Arhats would approve of homosexuals over math. They have 0085 attained Kaval-Gyan and probably dont care about homosexuals when it comes to 0086 God-level algorthms. Imagine you are God for a seconds,homosexuals,or God level 0087 math. 0088 0089 Those who speak must have a mouth and to have a mouth you must have words to 0090 think. I was once told it is delusional to "think what God thinks",but you have 0091 to be retarded to think that a supreme entity who explicetly condemns useless 0092 sexuality would favor gayness over reality studies. 0093 0094 You can look at a car,but you cannot understand the intention or engineering 0095 that went into it. You can look at the world and memorize every detail of it 0096 while not understanding it. I do not understand reality and cannot understand 0097 it. I want to write a HolyC TLS suite for DolNet for a FULL-STACK HolyC 0098 expirence. 0099 0100 2-6-25 Pt.2 0101 0102 Its all snowy out and I cant go nowhere. 0103 0104 2-6-25 Pt.1 0105 0106 I will make a list of bbugs on aiwnios.com's website. 0107 -] Bugs 0108 0109 -] Aiwntube names with spaces 0110 0111 Dont upload videos with spaces in the filenames 0112 0113 -] /raw_dir usng cached sources instead of regenerating poo poo sauce 0114 0115 Whoops,dont download ISO.Cs from /raw_dir/PATH. I accidently used the old 0116 sources for gihon. 0117 0118 0119 0120 2-4-25 Pt.3 0121 0122 There is a state of existance called Triyanch Gati where you are born into a 0123 weird state of existence. Imaghine being an alien in an ants body. A talking ant 0124 prophet sounds cool until it gets stepped on while its talking. Sometimes I 0125 think beings try to make sense of fragments of information and they get 0126 confused. Jamali tried to make sense of silence and went insane. 0127 0128 I feel like I am an alien as I dont belong on earth. I would ideally be in the 0129 God realms listing the the speech of the Arhats. Pyschopomps carry souls from 0130 the realms after they die maybe. I got dropped from the hands of the soul 0131 carriers and I feel to earth,or maybe I got rejected from Hell or something. 0132 0133 Regardless,I am nothing more than a talking ant,speaking of Dharma and poop in 0134 a confused world. 0135 0136 0137 2-4-25 Pt.2 0138 0139 I think the TempleOS palette is good for art. There are dark colors and light 0140 colors. I (should) use them for good graphics for PoopinFrogs. I want to make 0141 shitting frogs in a cool game where you shoot shit up. With lots of explosions. 0142 I like the idea of Quake 3 where you enter an arena and shoot eachother for 0143 entertainment. There are not alot of games (if any) I want to play,so I want to 0144 make something I would play. 0145 0146 I like the idea of a world with an implicit story that isnt directly 0147 conveyed,and is easy to miss. Not necessarly a linear story either,more like a 0148 mythology of frogs. I want a game that you dont play,you just stare at it and 0149 expirence it like art. Like I dont expect anyone to play FrogsEngine for gaming 0150 entertainment other than for laughs but that is ok. 0151 0152 The ideal vision is a dumping ground for dark humor,shit,with an implicit 0153 psuedo-mythology. I think that people want to convey reality through art so I 0154 have made there little ditinction between content editor tools and the game. The 0155 game should have lots of blood,explosions and poop. 0156 0157 2-4-25 Pt.1 0158 0159 I want to up the violence in PoopinFrogs to 200%,Frogs need to carrry handguns 0160 and stuff. Peice of the enemies will fly around on explosion,and you will be 0161 able to kick thier heads around. 0162 0163 2-2-25 Pt.4 0164 0165 There was a game called 3D Tic-Tac-To on the Atari 2600 and it was a banger. I 0166 remember having retard rage at Ecco the Dolphin (and Tides of Time) for the Sega 0167 Genesis. 0168 0169 Ecco Tides of Time is about time travel and is very difficult. Aliens kidnap 0170 Ecco's freinds and he has to save them. He goes back to to take a cystal that 0171 protects the dolphins to appease the aliens,but by doing so in the past allows 0172 the aliens to steal the dolpihns,It was a great game. I really liked it once you 0173 got past the second level which was fucking insanely hard,along with most of the 0174 other levels. 0175 0176 2-2-25 Pt.3 0177 0178 The poo poo brain mother of Kunika thought her son was evil she tried to kill 0179 him. Her prophecy was fuffilled after he and his brothers imprisioned the 0180 father. They wanted power. He had a son and asked his mother,"if a son is dearer 0181 than anyone?" . His mother told him he was a poo poo brain that she tried to 0182 abort and that despite her wishes,his father loved him. 0183 0184 After realizng this,he rushed to his father to set him free,with a iron staff 0185 to break the chains. His father thought his son was going to kill him,so he took 0186 posion. This cuased guilt for the son. 0187 0188 This is a compilicated story to understand. I think its about realizing the 0189 importance of family too late and not letting drama intefere with family. A dead 0190 father cannot accept alms. 0191 0192 2-2-25 Pt.2 0193 0194 Where is the Digambar version of the Tirhankars biographies. I only know of 0195 Trishashti Purasha Chaitra which is a (good) Svetambar text. The only problem s 0196 that I am skeptable about King Kumarpala's depiction in it which may or may not 0197 be historical. 0198 0199 2-2-25 Pt.1 0200 0201 I have been listening to Travis Scott music again. Anyways, I will get not use 0202 the nueral network AI for now,I will do hand crafted methods for the frogs. I 0203 want them to sort of behave like real players. The thing I want them to do is 0204 dodge missiles from players and stuff. 0205 0206 2-1-25 Pt.1 0207 0208 I am too depressed to do anything today because I walked about an hour in the 0209 snow. I am also at the point in PoopinFrogs development where I need to ppush P. 0210 I want to make something epic and not stupid. Worst case I would need to do a 0211 minecraft clone but that is dumb. I need AssFrogs flaming up the hood. A commit 0212 may be coming in about a week. 0213 0214 I think (nueral network) AI is stupid for PoopinFrogs,but it will suffice. I 0215 want to make something where you defend your base while others try to capture 0216 your base. Like a gaint Turf War where you shoot up the Opps and steal thier 0217 hood. 0218 0219 As a kid I always wanted a game where you take over the town. It always sounded 0220 really fun. 0221 0222 1-28-25 Pt.3 0223 0224 As the Lords of the Universe instructed, 0225 by right faith and right conduct our karmas are destructed. 0226 0227 Service to others,brothers and mothers, 0228 seek the Dharma of the Jains 0229 0230 For neither favors or glory the Tirthankars sought, 0231 Upholding a Dharma neither sold nor bought, 0232 I bow to you, for this life and beyond, 0233 though you ask for it not. 0234 0235 Oh Vitaraga,by who Karmas are destroyed, 0236 Let me have faith in you before my life is void. 0237 0238 0239 1-29-25 Pt.1 0240 0241 Dont entertain people or they will expect to be entertained. If the purpose of 0242 life is to serve other souls then put on a show,if the opposite was true,then I 0243 would not entertain as other would not expect to be entertained. I said I am 0244 like the Kendrick Lamar of retardation,this is probably not true,but its ok. 0245 0246 Kendrick Lamar entertains but also tries to educate(who?). In this regard I am 0247 the Kendrick Lamar of retardation. I once saw a animation called "Peppa pig 0248 becomes transgender". I thought this was a retarded animation,I have made 0249 simular animations myself. 0250 0251 There is a type of parasite that takes over an ant's mind then climbs up a 0252 tree to breed with other parasites or something. The only thing is that these 0253 parasites do not breed with mates,they explode thier seeds everywhere and infect 0254 other ants. Eww. I think "Peppa Pig becomes Transgender" is a parasite cartoon. 0255 I have parasite mentality. 0256 0257 NOTE:I am using parasite as a biological term,I am not hating on parasites. 0258 London Yellow says open your ass for the bug Lord. 0259 0260 1-28-25 Pt.2 0261 0262 It is improper to ask people to build houses without tools,as there is no 0263 result without a way. The way of Mr Clayton is making games about shitting 0264 frogs,im not exactly sure what for other than for laughs which is probably ok-er 0265 than using meth. I do think peeps asking me to do stuff is like asking someone 0266 to dance without music. 0267 0268 If you have your priorities straight you will probably succede. 0269 0270 1-28-25 Pt.1 0271 0272 The Tirhankars used to be very tall then they shrunk. Rashaba Lord lived as a 0273 God then descended to earth after dying in the god realm,he missed his wife and 0274 many people wanted his wife but they found eachother again. Pain seems to be 0275 abstract,most times when people talk about pain they talk about 0276 feelings/regrets. I dont know if this is due to living in a painless society or 0277 human nature. 0278 0279 I saw an Orangoutang riding a golf cart on discord. I dont know what he was 0280 thinking as they do not have the capacity to talk. I think it is partly due to 0281 humans having abstract thought that people abstract pain out of suffering and 0282 replace it with abstract(emotional) pain. 0283 0284 He was probably just looking for bananas or something. I have yet to see a 0285 schitzophrenic Oranguatan,probably because they dont have abstract thinking. 0286 0287 0288 0289 1-27-25 Pt.5 0290 0291 Narak Probably looks like Hazbin Hotel and Huelluva Boss,lots of poo poo 0292 brains in a hellish society. Jain scripture talks about how different organisms 0293 sustain life. If you look at earth and see it you can write something Jain 0294 scripture. Very impressive stuff 0295 0296 0297 1-27-25 Pt.4 0298 0299 I saw a Deva-looking porcelain statue,I gave it to someone else,I was tempted 0300 to take the idol myself but I gave it away. The person really liked the idol. 0301 0302 The Tirhankars are ok because they are not Trump. They have no ulterior 0303 motives,they dont demand service. The Gods sometime try to tempt us so it's good 0304 I didnt take the idol. I forget,but there is a story where a man gets blessed 0305 against his will. He tried jumping off a mountian and landed in a lake or 0306 something. Pain truly is the freind of blessing,and vice versa. 0307 0308 You cannot loose values,only things. Someone said the Devas were messing with 0309 him,I would say it is best to not react to their advances,and ignore their 0310 curses. Those who send curses are dependant on the suffering of the target. If 0311 you dont suffer they will stop probably because they might get bored. 0312 0313 1-27-25 Pt.3 0314 0315 Windows is an 100$ paperweight that is attached to your computer. I bought it 0316 once but it still wants a microsoft account to use it. If I pushin-P PAID for it 0317 then I shouldnt need a Micro$hit account to use it. Its fine,imagine if MS-DO$ 0318 did this or a toy did this. I would ideally like to buy a computer off of 0319 amazon without an OS. 0320 0321 Like its one thing if you want to publish your app to the MS appstore or 0322 something but to fucking use a computer is insane. 0323 0324 1-27-25 Pt.2 0325 0326 Obama was the last good president along with George W. Bush sort-of. Trump is 0327 cool but he is not a good president because like a TV person,he does not see 0328 values,only entertainment for the target audience. I cannot say in clear 0329 consionce that trump is a good president for all americans. 0330 0331 1-27-25 Pt.1 0332 0333 When I was a kid I disliked when TV shows introduced new concepts as they went 0334 on as it felt like they hastily added something to the show. I dont watch TV 0335 anymore. I will look for a new job tommorow.I find that people whose world is 0336 composed of TV are very boring. 0337 0338 I find that life is like a TV show that introduces new concepts alot on TV 0339 like Trump,Biden,and Obama. Every 4 years we get a new concept. I would say that 0340 it is too rapid as they premise of the show changes alot too. 0341 0342 When I was a kid,I do not know what politicians where talking about. Now they 0343 talk about transgender children and gay people and other homosexual things. 0344 Obama kill Osoma bin Laben and everyone agreed it was good. Now people are 0345 divided by a less important issue(gayness). 0346 0347 The point is,the face of politics is always changing. Its weird. People need 0348 to understand values and not faces. 0349 0350 1-24-25 Pt.3 0351 0352 If an obligation of life is to share reality then you must not kill yourself 0353 as truth must be shared. Confession is good for this. Anyone claiming a middle 0354 ground is a poo poo brain. I thought of the n word when I saw a black person 0355 today. I listened to horrible music by Bruno Mars out of curiosity. aiwnios.com 0356 is for expounding notes on reality and truth. 0357 0358 I will do further research. Some people think about hilbert space,I think 0359 about rap, nigg*rs,poop,meth and the Jain Dharma. 0360 <2>0361 0362 0363 0364 0365 0366 0367 0368 0369 0370 0371 0372 0373 0374 0375 0376 0377 0378 0379 0380 0381 0382 0383 0384 0385 0386 0387 0388 0389 0390 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 0398 One day a very lustful guy fell in love with goddess,and they said they could 0399 not love a mortal. He still wanted to marry then so they told him he could 0400 become a god. He accepted,and was given a quest. He could travel in a boat,and 0401 make sure to travel to a fire to burn himself to become a drummer for the 0402 gods,sor he would die in a hurricane. 0403 0404 He choose the fire as a whirlpool would mean missing out on a trip to godhood. 0405 Meanwhile his freind who wanted him to stay on earth told him to give up his 0406 love for the goddesses to stay alive. 0407 0408 His freind later died and become a god too,he told the guy he was foolish and 0409 attained to fire death and thus become a servant to the gods. He was told about 0410 liberation from Mahavira Lord and then descended to earth to serve it,the man 0411 who gave him the boat was given a statue and he was given freedom from 0412 misfortune. 0413 0414 0415 1-24-25 Pt.2 0416 0417 NetBSD runs on the Nintendo Wii,you know where the story is going from here. 0418 0419 1-24-25 Pt.1 0420 0421 I am working on obese bull frogs. They will start out tiny but when they get 0422 big they will virutally unstoppable. They will cause earthquakes when they jump 0423 and be able to destroy stuff with their tongue when they get fat. I dont like 0424 making graphics on the computer,so I will consider buying a scanner. and 0425 writting a line tracing program. They will eat enemies so you will have to feed 0426 your bullfrogs. 0427 0428 I am more than serious about poopinfrogs. I dont like making graphics so it 0429 will be a day or two. 0430 0431 1-23-25 Pt.4 0432 0433 Even opposite colors create new colors when mixed. Good and Evil are weird 0434 when mixed,and are not tied to absolute states. 0435 0436 1-23-25 Pt.4 0437 0438 A muni asked his guru if he could wander elsewhere due to poo poo brains. 0439 After the question was delegated to Abhaya,he offered the people lots of gold 0440 and jewels but only if they could stay away from vices of the flesh. The 0441 villages then respected the muni. 0442 0443 Sometimes we hate retards until we see that they are kind in some way. One 0444 time a person(possibly retarded) explained to me how to make a NOR-gate in 0445 minecraft. I did not expected him to have knowledge of electronics and 0446 minecraft. I see lots of cool homeless people. 0447 0448 0449 1-23-25 Pt.3 0450 0451 The problem with America is no canonical source of morality. There are laws 0452 that exist on a federal level but no canonical morals. Everyone will compromise 0453 to taking a atom of pizza while no one has any of thier hunger taken away due to 0454 only having an atom of pizza. Equality is a lie. There is a reason 0455 power-heirarchies exists. I would say that a powerless king with canonical 0456 morals is ok. 0457 0458 Ants are lesser than humans,some humans are lesser than others by virtue and 0459 sensibility. Virtue is attained. I would not say all humans are equal,otherwise 0460 there is no order. Even those in the god realms have Indra Lord. 0461 0462 You may be thinkin I am likening humans to ants but this is not the case. I am 0463 saying people who lust for power are lesser than those who dont misuse it. They 0464 are not equal. Jainism does not advocate poo poo heading people in lower cast. 0465 0466 Trump is lesser than many becuase he is a hypocyte who pardoned the Silk Road 0467 guy but wages a war on drugs. He is a poo poo brain also. 0468 0469 1-23-25 Pt.2 0470 0471 Trump would be a good person to document his thoughts. Mahavira Lord had his 0472 thoughts documented. I feel that I am a nobody documenting his own thoughts for 0473 the amusement/education of others. You may wondering if there is any artistic 0474 value in this,I would say yes. I think Chris Chan is a poo poo brain whose 0475 thoughts are best documented for educational gain,I think the evil of "others 0476 finding amusement in a retard" is not a good enough excuse to stop documenting a 0477 historic artifact. The hypothetical evil is lesser than the actual evil of 0478 combating said hypthotical evil. 0479 0480 I think society measures evils by arbitrary standards. If you wear red,you are 0481 in a gang,therefore expell all red wearers. Children probably have no use for 0482 huns so dont give them guns. If no one speaks the truth,then everyone will 0483 forget it. 0484 0485 1-23-25 Pt.1 0486 0487 I stood still at work today for awhile. I was waiting for customers and 0488 thinking various mantras. Somone dropped chicken on the refridgerator and broke 0489 it sort of. I do not believe my co-worker is morally copable for breaking it 0490 despite overpacking the chicken to the point where it would fall out. If you get 0491 a papercut,is it the paper's fualt or the person who put the paper theres fault. 0492 Fault rests in intention. 0493 0494 He does a good job,I would rather work with someone who does too good of a job 0495 as opposed to someone to does too less of a job. I dont know why people here 0496 have a vendeta against him. 0497 0498 1-22-25 Pt.3 0499 0500 I have been saying the Navokar Mantra after I swear recently,if I remember the 0501 5-fold greeting and 4-fold refudge it is easier to not swear. Sometimes we go 0502 off the rails like KanYe. I used to imagine a gaint killing the people around 0503 them to rid the world of pain,bad idea. A simular story appears in Jain texts 0504 where an elephant destroys his hometown to rid himself truama then he realizes 0505 he caused more trauma. 0506 0507 A good person learns from the follies of others. 0508 0509 1-22-25 Pt.2 0510 0511 Im listening to Donda on Vinyl record. I like Donda,its a good album. I have 0512 to cook dinner in a bit. I like listening to Donda as its good and good for you. 0513 It shows a deep view into both kanyes world and our own world. 0514 0515 I should have been named something like "Gate to humility",but Donda is a 0516 better title. I really enjoy the humble and swear word free music on Donda. It 0517 really is good music. I emcompases mosts aspects of life like religion,family 0518 depression and happiness. 0519 0520 Matt walsh says that most Christian art puts the message before the product. 0521 This is not the case with Donda. It is a banger and also a wholesome expirence. 0522 0523 0524 0525 0526 0527 <3>1-22-25 Pt.1 0528 0529 0530 0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 0550 Someone was fucking with a server with the IP address of the USA server and 0551 was trying to SSH stuff. I disabled it,but I dont know what time,maybe the 0552 address got reused by a poo poo brain. Either way,I hope that my server provider 0553 doesnt poop on aiwnios.com. If aiwnios.com dissappears,It is not my fault. 0554 0555 0556 1-21(SAVAGE Day)-25 Pt.2 0557 0558 I was sending twice the traffic to TOOM Multiplayer. In SlimProx I inserted 0559 the clients twice in SlimProxAccept. With interpolation,I it runs ok despite 0560 runnin' in Japan. 0561 0562 1-21(SAVAGE Day)-25 Pt.1 0563 0564 Its 21 Savage day Pt.1. I am happy. I am going to work(volenterr) until 9am to 0565 4 pm wihout pay because I was asked to. I am practicing having a real job 0566 because I am a goofy. Retard is a bad word so I said a word that means the same 0567 thing so its ok. If you love your children,talk to them and dont diagnose them 0568 with autism at a young age unless they are obcessed with Sonic the Hedgehog 0569 porn. 0570 0571 I dont know why I was diagnosed with autism at a young age. Probably because I 0572 was an asshole but I cannot change the past. Meds are apparently a good 0573 subsitute for parenting your children. 0574 0575 Ill be frank. There was cleearly something wrong with me as I hated the evil 0576 in the world from a young age. I dont think it was autism. My parents would deny 0577 my depression and stuff. I didnt become a poo poo brain until I was depressed at 0578 like 4th grade. Later on I found religion which was a big help. 0579 0580 Having values as a kid would have been a good idea to,but the Jain Dharma is a 0581 reality claim so I would not say, "Jainism saved me" more than I would say 0582 "Apples are red". The first religion I was exposed to was Islam because I saw 0583 the Quran out of curioristy and read it. 0584 0585 Ill elloborate more later,I must go now 0586 0587 12-20-25 Pt.1 0588 0589 I want no attribution for my work on TOOM. 0590 0591 12-18-25 Pt.4 0592 0593 I found a bug with spaces in AiwniosTube. I will fix in a bit. 0594 0595 12-18-25 Pt.3 0596 0597 Food sounds good right now but I will not eat it now. People say "Dont listen 0598 to the voices if they are strong" to scitzophrenic people. I imagine this would 0599 be alot like hunger pains,the more you dont eat,the bigger the pain becomes. 0600 0601 Not eating right now is a 21 savage lit idea. 0602 0603 12-18-25 Pt.2 0604 0605 I will consider having a usa.aiwnios.com as a mirror of the content of the 0606 sexiest server on earth(aiwnios.com). The reason why is I want low latency for 0607 my TOOM multiplayer in America. I will do further research. 0608 0609 0610 0611 12-18-25 Pt.1 0612 0613 FreeBSD makes it easier to write bad (socket) code. You can re-use file 0614 discriptors when listening to on a port. I have no idea why. 0615 0616 I was forgettin to close the server sock on linux in SlimProx.HC. 0617 0618 0619 12-17-25 Pt.2 0620 0621 IHOS,International House of ShitPit. The shitpit hosted in Japan somewhere so 0622 its international. Pancakes are ok Jain food. In all honestly I never was into 0623 Japan as a kid,some of my freinds were anime fags. They would watch Japan shows. 0624 The only anime shows I saw as a kid were Blood+ and DeathNote on adult-swim at 0625 night. I would stay up all night to see adult-swim. I would watch King of the 0626 Hill and Robot Chicken. 0627 0628 I can watch a TV show and not know the names of the charactors. I would refer 0629 to the obese fat guy on family guy as "family guy"(Peter). I family guy lacking 0630 in depth. Lots of art are lacking in depth. I think south park is legidment 0631 social-political commentary while Family Guy is retarded. 0632 0633 There is a lot of culture I missed out on as a kid. I didnt watch Teletubbies 0634 and Elmo. It probably explains my lack of societal awareness. 0635 0636 I was not able to relate to others as a kid due to lack of culture.I think 0637 america is a strange place for culture due to lack of canonical morals. 0638 0639 I admire soldiers who fight so I dont have too. I think America is lacking in 0640 true culture as no one wants to be a soldier. No one seems to admire America 0641 except for Gun retards. Handguns are ok,Gun control(denying guns to mentally ill 0642 people) is a good idea. Any gun capable of doing lots of damage should be 0643 illegal to sell,but you can keep them. Tik Tok is banned is US. I find it hard 0644 to believe people are stupid enough to put goverment documents on TikTok. 0645 0646 12-17-25 Pt.1 0647 0648 I heard Tyler the Creator rappin about Syrup on the radio and the retard 0649 masters turned the channel. Retards arent allowed to sip purple drank I guess. I 0650 only did vapes like twice as a kid and I poured syrup into a cup,then I spilled 0651 that shit down the sink when my parents werent home. Im installin Linux on my 0652 new computer(Wubi-UEFI) 0653 0654 I will add bullfrogs to Poopin Frogs,I will make the things be able to grow 0655 for Bullfrogs. I will add shit turnips too. 0656 0657 12-16-25 Pt.3 0658 0659 I felt sleep and sick for a bit at work today. The manager isnt there alot of 0660 the time and it has been a few weeks since I had consistent breaks. I would have 0661 better material gains at McDonalds,literally. The last person who worked in a 0662 simular position in me was a loud poo poo brain who would complain about things 0663 all day. I would fear someone more dumb than me taking my posiition. 0664 0665 I fear if i quit someone who is a poo poo brain will take my spot. I do it for 0666 moral reasons not money ones. My co-worker told me they offer acceptance at KFC. 0667 I dont thnik she is lying. 0668 0669 12-16-25 Pt.2 0670 0671 I was working on TOOM multiplaya. I made it so enemies dont start active(they 0672 were seeing through walls). I was making it so enemy hashes are sent and 0673 compared against the server hashes,then the changes are sent back. 0674 0675 This leads to some weird situations but I dont care. I could use 2 hashes. I 0676 ordered the Set.HC file,I made them always sorted. I dont know if this is good. 0677 Only 1 item can appear in the set so sorting them makes it easier to tell if 0678 something is in the set. I could optimize some things(nope). 0679 0680 I dont know how good it is to keep a sorted set,an integer hash table (cuckoo 0681 hashing) would be good. The problem(?) is everything in tha level has a hash so 0682 I need to do it fast,I think it would be micro-optimization at this point. 0683 0684 Trump won again,I guess Micheal Jackson can rise from the dead and become a 0685 Thriller Zombie too. I he followed up the Bad album with Dangerous album,so 0686 maybe. 0687 0688 0689 12-16-25 Pt.1 0690 0691 5 More days till 21 Savage day. 0692 0693 12-15-25 Pt.1 0694 0695 When i was a kid it felt like people teleported into a different world when 0696 they played a game,they would talk like they were in the game. What did they eat 0697 and when did they sleep. Video games were their livelyhood. 0698 0699 I speak of pointers and compilers. Muslims pray before they go to sleep. They 0700 wake up then pray again. The only time i felt productive was when I was a 0701 muslim,but that was retarded. Your basically forced to get married or you arent 0702 following the sunnah(so you go to hell probably) in Islam. 0703 0704 Real people dont need children or wives. I do not need them. If God has common 0705 sense he wouldnt want me to have children because I am a retard and cannot care 0706 for them literally. I cannot look in the mirror and see a man so I best not have 0707 tardlets. 0708 0709 Admiting you are not responsible enough to handle something is better than 0710 assuming you are qualified to do so. 0711 0712 0713 0714 12-14-25 Pt.2 0715 0716 You may be wondering why I write here,its because I feel obligated to. People 0717 have an inate desire to express reality(at least for me). I think lots of people 0718 have a desire to express reality,and aiwnios.com is a good place for it. I do 0719 not see the need for lots of things,anything that doesnt need to exist is best 0720 left in the cosmic void. 0721 0722 Like seriously. Do you need a bulldoser to build a sandcastle. No. I dont need 0723 a proper "blogging" platform to express my notes on reality. Its too much. Both 0724 generate HTML,mine is just sexier. 0725 0726 0727 12-14-25 Pt.1 0728 0729 TOOM multiplayer may be delayed by like a day. I will need to debug things a 0730 bit more. If not by the end of the night it will be tommorow probably. Ice Spice 0731 is falling off. I wish she would have done something more lit with her the Y2K 0732 album. 0733 0734 Aiwnios does not need to be any faster if it is to remain readable(except for 0735 a "flat" pointerless IR). Dont expect massive gains. Im currently dd-ing a flash 0736 drive to a SD card so I can use my Raspberry pi. I dont remember what ARM 0737 extension has a Sqrt opcdode. 0738 0739 Im not a music artist but Ice Spice is lacking in depth,this is coming from a 0740 London Yellow and Rucka Rucka Ali enjoyer who likes songs about niggers and 0741 poop. 0742 0743 Tik Tok is represonsible for Ice Spice I think,people who want to dance to 0744 dumb 4 second loops like Ice Spice. 0745 0746 I do not care if people use Aiwnios. For the longest time I dreaded people 0747 using my software as it means as a good person I have to maintain it. I do it 0748 because I love compilers and religion and when you mix them you get TempleOS,and 0749 I love assembly language too so you bet your ass I love Aiwnios. 0750 0751 I am not an attention whore for my software. Use it or dont use it. I have not 0752 cognitive dissonance in saying that. 0753 0754 12-13-25 Pt.2 0755 0756 I was workin on Doom multiplayer,I will commit soon. I have like 3 things im 0757 doing now. I felt sleepy today. I will think of a way to speed up rendering 0758 using bounding boxes. 0759 0760 12-13-25 Pt.1 0761 0762 I will commit soon to the frogs engine,I will use this function in it. It 0763 tests if a line is in a box. Things in the game are flat,so i will it to test if 0764 the thing is in a cell. 0765 0766 This is a Cohen Sutherland bounding box/clippin algorithm 0767 0768 //https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohen%E2%80%93Sutherland_algorithm 0769 #define CS_INSIDE 0 0770 #define CS_LEFT 1 0771 #define CS_RIGHT 2 0772 #define CS_BOTTOM 4 0773 #define CS_TOP 8 0774 I64 CSOutcode(F64 x,F64 y,F64 tx,F64 ty) { 0775 I64 r=CS_INSIDE; 0776 if(Abs(x-tx)<.0001) 0777 if(Abs(y-ty)<.0001) 0778 return r; 0779 if(x<tx) 0780 r|=CS_LEFT; 0781 else if(x>tx+1.) 0782 r|=CS_RIGHT; 0783 if(y<ty) 0784 r|=CS_BOTTOM; 0785 else if(y>ty+1.) 0786 r|=CS_TOP; 0787 return r; 0788 } 0789 I64 PassesThroughTile(F64 tx,F64 ty,F64 x0,F64 y0,F64 x1,F64 y1) { 0790 Bool accept=FALSE; 0791 I64 oc1=CSOutcode(x0,y0,tx,ty),oc2=CSOutcode(x1,y1,tx,ty); 0792 I64 oc_max; 0793 F64 x,y; 0794 if(tx<=x0<=tx+1) 0795 if(ty<=y0<=ty+1) 0796 return TRUE; 0797 if(tx<=x1<=tx+1) 0798 if(ty<=y1<=ty+1) 0799 return TRUE; 0800 0801 while(1) { 0802 if(!oc1&&!oc2) { 0803 accept=TRUE; 0804 break; 0805 } else if(oc1&oc2){ 0806 break; 0807 } else { 0808 oc_max=MaxI64(oc1,oc2); 0809 if(oc_max&CS_TOP) { 0810 y=ty+1; 0811 xstyle: 0812 x=x0+(x1-x0)*(y-y0)/(y1-y0); 0813 } else if(oc_max&CS_BOTTOM) { 0814 y=ty; 0815 goto xstyle; 0816 } else if(oc_max&CS_RIGHT) { 0817 x=tx+1; 0818 ystyle: 0819 y=y0+(y1-y0)*(x-x0)/(x1-x0); 0820 } else if(oc_max&CS_LEFT) { 0821 x=tx; 0822 goto ystyle; 0823 } 0824 if(oc_max==oc1) { 0825 x0=x; 0826 y0=y; 0827 oc1=CSOutcode(x0,y0,tx,ty); 0828 } else { 0829 x1=x; 0830 y1=y; 0831 oc2=CSOutcode(x1,y1,tx,ty); 0832 } 0833 } 0834 } 0835 return accept; 0836 } 0837 0838 0839 0840 1-12-25 Pt.1 0841 0842 I spent alot of today working with atomics before deciding to use mutliple 0843 MAlloc arenas. 0844 0845 In ARM atomics are sane but X86 requires you to memfence or something. 0846 0847 If you look at the source code for Misc_LBts in ARM its lit. ARM will tell you 0848 when something doesnt go into RAM atomically(stxlrb will set a register on 0849 failure). 0850 0851 0852 _Misc_LBts: 0853 Misc_LBts: 0854 lsr x3,x1,3 0855 and x1,x1,0x7 0856 add x0,x3,x0 0857 .L_Bts_0: 0858 ldaxrb w3,[x0] //Reads are atomic 0859 mov x4,1 0860 lslv w4,w4,w1 0861 tst w3,w4 0862 cset x5, ne 0863 orr w3,w3,w4 0864 stlxrb w4,w3,[x0] //Will notify you if result wasnt stored. 0865 cbnz w4,.L_Bts_0 0866 mov x0,x5 0867 ret 0868 0869 In X86 it looks like this 0870 0871 0872 LOCK BTS [RAX],RCX 0873 0874 0875 You may be thinking tht the X86 one looks better,but i disagree. If you want 0876 to add and get the new result atomically,ARM will let you store the result then 0877 you can use the result. 0878 0879 X86 is dumber because with the LOCK XADD [xx],rr instruction it puts the old 0880 value in rr. 0881 0882 I was trying to do this today. 0883 0884 0885 //Cant do this atommically easily 0886 //Remove cn 0887 if(malloc_ptr-=cnt>=0) { //Subtract 0888 CMemUnused *ret=malloc_ptr+arena_slab; //Use NEW value 0889 } else { 0890 goto new_arena_slab; 0891 } 0892 0893 It is useful to read the new value when you add/substract beause many threads 0894 may have the old value. In this way ARM is better than X86. 0895 0896 0897 1-10-25 Pt.1 0898 0899 It is intresting to see how people change or dont change throughout the course 0900 of life. I think I have changed alot from when I was a child. I would classify 0901 living as a process. Bacteria are living as they have process. Anything that has 0902 process to a limited degree has a form of feelings. Bacteria probably dont think 0903 about much other that eating. 0904 0905 The difference between bacteria and society is marginal. Society does not 0906 think as it isnt concrete and has no body. I see peopled tend to float around 0907 society with no aim. If society had a concrete morality then it wouldnt change 0908 every year. 0909 0910 A cat chases the mouse,a dog chases the cat. Society chases people. Death 0911 catches them all. The point is,purpose is not found in the process of chasing. 0912 It is found in sitting for awhile. People who spend thier money on everything 0913 end up unable to buy anything. 0914 0915 I have guilt. As a kid I had a teacher who abstrascted all human sadness into 0916 4(?) catergories: hunger,lonliness, and other things. This is abstract and 0917 misses the point. If so,why do monks fast. 0918 0919 Society will make generalizations regarding the nature of reality. Hospitals 0920 dont cure sadness,they cure broken bones. Religion in america is not explicitly 0921 forbidden,the goverment isnt allowed to teach you about anything that smells of 0922 religion. I think that people are too anti-religion here. Growing up I had no 0923 concept of the Gods. Like I guess i entered an other dimension or something. 0924 0925 A problem with people is they assume that insane people use religion as a 0926 coping mechanism or something. I would say this is not always the case. I think 0927 it is more rational to say that they actually believe in God than that it is a 0928 cope. People dont die for copes. I think most religions are based on truth that 0929 requires faith. No truth==no reason for religions. 0930 0931 I think alot of how society is falling apart is due to lack of canonical 0932 morals,everyone is free to do anything but nothing is accomplished due to lack 0933 of focus on something. 0934 0935 1-9-25 Pt.1 0936 0937 It is important to have orthodox religious values when making assumptions(or 0938 even better no assumptions) about what the Tirthankars would say about todays 0939 issues. One time a guy who liked to ask questions asked Mahavir Lord about 0940 travel,he got no answer and thus he accidently commited heresy by saying "I 0941 think that the Arhat would not condemn travel and such an such". People who try 0942 to make answers of silence are bound to go insane. 0943 0944 1-8-25 Pt.1 0945 0946 Listen up,RUST is straight up using' FreeBSD 11 syscalls. I will piss myself 0947 before this is resolved. I was using RUST programs in MrChrootBSD and they were 0948 usin FreeBSD 11 stat. This includes some sexy programs like exa and starship. 0949 0950 1-7-25 Pt.3 0951 0952 Linux is soft of dumb,but it actually works. I use linux when im not using 0953 FreeBSD. I think the mentallity that everyone must use linux is dumb because 0954 like FreeBSD there is like no good software to run on it. Use windows if you 0955 want to be an artist or musician. Even TempleOS is better for graphics than the 0956 magic OS that has no canonical way of clicking things on the screen(XOrg or 0957 wayland,pick your posion). 0958 0959 All* linux distrobutions do the same thing. Ubuntu and Arch both run linux 0960 software,even tinycore linux runs linux software but "Holy Shit it runs in RAM". 0961 Opensource software is at least 15 years behind any other software for anything 0962 not releated to running text programs. 0963 0964 Name a widely used programming enviorment that lets you do graphics on 0965 Linux(?). Answer is probably C and SDL,or C++ and SDL,or PyGame(SDL and python). 0966 Name a canonical way to display a window in Linux. Name a canonical way to 0967 package software for the peguin. 0968 0969 Linux(outside of actually working and being faster than Windows) offers 0970 nothing over windows. It is dogshit. BSD is margianally better at being a 0971 canonical OS that has less retarded licensing. GPL is a mind virus when Stallman 0972 will make you his bitch. GPL should not be used for anything medical related as 0973 I dont want an opensource medical machine that is written by fat people who 0974 mastrubate to sonic the hedgehog. 0975 0976 Go use linux without propeirtary drivers and tell me how good mesa is. 0977 0978 0979 0980 0981 <4>0982 0983 0984 0985 0986 0987 0988 0989 0990 0991 0992 0993 0994 0995 0996 0997 0998 This is a joke ok. I dont think all linux users are fags but I do believe 0999 linux is a slightly better version of DOS. 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1-7-25 Pt.2 1005 1006 MrChrootBSD will need chroot(2) support. I am at the point I can run the sexy 1007 ftpd from within MrChrootBSD except for the most important part(chrootin into 1008 user directories). 1009 1010 This is going to be a ball buster because ill have to have seperate 1011 mount-roots for chroots and non-chroots. I will probably need to do reference 1012 counting or If i am lazy I can just launch MrChrootBSD in the chroot(2) 1013 directory. 1014 1015 1016 1017 1-7-25 Pt.1 1018 1019 Im sicker than your average trump supporter. 1020 1021 1-5-25 Pt.2 1022 1023 Some people think they are ugly,some people think they are pretty. In Rsahba's 1024 time people say a picture of a poor woman and thought she was pretty. This was 1025 Rsabha's wife in the God realms in a previous life. After seeing the image many 1026 men wanted to merry her,but the woman took a vow of silence until she found her 1027 true lover(Rsabha). We must not assume that we are too pretty or too ugly when 1028 we see reality. 1029 1030 1-5-25 Pt.1 1031 1032 There are stories of the Tirhankars and thier followers. I bow to the 1033 Tirhankars and their followers,the saved and the savers,the enlighteners and the 1034 enlightented. 1035 1036 Great poeple are know by know around them. An elephant does not give birth to 1037 a moose,and great person is not know by his enemies but his followers. 1038 1039 The Arihants were of great service to others,they dont demand glory. They did 1040 not demand serivce,they gave service to others who stories are passed through 1041 the ages. 1042 1043 1-4-25 Pt.1 1044 1045 1 time a woman was given a 1 pillared palace. The gods gave her mangos because 1046 they are yummy but one day they dissappeared. The kings servant was sent on a 1047 quest to find the theif and after being unable to find him,the kings servant saw 1048 a play. 1049 <5>1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 In the play a woman was given a palace,and a gardener wanted to marry her,so 1066 she asked her husband if she could remarry. The husband said yes. A woman found 1067 stolen fruit from the gardener but didnt eat them when she was told they were 1068 stolen. The theif who kindapped the woman did not harm her. 1069 1070 After the play they were asked,"Who did the hardest thing?". Someone said the 1071 husband did the hardest thing in sending away his wife,some said the hungry 1072 woman did the hardest thing by not eating the fruit. The theif said the theif 1073 did the hardest thing by not harming the woman. 1074 1075 1076 1-3-25 Pt.1 1077 1078 AI is kind of dumb,you are better off writing hand written routines. 1079 Regardless,I with frogs engine am working on making the enemies learn how to 1080 call crafted routines. Nueral netwroks are not easy to add parameters to without 1081 a dataset,which is hard with video games because there are no correct solutions 1082 that work always. 1083 1084 I will need to work on a "training mode" for the AI,this will reduce the 1085 overhead of the AI training "in-game". The next thing I will need to do i turn 1086 the nueral network into a fuzzy logic switch statement. Hopefully the fuzzy 1087 logic wont be too massive. This basically entails turning the learned inputs 1088 into a finite set of results. in a "compressed" manner. I will only have to 1089 account for encountered situations so it wont be that massive but still. 1090 1091 1-2-25 Pt.1 1092 1093 The dude once despised his life after giving everything up. He went to hang 1094 himself but the rope broke,he then went to cut himself but the knife was too 1095 dull,he went to jump off a mountain then he landed in a lake. 1096 1097 The lower gods then offering him the delusion to ignore his reality for 1098 awhile,and he accepted. It wasnt until he saw the delusion of the lower gods for 1099 awhile decided to confront reality as a holy man. What he used to despise (not 1100 having possetions) he now sought to do. It was then death struck him. 1101 1102 Sometimes we dont understand the things we do but only after we see the 1103 opposites we realize its value. 1104 1105 1-1-25 Pt.2 1106 1107 One day an elephant destroyed a village he grew up in because he saw sadness 1108 in it and wanted to get rid of the sadness. After running away from the 1109 destruction he had guilt for destroying his village and sought refuge in Lord 1110 Mahavir. Sometimes we are tempted to destroy sources of sadness when our 1111 judgemnet is clouded. It rarley works out good. 1112 1113 1-1-25 Pt.1 1114 1115 I was 21 Savage training my CSmartPoopMan's to flame up the hood(in 1116 PoopinFrogs). Be prepared next commit. I want to add more parameters. I use a 1117 genetic algorithm for training the retarded CSmartPoopMan's. Im not proud of it 1118 but it beats manually typing in paremeters .This is going to be a shit show. 1119 1120 I want to make it possible to command your gang to take over the hood. I like 1121 the idea of having the computer be smart but limited so you can outsmart the 1122 opps. I want to have activities in the game like growing Marijuna and stuff for 1123 money. 1124 1125 I will make the algoirthm on change activated nodes so that it doesnt loose 1126 informaion while "learning". 1127 <6>1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 12-31-24 Pt.1 1155 1156 Its straight up the last day of the year. I wrote some sexy divide code. I 1157 will show it later,I needed an U128 for Poly128. Today I pushed P with Frogs 1158 Eigne,I will write a debuger for SmallTalk code sometime soon maybe and I will 1159 make a memory profiler. I was making it so the "Smart" enemies can hide from the 1160 player. They just choose a spot where the player cant see them but its stupid. 1161 1162 I kind of want to make a good enemy AI that seems as smart as a player to play 1163 against. 1164 1165 12-30-24 Pt.1 1166 1167 Villians prey on the intentions of good people. An evil witch-like lady once 1168 plotted against a woman and man by inspiring love between. Them the love was 1169 forbidden so they sneakily marry each other. The witch-like lady incarnered as 1170 her son after the lady tried to eat her husband. 1171 1172 She then was forver burdened by the son,who was the witch in a previous life 1173 even though she tried to abdandom him,he was still with her. Whatever evil we do 1174 follows us. The Shitpit is like my deformed witch son. Self expression is the 1175 vhelicle of the witch, 1176 1177 1178 12-29-24 Pt.3 1179 1180 AiwniosTube Vlog 1. Virtue is a good investment. I will not eat more salt 1181 tonight. I feel that most open source poopware is glue software and it not 1182 useful except for building cool stuff with. 1183 1184 12-29-24 Pt.2 1185 1186 Vector math is pretty as long as it's 2D. I like being about to 1187 divide/multiply a vector to get its position. The only thing I dont like is 1188 normals. Today I used normals for Snell's law refraction(in water) for 1189 FrogsEngine 1190 <7>1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 12-29-24 Pt.1 1207 1208 The Tirhankars are the destroyers of Karmas. They do stuff,this is what they 1209 do. When praying to them instead of doing nothing but feeling I ask them to 1210 destroy my Karmas,I serve them(?) and they can serve me. I downloaded WSL. I 1211 enjoy windows on hardware that straight up runs it at a decent speed. 1212 1213 Im pumped to implement TLS(transprot layer securtiy) for HolyC. This is going 1214 to be lit so I cannot sleep. I dont understand how ChaCha20 is so epic. There is 1215 a position pointer in the ChaCha block so you can read a ChaCha20 thing like you 1216 read it like fread in C. 1217 1218 12-27-24 Pt.2 1219 1220 Power corrupts.I have power to think so I think about poo poo brain things. 1221 The purpose of community is keep eachother inline. Call it a cult but its true. 1222 Would you rather a society where a father can curse his son on the road in the 1223 city and not know it,or a society where people care for eachother and keep 1224 eachother inline. As a kid it seemed the world was absent because my parents 1225 wanted me to not shame them from the world. Drake says hes not hiding his kids 1226 from the world,but hiding the world from his kids or something. 1227 1228 The purpose of souls is to serve other souls. I said eariler that I have power 1229 and it is over myself mainly. I feed homeless people but I stil think abgout 1230 poop alot. There is a parasite in some ants that makes the ants climb up a tree 1231 then the parasite sends its seeds out. There is no parasite in me as I is the 1232 parasite. Any semeblence to the old "clayton" is gone,you can even say he never 1233 existed,he is a romanticized version of a person who never existed. 1234 1235 Clayton does good things and enjoys doing them, I do good things and not enjoy 1236 doing them. This is the turth. I think I have been living a lie so long that 1237 everyone thinks I am a fantasy person in real life. They love me when I feed 1238 homeless people. I said one time I do not enjoy doing this and they looked at me 1239 with suspicion. 1240 1241 It takes nothing out of a person to be good. It requires nothing. 1242 1243 12-26-24 Pt.1 1244 1245 At the start of writing the compilers,I was heavily attracted to Terry. I 1246 thought he was a gifted soul(i still do but to a non-dreamy extent). I view 1247 TempleOS as a complete system. It is simple,no C++ methods/namespaces/extra 1248 stuff. Its like a better version of C with a fine crafted runtime and graphics 1249 routines. 1250 1251 I like going through the hymms time to time,and I occasionally do tongues as it 1252 is a good practice to play around with. I have a freind who likes it to. I have 1253 been working with it long enough to learn alot of things. I learned alot about 1254 computers in general. If i ever did want to do anything productive,im sure i 1255 could do it. I learned about the nitty gritty of HTTP when I wrote a HolyC 1256 server,down to the e-tags and other cache stuff. 1257 1258 I feel that I live in my own world when in using TOS. I living in an anceint 1259 world where C is still dominant,and DOS is still a beatiful option,and no 1260 complicated APIs exist. 1261 1262 1263 12-25-24 Pt.1(Christmas) 1264 1265 Ho Ho Hoiwnios,Merry Christmas. I had a great Christmas. I got donda by Kanye 1266 West. I have lots of material possetions now,there was a song that was like "See 1267 through the material" by Terry Davis. I know what Hymm it is.Looking at the 1268 hymms is a good way to pppass time and reflect. 1269 1270 12-24-24 Pt.2(Jain Grinch) 1271 1272 There once was a pot bellied man who was a sinful man,after being bullied he 1273 became an ascetic. The king wanted blessings but wherever the pot-bellied man 1274 went there were curses. One day the nasty king said to his nasty looking 1275 son,"you are banished from the kingdom". And so the Jain Grinch was exilled,but 1276 not before giving one last curse: "I will be your downfall". 1277 1278 The king not knowing that he too was of Grinch mentality,died as his son did: A 1279 Grinch. The moral of the story is that those who expell Grinches are Grinches 1280 themselves. 1281 1282 1283 12-24-24 Pt.1 1284 1285 Im going to have to make save directories for AiwniosPack apps. In EXE and ELF 1286 the sexy stuff is at the start of the file,so you can put things at the end of 1287 the file like poop porn or Lily Phillips upcoming porn flick. I'll show you how 1288 to read data from the end of an executable. 1289 1290 #include <stdio.h> 1291 #include <stdint.h> 1292 #include <string.h> 1293 int main(int argc,char **argv) { 1294 char signature[9]; 1295 signature[8]=0; 1296 1297 FILE *f=fopen(argv[0],"rb"); //argv[0] is the program 1298 //Go to end of file,after placeing an offset/signature there 1299 fseek(f,-16,SEEK_END); 1300 fread(signature,1,8,f); 1301 if(!strncmp(signature,"PoopFrog",8)) { 1302 uint64_t off; 1303 fread(&off,1,8,f); 1304 fseek(f,off,SEEK_SET); 1305 //Read the data. 1306 printf("Got signature(%s) and offset(%d)\n",signature,off); 1307 } 1308 } 1309 Do This: 1310 1311 gcc ass.c 1312 printf "PoopFrog\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08" >> a.out 1313 ./a.out 1314 12-23-24 Pt.2 1315 Initiation of Candana1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 12-23-24 Pt.1 1345 1346 I feel like time spent living is time spent on drugs because I am not 1347 thinking. I will not eat for about an hour to punish myself. I feel like I have 1348 episodes of making homosexual remarks about the Grinch. 1349 1350 12-22-24 Pt.2 1351 1352 I used to imagine hell being trapped inside a computer without an operating 1353 system. Being trapped inside a modenr computer and being forced to find your way 1354 out will basically be hell. The punishment for saying the N word might be being 1355 struck inside of an X86_64 machine. In real Hell you get a concrete lifespan 1356 that will end. I would a lifetime in hell over finding my way out of a massive 1357 X86_64 machine. 1358 1359 12-22-24 Pt.1 1360 1361 I saw an amougus motherfucker on discord. 1362 <9>1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 12-21(SAVAGE DAY)-24 Pt.2 1378 1379 Why you should date the universe Youtuber. Jain doctrine does not put emphasis 1380 on the universe,let alone dating it. I have not dated the universe. 1381 1382 12-21(SAVAGE DAY)-24 Pt.1 1383 1384 Who do you love,or what do you love? People with ulterior motives love things 1385 and not serving others. The Tirthankars dont love things and hence cannot have 1386 ulterior motives. They are refuges and beyond that they are good entities. 1387 1388 12-20-24 Pt.1 1389 1390 People dont beat their children because they love thier children. The do it 1391 because they love themselves and want their children to please them. 1392 1393 I hear family is either by blood or who you choose to be your family. People 1394 will envy the archetype of blood family until they see poo poo brain family. 1395 Dont greive until you know what your greiving for. 1396 1397 12-19-24 Pt.1 1398 1399 Grab the hand-lotion,Aiwnios runs on RISC-V AARCH64 x X86_64. We need Aiwnios 1400 on raw hardware(FPGA). 1401 1402 12-18-24 Pt.2 1403 1404 Lord Mahavir encountered evil gods and they sought power over him. He had 1405 power over the evil Gods by doing nothing when they tried to trick him,the fangs 1406 of the oppressors broke from biting. Bigger computers wont solve your problems. 1407 A good progammer tries to make use of poopy hardware. Bigger computers have race 1408 conditions,that is the only thing they excell in. 1409 1410 12-18-24 Pt.1 1411 1412 I takes judgement to make people realize thier wicked ways. I am not judged 1413 enough. I feed homeless pum pums. One time a sexy man was seperated from his 1414 family from birth. He once wanted to score so he went to see women and then they 1415 cows told him about the woman he was about to meet being his mother . The cow 1416 caused him to think about his existence and he asked the woman if she was his 1417 mother. The mother was reluctant to say the truth. 1418 1419 Abstaining from judgement is a sin. If I see a homeless pum pum taking too 1420 much food and I dont do anything then I am denying judgement. I am not judged 1421 enough. Public confession is good. In heavens gate they would confess thier sins 1422 amoung each-other. 1423 1424 The issue isnt judgement itself but the methods of conveying it. Cows stare at 1425 me. They probably think I am a retard. 1426 12-17-24 Pt.4 1427 1428 Cows gawk at motherf-ers. Chris Chan is (alledgedly) lower than a cow. Just as 1429 a cow gawk tends to its calfs and gawks at the outside world. We too should try 1430 to be good and pay off the debt to the Holy ones. 1431 1432 12-17-24 Pt.3 1433 1434 People will use big and abstract words to condemn things they cannot refute 1435 otherwise. I heard that MAiD(Medical Assistence in Dying) is eugenics. Fuck 1436 personal liberty. Eugencis. Teenagers(im sorry children) being gay is 1437 pedophilia. The problem isnt the words themselves(factually acurate) but the 1438 misleading implications of the words being used. 1439 1440 If I say ,"Jimmy was a troubled child",that could mean he stole other kids' 1441 toys,or it could also mean he is a school shooter who was bullied. When people 1442 make abstract claims using vague and big words,ask them what exactly they are 1443 refering to. 1444 1445 NOTE: I watched porn at around 14. Probably because I was a teenager and it is 1446 better to watch porn than to impregnate someone by doing IRL sexual stuff. This 1447 is probably a good option. The argument "pixels arent true love" while factually 1448 true is probably a harmful message to send to teenagers because they might have 1449 sex in real life. 1450 1451 OPINION: Sex is onlu good between married people. Young adults are too stupid 1452 to be married,arranged marraiges are probably a good option as matured adults 1453 make reccomendations for unmarried people. The problem is the commericalization 1454 of sex. I dont think Card-B is a good example to follow. The purpose of 1455 tradition is to keep a fire alive and not to get rid of the fire which is 1456 stupid. 1457 1458 Divorce is ok. Arranged Marriages != Forced Marraiges. Family is a virtue. 1459 1460 1461 12-17-24 Pt.2 1462 1463 Sampling noise on top of itself seems to be a good way to generate good 1464 looking enviroments. I was working on house generation for FrogsEngine today. 1465 For multi-level houses. Ill make a fence and a tree/pool generator. 1466 1467 1468 12-17-24 Pt.1 1469 1470 I want to make a "Turf War" game with frogs engine. It will feature 1471 desctructable enviorments and collecting resources to build a gang and take over 1472 the neighborhood. 1473 1474 Im thinking you will collect wood to build houses,metal for guns and 1475 electronics for tech. I dislike video games because they are too "balanced". I 1476 want something exploitable as people play games to feel empowered. 1477 1478 In the atari game combat,there was a cancelled sequel with a level editor. 1479 Combat . I want to not do level editing in-game but have the neighborhoods be 1480 algorithmically generated and ready to destroy. 1481 1482 I could have varoom cars to drive in the hood. I like the idea of having a 1483 living world with police and random people that you can steal shit from. 1484 1485 1486 12-16-24 Pt.3 1487 1488 I am making a house generator for my FrogsEngine. Ill show you how it works. 1489 1490 1491 <10>1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 12-16-24 Pt.2 1550 1551 I am far from perfect. PoopinFrogs looks stupid but it took lots of work to 1552 get there. 1553 1554 12-16-24 Pt.1 1555 1556 Straight up got Austin Sierra's new TempleOS book. Ill read it soon. Micheal 1557 Jackson's Dangerous ablum is fire. If you can turn polically consious commentary 1558 into pop music you are a genius. Micheal Jackson will forever live in my heart. 1559 I like his pop music. Sometimes I wonder about fame. If I become famous will I 1560 have more freedom. 1561 1562 Micheal Jackson sings about fame and self improvement,while seeming like there 1563 is a void in his life. I feel this a void,and MJ did too. He died from taking 1564 too many drugs 1565 1566 I used to be able to listen to music and not understand the words. Like I 1567 would not hear words. Micheal Jackson opened my eyes along with Rucka Rucka Ali. 1568 1569 Every faucet of existence will drip art when humans inhabit it. This is my 1570 art called "aiwnios". 1571 1572 Stay tuned for PoopinFrogs. 1573 1574 12-15-24 Pt.2 1575 1576 Gosala put his penis in the mouths of various statues. I had dark thoughts 1577 before but I have never put my penis on a statue. Good thing crazyshit.com and 1578 efukt.com exist. 1579 1580 12-15-24 Pt.1 1581 1582 Seperation from others doesnt mean self-change. Rather it is going further 1583 your own path. I feel in life I have been wandering and denying my true nature. 1584 People would seperate me from human contact. It did not change me. There is no 1585 fixing me except by my own way. 1586 1587 Putting wine in a cellar only makes it age. Opening the bottle and letting it 1588 free makes it change 1589 1590 12-14-24 Pt.2 1591 1592 SSShut the fuck up SSSniperWolf.Subscrive to JJacksFilms.I will make retarded 1593 content for AiwniosTube. 1594 1595 12-14-24 Pt.1 1596 1597 My body is your political glory hole. 1598 1599 12-13-24 Pt.1 1600 1601 Whos briliant idea was it to use a FLAGs register in a computer. Intel 1602 Invented(?) it ,ARM made it optional,RISC-V removed it. Like in the 8080 days 1603 there were only 256 opcodes so it was ok but now it is retarded. Try writing an 1604 emualtor. I would rather stick my dick in a waffle iron than write an X86_64 1605 emulator. This could be a new porn plot for the the Porn Directory 1606 1607 NOTE: ARM still uses the flag register for conditional jumps but add doesnt set 1608 flags but adds does. 1609 1610 1611 12-12-24 Pt.1 1612 1613 Ethel Cain's music sounds like a person screaming into a microphone. I dont 1614 know what the words are. I was recommended some gay porn(?) on Youtube on 1615 Ethel Cains video. I feel the culture is taken so I will have to be my own 1616 culture. The purpose of (opinionated )speech is not to convey facts or even 1617 convince people you are right. Rather it is to show a flag signifing that "my 1618 ideas live here,someone come visit". 1619 1620 Chrisitian apologists talk to furrys/muslims/homosexuals with many words,but 1621 their words are mainly to proclaim that Jesus is here and not to actually 1622 convince anyone. The purpose is to find that one person who is already seeking 1623 Christ to find refudge. 1624 1625 The purpose of cultural discourse is not to reach a consensous of culture but 1626 to establish one's own existence in hopes that some other like minded 1627 individuals with agree with you.. 1628 1629 The purpose of Aiwnios.com is not to convince anyone of the Tirthakars' 1630 rihteousnes(which could be done by not saying "retard" or "nigger" probably)but 1631 to help nrootconauto find solice in himself as he is probably the only Jain(?) 1632 to find joy in saying "retard" alot. 1633 1634 See this cool work on art by James Hampton 1635 1636 12-11-24 Pt.3 1637 1638 Windows Terminal takes like 1/4. of a second to dump an entire screen of VT100 1639 colored text to the termianl. 1640 1641 12-11-24 Pt.2 1642 1643 People who live in caves have honor amoung cavemen. Programmers honor 1644 programmers. The Gods serve all. This is true honor. It is very rare to find 1645 someone who serves all and makes no enemies. 1646 1647 Make no enemies and serve other souls. Mahavir lost half of his clothes on a 1648 bush and wandered on disregarding his clothees. Someone found his divine 1649 cloth(from one of the Gods) and sold it and shared the wealth with his brothers. 1650 1651 What honor we have exists in our service to others and not in ourself 1652 1653 1654 12-11-24 Pt.1 1655 1656 The best favor I can ask from the Gods is for them to look at me. I am not 1657 worthy. I will not ask them to do my bidding. 1658 1659 12-10-24 Pt.5 1660 1661 I will probaby donate some stuff sometime. Good stuff. Great people have great 1662 freinds. Crack addicts have crack addict freinds. Being decisive is a virtue. 1663 Saying "Stop saying the n-word and using the retard word" sternly is a form of 1664 discernment. 1665 1666 People can kill until they feel remorse. I like the Tank man from China. 1667 1668 1669 <11>1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 Lord Mahavir would be proud of the Tank guy 1689 1690 1691 12-10-24 Pt.4 1692 1693 I will open a PornHub account for my TempleOS porn flicks. Anyone gooning to 1694 my porn is probably retarded. 1695 1696 12-10-24 Pt.3 1697 1698 In America everyone has rights. You are not favored above anyone else. This is 1699 called Kriyavada doctrine. If you are a retard you have the right to not get 1700 raped. Mental hospitals can take some of your rights .This is ok. 1701 1702 Retards are sometimes not allowed to sex because they are too retarded to 1703 understand consent. I am only half retarded then. My argument for this being 1704 good is that furries should understand that fucking dogs is bad. Just as a child 1705 desires forbidden cookies but isnt allowed (by the parents) to eat them,the 1706 child can understand their is a chasm between desire and intention. 1707 1708 NOMAP-s and people who support Cardi-B are literally retarded. I am also 1709 retarded but I am not a NOMAP or a Cardi-B WAP enjoyer. 1710 1711 Hatred wins,self hatred is called self control. People who love themselves 1712 masturbate to WAP. 1713 1714 12-10-24 Pt.2 1715 1716 The problem not saying the n-word(nigger) is that is was a tool of oppression. 1717 It was a useful tool,and like a hammer it can be used for good purposes and bad 1718 purposes. A construction worker in not a murderer necessarly,and a murder may 1719 not be a construction worker. 1720 1721 Tools are made to solve problems. "Nigger" is a good word for describing 1722 oppression. Cows and chickens have acquired nigger-hood status. People dislike 1723 to admit that they are oppressors so they will claim victiumhood for pointing 1724 out their hatred for niggers. 1725 1726 Nigger killers are the evil ones,not the blessed. It is sad to see that the 1727 nigger tool has become obselete. Matt Walsh will use "racism"(aka nigger-isms) 1728 as weapons. "Nigger"s are an archtetype of suffering. 1729 1730 They have removed religion from society therefore the only archetype of 1731 suffering we have are niggers. 1732 1733 Stop killing niggers. 1734 1735 1736 12-10-24 Pt.1 1737 1738 The problem with talking is opening your mouth allows for faggots to stick 1739 their penis in it. I will elloborate on Martyrdom and speech later. 1740 1741 12-9-24 Pt.2 1742 1743 The only thing I have to sacrifice(give away) is time. 1744 1745 12-9-24 Pt.1 1746 1747 Submission and domination are the 2 modes of a plagued society. Cooperation 1748 isnt the goal. Today I told someone while volenteer that we were closing but she 1749 really needed food and visibly was in pain. I would not say my manager is evil 1750 but cooperation(with the people) isnt her goal. 1751 1752 This makes me realize that people are submitters and dominators in america. 1753 Good people sell cures to domination,bad people dominate then sell cures. My 1754 hands are clean. I was submitting. 1755 1756 12-8-24 Pt.2 1757 1758 Knowledge is the way fanasty becomes reality. 1759 1760 12-8-24 Pt.1 1761 1762 I read the Quran like 3 times ,i once had the first 300-ish ayats memorized in 1763 english. The most retarded thing about Islam I hard to think define so I will 1764 make a list. 1765 -] Retardations of Islam 1766 1767 -] Nashk 1768 1769 Allah can "write-over"(Nashk) his own words or something. You can't 1770 condtracict yourself when you can just "replace" a concept with a new one 1771 1772 It goes like this: 1773 1774 If We ever abrogate1 a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We replace it with 1775 a better or similar one. Do you not know that Allah is Most Capable of 1776 everything? 1777 Quran 2:106 1778 1779 Also Allah says no one(Including himself?) cant alter his words 1780 1781 The Word of your Lord has been perfected in truth and justice. None can 1782 change His Words. And He is the All-Hearing, All- Knowing. 1783 1784 Quran 6:115 1785 1786 Allah seems to be capable of changing future events such as the food of 1787 hell? 1788 1789 they will have no food except a foul, thorny shrub, 1790 Quean 88:6 1791 1792 nor any food except oozing pus, 1793 Quran 69:36 1794 1795 Allah is magic so he can change past events as well. 1796 1797 So We saved him and his family except(implies that the wife is part of the 1798 family) the his wife. She was one of those who stayed behind. 1799 Quran 7:83 1800 1801 So We sent a sandstrom that destroyed them all except the family of Lot,whom 1802 we saved at the brink of dawn 1803 Quran 54:34 1804 1805 -] Produce something like the Quran or Allah is real 1806 1807 And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant,1 then 1808 produce a surah like it and call your helpers other than Allah, if what you 1809 say is true. 1810 Quran 2:23 1811 1812 Ok if we rephrase it to produce something better than it,lets fuckin go. 1813 1814 She took off her dentures and blew me 1815 Oh so gooey and so very great. 1816 I usualy beat it,mastrubate. 1817 Thanks to gradma im gettin that pussy today. 1818 Letter to Gram Gram 1819 1820 I only drink coadine 1821 Purple piss drops on the tiolet seat when I pee. 1822 Garentee you get high 1823 If you drink my pee. 1824 Its the coadine king,fentynal fein. 1825 I don't sell propaine 1826 1827 I seek refuge in Djilou from the wretched virus 1828 In the name of Djilou, the most Beneficient, the most Merciful 1829 Covid 1830 By the eradicating virus 1831 But they were surprised that it came to them from China far away 1832 So the infidels (Kafirun) said it was a stubborn disease 1833 No, rather it is certain death 1834 There is no difference today between the kings and slaves 1835 So hold on to science and abandon traditions 1836 And don't go out to buy wheat 1837 And stay home for it is a strong scourge 1838 And wash your hands with new soap 1839 Almighty Djilou has provided this truth 1840 1841 Surah Corona 1842 1843 Someone in the Night... 1844 Micheal Jackson 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 12-7-24 Pt.1 1850 1851 I am feelin sick today. The sun is in my eyes. Aiwnios.com offical doesnt like 1852 4B anymore. 4B is about castrating and killing men,which is not a Jain practice. 1853 1854 Free speech is a lie as abtract logic can make a person be morally copable for 1855 allegedy "implicit" speech. If I say "Im not really scared of death" then I am 1856 suicidal. If I say,"Islam is retarded" then I automaticaly hate muslims. 1857 1858 The point that people will stick their dicks in your mouth when I speak. No I 1859 am not describing sexual assualt here,im discusing free speech. Your fucking 1860 retarded if you think that. 1861 1862 Lil wayne is a better speaker than me. The point is not to convey raw truth 1863 but to market it for action amoung a population. *redacted* insurgents know this 1864 implcitly(?). 1865 1866 How will truth help me get my dick wet. It won't. Its a false question. When 1867 will people understand me,false question. The point is to make sure I dont kill 1868 myself so they continue sticking their penis in my mouth while I talk. 1869 1870 The problem with not commiting suicide is a problem with societal values. If 1871 you get raped then it is bad because rape victims have a tendency to kill 1872 themselves . But if you dont get raped then it is bad to kill yourself. 1873 1874 The problem is victimhood status. I got (mind-)raped but Allah,does that 1875 count? That may have been my imagination (mind-)raping me but it still hurts. 1876 1877 NOTE: I will not misrepresent facts. Suicide prevention seems to work(?). I 1878 thought that suicide re-attempt rates were higher 1879 https://means-matter.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/survival/. 1880 1881 1882 1883 12-6-24 Pt.1 1884 1885 New TempleOS Porn Flick here.MountFile("Porn"); Then have fun. 1886 1887 12-5-24 Pt.2 1888 1889 In the previous life of an Arihant,he once ate all of the food for the poor. 1890 He was then schooled on Dharma. I should make good art but this is too funny 1891 and relatable to be dismissed. Lord Mahavir's previous lifes show he had to do 1892 alot be become an Arihant 1893 <12>1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 12-5-24 Pt.1 1918 1919 IMPORTANT ANNOUCNENT 1920 1921 Aiwnios.com is a proud supporter of the 4B Movement. I(nrootconauto) am a proud 1922 supporter of anti-sexuality including no masturbatation in men. I think the 4B 1923 movement is good for both men and women. Women who dont permit men to engage is 1924 sexual activities is good for ending seminal genocide. I also like that women 1925 are becoming smart enough to oppose being inseminated. 1926 1927 I am not joking. I think this would be approved by munis if it wasnt so 1928 militant. It is too often I get accussed of not giving a fuck about women(this 1929 isnt an accusation its a fact). Women should not give a fuck about me either so 1930 its good. 1931 1932 The Digambar tradition holds that women cannot attain liberation and must 1933 become men. I would say this is true possbily. This is not misogynistic as the 1934 gates to Nirvana on earth closed about 2500 years ago so men cannot get 1935 liberated either. 1936 1937 The point is,it is good to see women hating men because it means they are more 1938 closer to holding strong ideals. The world does not need any more retards 1939 birthed out of vaginas. 1940 1941 For more information please visit: womad.life. Too bad I do not know Korean. 1942 1943 <13>1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 NOTE: Svetambar texts describe "Digambar"-like practices but Svetambar 1964 tradition says they have to have advanced knowledge of Jain texts that were 1965 lost. For example Akaranga Sutra says that monks should be naked(a Digambar 1966 practice) but holds that monks need to ascend to a certian level before doing 1967 this(where?). 1968 12-4-24 Pt.1 1969 1970 People obscure thier reality by focusing on things. There is beauty in unseen 1971 things. If I never listened to rap music I would not see beauty in rap music. 1972 Sometimes the most beautiful things are out of view. I think a view is valid 1973 when it isnt opposing the reality one lives in. 1974 1975 I see lots of messed up stuff. I saw efukt.com the other day and it was pretty 1976 lit. I dont know what people do in private. I only see efukt.com and meth-heads. 1977 I see lots of people who are weird(probably on drugs) and have gangster shirts 1978 on at work. Now that I think of it,they probably do some cool stuff. 1979 1980 I do not say meth-heads as a demeaning sense,I say it as a heuristic of the 1981 people I see. Some people are dumb and do drugs in the parking lot. 1982 1983 The point is,they have a beatiful life that is not to be dismissed. It is 1984 better to do drugs with freinds than alone literally. The purpose of souls is to 1985 server other souls. 1986 1987 12-2-24 Pt.2 1988 1989 A gift that gives the ability is greater than something created by an ability. 1990 I would rather have a computer than a phone. It is a virtue to feed people who 1991 can do good things once fed. 1992 1993 12-2-24 Pt.1 1994 1995 Vainity lives in humans,they speak not of Gods but of "how does this get me 1996 boobies and money". The man thus seeks to inseminate the world around him,but 1997 seldom seeks to be inseminated. The bible speaks of people who do weird shit 1998 like roast food over shit like Ezekial. Weak speakers speak to the opinion of 1999 other but do real speakers speak to Truth. I would say the True 2000 speakers(Tirhankars) speak to truth and not agendas 2001 2002 The purpose of proper discourse is to compile knowledge as per the doctrine of 2003 Svadvada. Truth is in itself inate and present in reality and hence is 2004 discovered and not marketed as a "monopoly of truth". Discourse is nothing more 2005 than 2 poo poo brains diving into the pool of ideas to see what is below. 2006 2007 Stuti 2008 2009 Talking poo poo brains. 2010 Diving in converstation depths. 2011 To see the bottom 2012 2013 12-1-24 Pt.5 2014 2015 The mind opposes getting bent by outside forces but loves to bend the world 2016 around it. 2017 2018 12-1-24 Pt.4 2019 2020 Akesios says you will get what you want. I want to say the n word out loud but 2021 I dont. Its improper behavior. I pray and perform Samayika. I do it because I 2022 want to have my hell penalty reduced at death for saying the n word and thinking 2023 it. Transcending oneself is good. Assuming you have transcended due to others 2024 work is not. I wrote a compiler. 2025 2026 12-1-24 Pt.3 2027 2028 Aiwnios.com will become the new shcokchan.com 2029 2030 12-1-24 Pt.2 2031 2032 I saw a racist Hindu(Ayran) on twitter. Skulls are a barrier to the outside 2033 world. It is a virtue to have true conviction and have a thick skull. He was not 2034 open-minded to the point where his mind would fall on the floor. 2035 2036 I am a retard so one time as a kid I wanted candy and my mom recomended that I 2037 get the cheap candy. I said no and the store person said "He is a man who knows 2038 what he wants". Only if this seemed true still. 2039 2040 My parents would give me things to please me. Dont do it,the one thing they 2041 never gave was love. Probably why I am so fucked up. 2042 2043 I say Ayran as Hindu is a white person word for Indians. 2044 2045 Truama only manifests itself after the fact. I have trauma probably but I dont 2046 know for sure. There is truth to saying,"the best years of my life are the 2047 worst". I dont know if it is better than have a consensous that you are in pain 2048 or to be your own pain and have everyone deny it. 2049 2050 12-1-24 Pt.1 2051 2052 A HaikuOS port of aiwnios might be coming. We need to talk about goatse.cx. 2053 Shit just got biblical. The world's notorius prolapse has emerged as the origin 2054 of epicness and the Oracle of the Gape. It fucking sucks that only 258 people 2055 shared the asshole pic on LinkedIn as of today. 2056 2057 HaikuOS wont let me do cool shit like query the virtual memory space in 2058 userspace. 21 Not lit. 2059 2060 Dont brag if you havent done anything notewothy. Lil Wayne went to collegde. 2061 His word play shows it. Rap is art. 2062 2063 11-30-24 Pt.1 2064 2065 I tried haikuOS and but there is no decent web browser so I cant clone my 2066 compiler. 2067 2068 11-29-24 Pt.5 2069 2070 Dont forget who you are praying to,its not about all self reflection. If that 2071 was the case religion could be found in a mirror. Its about pleasing and being 2072 pleased by the Tirthankars 2073 2074 11-29-24 Pt.4 2075 2076 I feel guilt for the things I say,but I will also feel guilt I allow the 2077 things I think to not be orally transmitted. I would rather die a dishonoured 2078 and honest person than a respected liar. I feel guilt. 2079 2080 11-29-24 Pt.3 2081 2082 I redacted (changed the wording) of today's pussy grabbing entry to not sound 2083 so bad. I dislike when people sell obscenity as "politely worded jargon". Grab 2084 'Em by the PUSSAY(Consentually). It is not obscenity as it has polical meanings 2085 to it and also Prump actually bragged about consentually grabbing women's 2086 pussies. 2087 2088 If I get sued for stating facts and freedom of speech Im going to be fuckin' 2089 pissed. The 2 good things Prump did was pardoning Lil 'Wayne and killing the 2090 ISIS retard. 2091 2092 11-29-24 Pt.2 2093 2094 People make rituals to deepen themselves in religion. I feel like I had true 2095 holy mentallity awhile ago but I lost it due to poo poo sauce(meds). If suicide 2096 is bad becuase it means giving up(an abstraction on death that does not 2097 accurately convey the trajedy of suicide) then I have given up by taking meds. 2098 2099 I dislike when people make secular reasons for holy claims. 2100 2101 -] Claim 2102 2103 -] Abortion 2104 2105 Said: Abortion kills babies which may do good things... Abortion against 2106 retards is eugenoics... 2107 2108 Meaning: God gave a soul(?) to a fetus and it's murder. 2109 2110 My Opinion: A fetus is a 1(?) senses organism with no brain so it is better 2111 to kill it before it matures and has a brain. 2112 2113 -] Porn 2114 2115 Said: Porn leads to exploitation of women... 2116 2117 Meaning: God doesnt like adultery 2118 2119 My Opinion: Porn is only bad because it is unrealistic. The depth of the 2120 human soul isnt as deep as the assholes that get fisted. PornHub's search 2121 feature also sucks so I cannot find real porn. 2122 2123 There is also more to life than romanitic relationships. 2124 2125 -] Transgenders 2126 2127 Said: Transgenderism normalises pedophila(or something)... It harms people 2128 who transition. 2129 2130 Meaning: God doesnt like it. 2131 2132 Deut. 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, 2133 neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are 2134 abomination unto the LORD thy God.) 2135 2136 My Opinion: Remove the stigma around "harmful activities"(its not self 2137 harm,its no diffent than smoking). 2138 2139 The difference between self-harm and transgendering is the intention. 2140 2141 If you accept that people should be permiteed to do self-destroying things 2142 like smoking or other dumb activites,and keep goverment money out of it,then 2143 you will see that people listening to rap music as kids then getting 2144 imprisioned is probably a bigger issue. There are 1000 bigger issues than 2145 transgenders. 2146 2147 2148 2149 11-29-24 Pt.1 2150 2151 I will do research into the Art of Pussy grabbing. Donald Prump said "when 2152 your rich,they let you Grab Em by the Pussy". Trump is a proud consentual pussy 2153 grabber. He would never grab a pussy without permission. 2154 2155 I am sick of women calling Trump a misogynist. He consentually grabs pussy. If 2156 it was my pussy I would be glad that Prump grabbed it. I should open a gofundme 2157 for my transition so I can get grabbed by Prump(with his consent). 2158 2159 Second thought,I will need Prump to consent to grabbing my pussy so Im kind of 2160 fucked. 2161 2162 2163 11-28-24 Pt.1 2164 2165 Today marks the day a retard named Chrsitopher Columbus discovered America and 2166 ate a turkey. Too bad there are no true Indians here,only native Americans. 2167 Columbus went out to find India. What a fucking retard. If America was run by 2168 Dharma man that would be a blast. I dont know who is more retarded,the white 2169 wacko who made peace through a turkey or the people who though it was a good 2170 idea to eat it. 2171 2172 Maybe there were some genius-level native Americans who did not eat the 2173 turkey. 2174 2175 11-27-24 Pt.1 2176 2177 Lil Wayne is a great rapper. I liked his "Funeral" album. I like SoundCloud 2178 due to the lack of DRM. I cant listen to the funeral album,so ill have to listen 2179 to "Sorry 4 The Wait". I like his face as he raps. A true craftsman makes his 2180 art look easy. I will rap sometime. I liked one of his lyrics were he said his 2181 problems were a dream and he woke up to become your nightmare. 2182 2183 Culture is Super Mario,Lil Wayne. It is a great culture. I feel like an alien 2184 in my own culture. 2185 2186 11-26-24 Pt.2 2187 2188 This one woman said she was crazy. At least she is honest. Today I went and 2189 got food for the place I volenteer at. You may be wondering why this is 2190 important. If you want important,you will find nothing of the matter on this 2191 site. The only thing of importance if process. Liberation from pain is a virtue. 2192 Everything in life is optional and not important. 2193 2194 Prisioners have no process,it is important they find something to do,like 2195 doing un-important things like playing cards or something. 2196 2197 I choose optional things I guess,or maybe they are choosen for me. I see no 2198 importance in them. 2199 2200 11-26-24 Pt.1 2201 2202 Living is a drug that makes me feel intoxicated. I feel like I am only 2203 existing during prayer. I cannot keep calling the computer a "retard" or a 2204 "nigger" IRL without guilt. As I said,life is a drug and prayer is reality. 2205 2206 Psychological trauma seems greater than pain expirenced in the path. I dont 2207 know why. I once poked my below my eye but it doesnt pain me now. 2208 2209 11-25-24 Pt.3 2210 2211 People conflate devotion with going dumb. Devotion could be writing or 2212 studying cool stuff. Or making paintings 2213 2214 2215 11-25-24 Pt.2 2216 2217 NOTE: Im pretty sure Chris Chan had a "backpage" profile,he was "Carlos 2218 Chantlor" or something 2219 2220 11-25-24 Pt.1 2221 2222 I have no mother or father figure in my life. My dad told me I am on the 2223 spectrum but my therapist told me I am Austistic. I think that I am autistic. I 2224 wish sometimes I wasnt because I am a retard. I am too retarded to be afforded 2225 moral copability for my failures in life and a "helping hand" is mandated. I get 2226 paid 8 hours a week for working 9-2 everyday so I make about 1/3 of what I work 2227 because I am a retard. Women offically have it better than retards which is ok. 2228 2229 Its not slavery,its me being a retard who volenteers more than he works. I am 2230 "praciticing" working because I am a retard. I could easily work a real job 2231 probably. I have been doing this for more than 2(maybe 3) years. I could have 2232 made more money at McDonalds and possibly be able to do non-retarded things with 2233 the money like order prostitutes or something. In high school I heard about a 2234 website called backpage. 2235 2236 2237 11-24-24 Pt.2 2238 2239 People will kill then sleep peacefully. I sleep unpeacefully. I feel guilt for 2240 being a poo poo brain. I feel guilt when looking into my fish tank and seeing 2241 creatures swiming around aimlessly 2242 2243 11-24-24 Pt.1 2244 2245 Windows has a 32bit and 64bit registry. I had to use SetRegView 64 on NSIS to 2246 set the install directory while packagin' Aiwnios for windows. I had a dream 2247 there was a rap guy. 2248 2249 11-23-24 Pt.2 2250 2251 I saw cool people working in the factory https://walzr.com/IMG_0001. I want to 2252 go work in a factory where I can do manual labor. I could met some nice people 2253 in the factory I suppose. I dont like towns. I like cities because they have 2254 lots of cool people who like swag. 2255 2256 Towns are too condensed. I dislike them and there are no Jain Temples in 2257 towns. Its weird because the ascetics wouldnt like cities because they were in 2258 the woods seeking liberation. The poor has morphed into city people. 2259 2260 2261 11-23-24 Pt.2 2262 2263 Society requires a consensus of values to be a society. If no one knows how to 2264 speak or interact with each-other then it is poopy. This is why societies have 2265 councils of people who think about how to do things. In Burger-istan(USA) they 2266 do what the vague and undefined "people" want the politicians to do. 2267 2268 A goverment should be ruled by morals. Someone who strugles with morality is 2269 greater than someone who denies morality's existence althougter. Without a 2270 concrete morality you get sufferering. The naysayers will deny the suffering and 2271 call me a "Nigger Rights Advocate" if I lived in the 1800s. I love most black 2272 people. They talk cool(as a hueristic). 2273 2274 11-23-24 Pt.1 2275 2276 Oral traditions are how knowledges reaches you. They say the Quran is God's 2277 word but it has not been orally transmitted in a coherant manner. There are 7 2278 canonical recitations of the supposedly most holy bookm ever. I think Islam is 2279 retarded due to having no teacher-student/preist-student type of deal. If you 2280 think God elected you to go apeshit then its fair game I guess. 2281 2282 In (Orthodox and Catholic) chruches there is a power heirarchy that is 2283 described as the "rock of peter" or something. You are not allowed to go apeshit 2284 without permission from the Church so it is good. It makes no sense to deny oral 2285 tradition and "jump the gun" because you think God wants you to go apeshit. 2286 2287 Jainism is an oral tradition. I bow to the teachers,but I think I might be 2288 doomed to go a little apeshit because I havent found a teacher. I do not read 2289 "too holy" scripture because I dont have a teacher so I am eating whatever 2290 breadcrumbs I find. 2291 2292 11-22-24 Pt.1 2293 2294 The Shitpit makes people smile I hear. I am working on an AI for TempleOS. I 2295 dont know how it will be useful. There was once a guy who would go around and do 2296 graffiti. He made people happy with his graffiti. Spray painting the nigger word 2297 on your local KFC is a great way to spread joy distrubed souls. I say that the 2298 purpose of graffiti is not for attention,it is for self-validation. When you 2299 spray paint "I was here" it serves as an expression of reality to oneself. 2300 People like to express reality. Thats why the anceints wrote epic stories. 2301 2302 I am dumb so I will be the kind of guy to spray-paint "Gourmet Nigger Chow" on 2303 KFC. I dont know if this counts as artistic expression though. Tik Tok is made 2304 so people can express reality. I wish the bar-to-entry to taller so we dont end 2305 up with mass-retarding of girls on tiktok dancing. I think it is boring to see 2306 instagram because PornHub is better for seeing sexy women. PornHub's search 2307 feature is dogshit though. 2308 2309 11-21(SAVAGE DAY)-24 Pt.2 2310 2311 If I miss a 21(SAVAGE) day im probably dead or in a mental hospital 2312 2313 11-21(SAVAGE DAY)-24 Pt.1 2314 2315 I cant figure out clipping so it's back to ray tracing. Perhaps ray trace 2316 every block jk. That is dumb. It's hard to render cordnates behind the camera. 2317 Abandoned renderer. The problem is lines that are partially behind the camera. I 2318 dont know. I cannot help myself here. I spent a night and today trying to figure 2319 it out. See DrawQuad. 2320 2321 11-19-24 Pt.2 2322 2323 Half-Life 2 got updated. 2324 2325 11-19-24 Pt.1 2326 2327 It is a virtue to set limitiations with oneself. I will try to not think about 2328 the n word for awhile. I sometimes write on my leg about the things I think for 2329 the morning. I will write to get tough with customers who are poo poo brains 2330 because it is my job; I am too nice. 2331 2332 People represent faith through the flesh. What you get is sometimes confused 2333 because reality is confusing. KanYe is a good example of a confused person like 2334 me. The desire for truth is a quest and we must sacrifice to go on a quest. Just 2335 as thorns grow on a rose,a quest for truth comes with pain. The difference 2336 between an rose and truth is that you may not like what you find. 2337 2338 There is 2 selfs,the self I see and the self others see.No one thinks I think 2339 evil things. I think people find it jarring when I open my mouth. I remember one 2340 time I was "Pushin P/retard faggot"(or something) and someone(who I seen on the 2341 road) who was going to work at my retard house heard it an I dont know what she 2342 thought about it. She said Aiwnios looked like DOS. 2343 2344 11-18-24 Pt.1 2345 2346 I saw Mexicans at work who didnt know english. Donald Trump might deport them 2347 if they are illegal aliens. I am thinking that the law regarding aliens can 2348 exist but not be enforced. If a parent says ,"Dont get a girl pregnant at 16 or 2349 I will disown you" then he does it,it would do no good for the pregnany girl 2350 and the retarded son if he is disowned and made homeless. 2351 2352 It would be unethical to say "Go get a girl pregnant at 16"(or implicitly 2353 allow it) and it would be unethical to disown a retarded son who got a girl 2354 pregant at 16. Both are bad options. The best option is to have a rule and not 2355 enforce it unless the son is extra retarded and gets 2 girls pregnant 2356 2357 I cannot solve the mexican problem but the best I can do is serve them with a 2358 smile. 2359 2360 11-16-24 Pt.2 2361 2362 Gay people are entitled to rights. I think it is good that gay people are the 2363 most pressing issue in political discussion,but I am ashamed that World War 3 2364 might happen and gay people are the bigger issue. I am glad we have Donald Trump 2365 as the next President 2366 2367 2368 11-16-24 Pt.1 2369 2370 People will say they admire others until they are forced to do admirable acts 2371 themselves. There are people who do dismiss virtue as "poo poo brain mentality" 2372 while having nothing admirable about them. 2373 2374 Victimhood is a curse and not a virtue. It seems people who deny virtue can 2375 only see victimhood and not heros. Tragedy is trajedy and must be cured by 2376 virtue. 2377 2378 Have you pained yourself. It is hard to do. I bow to those who do things I 2379 cannot do. Retards condemn soldiers who fight for their freedom because they are 2380 retards. They say ,"This isnt for me". They are right,virtue isnt for retards. 2381 2382 Jake Paul informed me about Kamala Haris's retarded plot against men. She is 2383 deviod of virtue as she said that the goverment does not make laws against men. 2384 She is a retard because the selective serivce is one and a big one. 2385 2386 Infanticide (aka abortion) is a bigger issue for her. She is deviod of virtue. 2387 2388 Good people dont ask for favors. Still I wish to be in their company. There 2389 was once a really bad guy named Dremoh but he was a charistmatic dude who was 2390 funny. He would steal people's Steam accounts but he was funny.Despite this I 2391 still admire him for some reason. 2392 2393 The point is,people who serve do it for virtuous reasons,unvirtuous people are 2394 not laypeople,they are the deniers of virtue. 2395 2396 Go serve homeless people before whinning about a womans right to commit 2397 infanticide at the expense of starting wars you dont have to fight 2398 2399 11-15-24 Pt.1 2400 2401 In shcool they seperate boys and girls when teaching them about puberty. 2402 Society is a gaint shit pit where people are seperated when giving teachings. 2403 Muslims have Mosques,Christians have Chruches. Society has not matured past 2404 pubery. I will say that Islam is retarded,but the outside world does not see 2405 this due to seperation. 2406 2407 Jainism is a peaceful religion. Go read the Quran before discusing Islam. The 2408 Qurans reads like it was written by someone who cant read the Bible,but it 2409 trying to rewrite the Bible. Thats why it feels "natural" to people who havent 2410 read any other religious text. 2411 2412 The Quran makes no sense. The sadistic Allah entity will torture you forever 2413 for not believing in him. The morality is black and white. Basically "dont kill 2414 others,Muslims" the verse condemning murder only applies to other Muslims. 2415 Stealing is a big sin too. 2416 2417 The Quran's only big selling point is that it is the "true religion" and thats 2418 why people believe in it. 2419 2420 Jainism's canon reads like an instruction manual for not killing things in 2421 some places and a story book in others. Canon is what remains from the 2422 Tirhankars,but there is less empathsis on canon and creating new scripture is 2423 ok. It is an "oral tradition". Islam is also an "oral tradition" but denies it 2424 because "it is from Allah end of story". 2425 2426 The Quran is actually not a (single) book,it is 7 canonical readings of a 2427 "single" text that no one knows how to recite. 2428 2429 2430 11-14-24 Pt.1 2431 2432 I dont know if it is worth it to feed homeless people. Do you feed them,no? I 2433 have no reason to but I do. I dont know if Kanye does charity work. He has lots 2434 of money. If I loose my job it will be good for me. They say its good to dance 2435 in the rain. It is good to enjoy the pain. If I am homeless and want 2436 food,yelling "NIGGER" in Walmart(TM) is a good way to get arrested and get food. 2437 2438 I feel the effects of moraltality and improper action. 2439 2440 11-11-24 Pt.2 2441 2442 I have a poo poo brain mentality. The deeper symtoms of it involve poop. 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 <14>2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 11-11-24 Pt.1 2473 2474 I censored Shit Trump. I may make a "dumb terminal" DolDoc thing with 2475 GrTextBase. I found a breadboard at work and Im excited. 2476 2477 11-9-24 Pt.2 2478 2479 True guilt is action. People measure internal feelings by action. A movie 2480 where people think would be boring. 2481 2482 On TV there is a show called catfish where people pretend to be someone else. 2483 This is sad. Thier relationship never leaves the "thought" stage. Thier 2484 relationship is fundamentally not real due to lack of action. 2485 2486 I think alot. 2487 2488 11-9-24 Pt.1 2489 2490 /* Whoops censored again */ 2491 2492 ChatGPT says: 2493 2494 2495 In the United States, there is no law that specifically prohibits drawing a 2496 public figure, such as former President Donald Trump, in a pool of poop or in 2497 any other form of artistic expression. The First Amendment of the U.S. 2498 Constitution protects freedom of speech and expression, including artwork, 2499 unless it crosses into areas like defamation, obscenity, or incitement to 2500 violence, which would have legal consequences. 2501 2502 So, in general, you have the right to create such an artwork. However, it's 2503 always a good idea to be aware of potential defamation laws or the context in 2504 which you're publishing or displaying the work, especially if it could be seen 2505 as harmful or offensive. Defamation refers to false statements that damage 2506 someone's reputation, but as long as the work is considered artistic expression 2507 and not making false or malicious claims, it's likely protected. 2508 2509 If you're planning to use the image for commercial purposes, keep in mind issues 2510 like copyright, trademarks, and potential harm to reputation, which could invite 2511 legal scrutiny in certain contexts. But as far as free speech and artistic 2512 freedom go, such a drawing would likely be legal. 2513 2514 2515 11-8-24 Pt.2 2516 2517 Kim Jong X Shit Crossover coming soon. People talk about how good 2518 vulnerability is. I am vulnerable. I think about shit and draw pictures of shit. 2519 If the goverment is watching my vulnerability will grow into reality. Fuck it. 2520 2521 I am sick of people only being depicted vulnerable in fiction. On TV you see 2522 depictions of the violatile nature of human existance,but people cannot rarley 2523 tell their true feelings of vulnerability in real life. I want to change this. 2524 2525 I dont know if it is ok(er) to be deranged and not express it or to express 2526 it. Like if some retard does a sin then doesnt actually realize it's wrong,is it 2527 best to call him a retard or try to convince him he is wrong. I deal with people 2528 at work like this sometimes. 2529 2530 I am in error for drawing the Trump X Shit crossover. I am simply drawing what 2531 I think onto reality. 2532 2533 2534 11-8-24 Pt.1 2535 2536 Trump X Shit crossover. 2537 2538 <15>2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 11-6-24 Pt.2 2568 2569 I feel paranoia regarding morality. I think bad things but I dont express them 2570 to others. It has been said others think bad things,so its ok. This may be the 2571 case but it does not justify my bad thinking. I think about the n word and 2572 stuff. I dont know what others think about. 2573 2574 11-6-24 Pt.1 2575 2576 I saw a video on Youtube about women in prision. Movies tend to focus on the 2577 relationships of a person or things that most people can relate to. I feel 2578 paranoia when turning a facuet for water sometimes. How do you convey hunger on 2579 TV. You cant,you can easily convey the interactions between people on TV. 2580 2581 I feel I isolated and paraniod because I dont think about relationships. 2582 Fredrick Douglas who escaped slavery probably didnt care about relationships 2583 while on the run from his slave-owners. He probably felt paranoia for his own 2584 saftey. I feel this every day. I fear the med people and customers. 2585 2586 If my life was a movie which it wont be,I would imagine how one could convey 2587 the sense of social poo poo-ness present in me. I bet animals feel paranoia and 2588 not safety mostly. 2589 2590 2591 11-4-24 Pt.1 2592 2593 BUSSY means butt and not pussy. I am sorry for spreading misinformation 2594 regarding Trump grabbing em by the Bussy. I thought it meant (on discord) pussy 2595 because if I say PUSSY i might get banned. 2596 2597 2598 11-2-24 Pt.2 2599 2600 In MrChrootBSD I wait(2) for syscalls to end. When doing this a SIGKILL and 2601 it's homies may come while waiting for a syscall to end. This is a minor fix but 2602 still a ball buster. 2603 2604 11-2-24 Pt.1 2605 2606 Your new fav linux Distro, yiffOS.gay. I dont hate furries,I wish there was 2607 more info. The dude is also making a cool MacOS OS system for PowerPC machines 2608 2609 11-2-24 Pt.1 2610 2611 I did some savage optimizations on the FrogsEngine,I have removed a sort of 2612 "trampoline" function. I dont use ... to often,I use a pointer to the arguments 2613 for drake Massive speed gains on RISC-V. Im writing a RISCV-Assembler for 2614 aiwnios,it will be 21 Savage lit. ARM assembler will be a ball buster,but I have 2615 the opcodes in a CSV file. 2616 2617 I will write things on my leg during Samayika so I dont forget them the next 2618 day. I sold like $15 worth of stuff at work. I am too nice so I make good deals. 2619 I make deals that are too good(for the customer). I doubt the boss would like me 2620 selling things for cheap sort of. The prices are not exactly defined so I dont 2621 know sometimes. 2622 2623 I find reading scripture during prayer to be a good thing to do. Terry kept a 2624 text he read from that wasnt the Bible. I cant blame him,I cannot fit the whole 2625 of reality on my mind,but a book can(or at least most of it). 2626 2627 There was this negrophobic Indian guy on club cyberia who took intrest in my 2628 RISCV-assembler. 2 days ago I dressed up as a wizard for halloween. I went to 2629 the gas station to get tea on halloween and they were dressed as farmers. 2630 2631 I heard that the abstractions that people make regarding morality are what 2632 defines them. I'll draw: 2633 <16>2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 10-31-24 Pt.1 2668 2669 Assholeian fuck poodles. Awhile ago I bought 2 1000 on amazon. 2670 2671 The time has come,time for me to buy this fucker once and for all 2672 DC-ROMA Pt.2 2673 2674 PS. US Customs,I NEED A FUCKING RISC-V LAPTOP. I WILL INSTALL NON-CHINESE 2675 SOFTWARE ON IT. You cannot serious expect that the linux kernel and (the 2676 userpsace) which mostly arent even fucking chinese to spy on you. I dont even 2677 work for the goverment so it doesnt matter if it is spying on me. Are you going 2678 to hold me at gunpoint and make me recompile the Linux kernel to use a sexy and 2679 voluptous RISC-V machine. 2680 2681 2682 10-30-24 Pt.3.5 2683 2684 There is nothing wrong with me. The psuedo-problem is that I bitch about 2685 meanial things. Matt Walsh once told a transgender person there is nothing wrong 2686 with him. If this was a biblical even as it very much could be,it would be a 2687 profound thing to say. The problem is not inside,or outside,it is a non-problem. 2688 2689 If I had some sort of mental obstruction,I would hear voices,or see demons. 2690 Instead I have nothing,which means my problems are non-existent. Its good to 2691 have no problems. The question is no longer,how to I fix myself but what do I 2692 do now. 2693 2694 10-30-24 Pt.3 2695 2696 News article that is intresting 2697 2698 10-30-24 Pt.2 2699 2700 It's halloween tommorow. I was compiling nanoBSD last night and X11 died for 2701 some reason idk. One time I had a costume I made as kid called a "foofie". It 2702 was a yellow H with a face on it. Somone thought I was a fence. I used to be 2703 obscessed with foofies as a kid because I am autistic. Ill draw a depiction of 2704 the foofie world 2705 <17>2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 10-30-24 Pt.1 2724 2725 I have to transfer my SSH keys to my Thinkpad which is running FreeBSD 15.0 2726 current. I survived tar xvf'ing the base.txz and kenrel.txz to root and my 2727 computer didnt explode. Dont do it regardless. I was working on an EggPlant man 2728 for FrogsEngine. After I implement doors(again) I will make a proper 2729 introduction to FrogsEngine(the engine). 2730 2731 I feel that charactors have to be memorable to be good. I want the eggplant 2732 man to loose eggplant slices when hurt. This will indicate how much health he 2733 has. I think the poopmen,zombies and frogs are ok. When animating them i see 2734 that people see motion and not graphics. Do you remember every pixel of the doom 2735 enemies. 2736 2737 I am sick of enemies that either throw shit at you or bite you. I like the 2738 idea of the enviroment as an enemy. Or enemies changing the enivorment. Throwing 2739 Shit is ok for CPoopMan's. CZombie's can bite and its ok. 2740 2741 I think the eggplant man should explode on death and his eggplant slices will 2742 go everywhere. If he had long arms that could grab you that would be cool. 2743 2744 2745 10-27-24 Pt.1 2746 2747 I will return to working on FrogsEngine. People come togheter to pretend to 2748 have morals and in private they do evil things. The purpose of a faithles 2749 society is to allow austic people like me write shitpits. In religous 2750 communities they will confess thier sins to the muni's or gurus I think. This is 2751 ideal. People have the sense that reality is forigiving. Reality(or God as its 2752 called) is a "social entity"(not private). People associate the Gods with human 2753 interaction. You talk to the Gods in a human voice. You do human things to 2754 please him. This is all a public act in the playground of the Gods. 2755 2756 When you are isolated from the Holy Ones then you do evil things. The purpose 2757 of proper community is to not allow moral privacy. 2758 2759 10-26-24 Pt.1 2760 2761 SDL3 Returns 1 on success,SDL2 returns >=0 on success,what a ball buster. 2762 2763 10-25-24 Pt.1 2764 2765 Just as a child forgives his parents in the future but cries in the present 2766 ass he is slapped silly,I have abstract edpain out of my past pains. I feel bad 2767 for making abstractions of pain. I cannot relate to my past sufferings. I said 2768 nigger out loud today while installing FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT. Not my proudest 2769 moment. 2770 2771 Suffering people have least abstract views of reality. They understand things 2772 that non-suffering people do. In some sense they have wisdom that others dont 2773 despite being insane lunatics who will do anything for relief. 2774 2775 My past pain is due to poo poo brain Allah mentality. 2776 2777 10-24-24 Pt.1 2778 2779 Im building all of my ports form source on FreeBSD. My computer have been on 2780 and active since last night. 2781 2782 2783 10-24-24 Pt.1 2784 2785 -] Worst Things about Unix(Non-exuastive) 2786 2787 -] pid_t's and LWP's 2788 2789 In the old days computers had 1 core,but you could run multiple processes 2790 on them. 21. Now a computer can have multiple cores. LWP(Leightr weight 2791 processes) have the same process ID but use multiple cores. in ptrace(2) you 2792 can use LWP ids in FreeBSD,but you have to wait(2) for the process to stop 2793 if you start/stop a thread of a process. Make sure the stopped thread isnt 2794 fucking randomly selected(I am not making this up,man ptrace) 2795 2796 Is it that hard to LWP's into "pid"s or something,like just have an 2797 OS-level wrapper for LWP's that make them look like PIDs. How fucking 2798 frankenstien like is it to have LWP's in a process. 2799 2800 -] wait(2)'s and signal(7) SIGCHLD's 2801 2802 A process will push P,when its state changes it sends a SIGCHLD to the 2803 parent. To make maters worse,there is wait(2) which waits for a thing to 2804 change. Have fun when wait invalidates of SIGCHLD for a poo poo lump. 2805 2806 2807 2808 10-23-24 Pt.1 2809 2810 Volenteering is a good way to feel less alive. I volenteer more now. I was 2811 asked why I volenteer and i said because i have nothing else better to do. I 2812 will bear the weight of volenteering. It is important to not make abstractions 2813 on death and dying. 2814 2815 Action doesnt require results. A person who wants the attention of a woman 2816 doesnt deserve it just beacuse he wants it. Its called rape to say otherwise. 2817 Likewise,If i volenteer more and waste my life,I am screwing myself by my own 2818 volition. People who demand things are ideological rapists. I will demand 2819 nothing by volenteerring more of my time. 2820 2821 Society funds itself. People like stories of people. People like to see people 2822 in things. I am austisic so I believe I am impaired in this regard. 2823 2824 I see people go to retard zoos called psych wards because they are bad. I want 2825 to scream nigger sometimes but it is bad. Sane and suicidcal people who are 2826 actually suicidal would know that you should buy a gun and keep your mouth 2827 closed. Insane retard zoo animals have mental breakdowns,they get sent to the 2828 retard zoo. I see that I should overcome my retardation and accept a cruel 2829 reality that suicide isnt an option. If you are in the process of killing 2830 someone,it is a good idea to stop. It is stronger to stop killing someone once 2831 you started than to cowardy finish the job. 2832 2833 You might be wondering,why? Typically when thigns change there is a reason. We 2834 tend to look for a good reason. A good reason doesnt exist,so you are stuck with 2835 a bad reason. You might even get no reason. 2836 2837 10-22-24 Pt.1 2838 2839 Unix is a shitpit of an system. There was no threads on original unix I would 2840 assume because LWP(lieght-weight-Processes) were added later clearly. Windows is 2841 fragmented but unix requires you to read man pages. I remember when writing 3 2842 days I would use libraries to do things for me. I read the man pages like 2843 ptrace(2) and wait4(2) or libprocstat(3). It helps alot to not have abstraction. 2844 I like compilers and assembly so if I can do stuff via a syscall you know im 2845 gunna do it. 2846 2847 Ptrace is kind of stupid but it is good. In C++ (ideally) allows abstraction. 2848 Members are like "global" variables that exist within a class. It would be nice 2849 for MrChrootBSD to have been written in C++ maybe . I have 2 globals called 2850 mc_current_pid and mc_current_tid. If they were put in a the ToSCX could be a 2851 method. 2852 2853 I like the idea of globals because it reduces argument passing(reduces the 2854 area for error 21). Also it makes sense.If I learned anything about 2855 programming,its about how you represent the data. And it makes sense to either 2856 put it in a struct of have a global state(functions are constant you know). 2857 2858 FreeBSD has a strong oral tradition. I do enjoy using it,I like having a 2859 canoical userspace that shows how to use the APIs. I like just grepin' through 2860 /usr/src to find usages of my favorite APIs. 2861 2862 Is it usable. It boots on some of my machines and has WIFI. It is super easy 2863 to install. 2864 2865 One extremely sexy feature is ktrace. It is a godsend for debugging kernel 2866 stuff. It lists the system calls,arguments,faults and other Savage things 2867 2868 One thing I want to do with MrChrootBSD is a docker thing,this is for the 2869 future. For now,i will best focus on getting a working product 2870 2871 Unix is bit of a cluster fuck. There are soooo many ways a thing can fail and 2872 set the errno. The final(?) source of MrChrootBSD will be tests for errnos. 2873 2874 2875 2876 10-21(SAVAGE)-24 Pt.1 2877 2878 I was working on MrChrootBSD,but i have religious duties to perform so I will 2879 make this entry short. I need to make open(2) account for O_READ/O_WRITE so 2880 (emulated)users cant overwrite the stuff in the chroot. 2881 2882 I will also need to do "smart" handling of file permisions of newly created 2883 files. doas works along with adduser(outside of the above bug with perms on 2884 open(2)). 2885 2886 I wish the FreeBSD project supplied base.txz of 14.1-RELEASE-p5. I just get 2887 14.1-RELEASE base-ball. 2888 2889 There is think is a tool for generating pkgs from ports,i will read about it 2890 later. 2891 2892 10-20-24 Pt.1 2893 2894 I must repent from thinking of extra-terrestrials as aliens who want to anal 2895 probe me. It is an innapropraite and un-jainly thing to assume all 2896 extra-terrestrials want to probe my asshole. I bet the aliens are more 2897 liberation minded than humans and wouldnt anal-probe lesser beings. 2898 2899 10-19-24 Pt.1 2900 2901 On BSD (and presumably linux), you dont need WRITE permision on a file to move 2902 it. Only the directory needs write permision. You are moving the pointer on disk 2903 and not modifing the file,so i guess it makes sense. 2904 2905 Weird but true 2906 2907 10-18-24 Pt.3 2908 2909 FreeBSD x Linux are just CP/M on steroids. 2910 2911 2912 <18>2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 10-18-24 Pt.2 2938 2939 A evil child is lesser than a righteous slave that was bought. A good person 2940 can make a distinction between the two. Place and value are seperate things. By 2941 lessening attachment to useless things we find value. I will volenteer more 2942 hopefully. 2943 2944 10-18-24 Pt.1 2945 2946 FreeBSD's builtin dbopen(3) doesnt have a db_dump for hash(3). I tried these 2947 programs 2948 2949 -] Programs 2950 2951 -] db_dump-5 2952 2953 failed 2954 2955 -] db_dump-5.3 2956 2957 failed 2958 2959 -] db_dump-185 2960 2961 failed 2962 2963 -] db_dump-185.3 2964 2965 failed 2966 2967 -] file 2968 2969 /home/clayton/MrChrootBSD/perms.db: Berkeley DB 1.85 (Hash, version 2, 2970 native byte-order) 2971 2972 2973 2974 10-17-24 Pt.2 2975 2976 Its alien season and I cant stop thinking about anal probes. I cant focus. 2977 2978 2979 10-15-24 Pt.2 2980 2981 I was workin on MrChrootBSD tonight. I hope I can figure out file perms sort 2982 of. It would be like a chroot with full multi-user file-permisions if i can 2983 figure it out 2984 2985 10-15-24 Pt.1 2986 2987 Im only receptive to things that are bad for me. People will claim truth until 2988 they are caught stealing cookies form a cookie jar. I can only truly feel evil 2989 when I feel like I have been cuaght stealing cookies. I live in sort of morality 2990 biazarro world where I do nothing,leading to no good or bad karma for me to 2991 suffer by. I live in a morally bizzare world where 21 Savage can rap about drugs 2992 and its ok because he is lit rapper guy. I literraly told someone at work I 2993 listen to 21 savage and they thought it was cool. If I was (completely)honest I 2994 would have said "Rucka Rucka Ali". 2995 2996 In high school someone asked,"what is it like to live with a gun to your 2997 head". I said "being religious". I wasnt lying at the time. Living in fear of 2998 eternal hellfire is weird. Living with a gun to your head gives you a weird 2999 tan-line. 3000 3001 10-14-24 Pt.2 3002 3003 Im one of the good ones. I wonder if it is preferable to masturbate to sonic 3004 the hedgehog porn(defacto austistic behavior) or express myself (honestly). 3005 3006 10-14-24 Pt.1 3007 3008 I best volenteer more to feed more homeless people. People remember columbus 3009 for discovering america or something. People best remember him for his 3010 accomplishment rather than the fact he killed people(according to my freind when 3011 I was in school). I dislike when people make movies about math people. I dont 3012 give a fuck about thier story,I care about thier work. It is morally abhorent to 3013 abstract the essence of one's teachings and say ,"this dude had a hard life". 3014 People are suckers for lore. If I say "I am a retard who wrote a 3015 compiler",people will focus on the fact that I overcame(?) mental illness and 3016 confusion rather than I wrote a sexy compiler. 3017 3018 Masking your origins/properties/essence is the optimal way to be a legend. I 3019 on the other hand am just a retard who wrote a compiler. I am not a legend but 3020 my accomplismets are somewhat impressive 21. JK Im sitting on the back of 3021 gaints. Gaints crush retarded people maybe. 3022 3023 Did I tell you about detirminism. Retards fear it. They says its unfair. The 3024 fact is retards are suffering moral retardation which means they are incapable 3025 of acting morally to the same degree as a normal person. If you want evidence of 3026 this heuristic look at this website 3027 3028 3029 Do you see retard judges or retard prohpets,or do you see judges and prophets 3030 serving retards. I feel guilt for saying this. 3031 3032 3033 Ill be frank,I dont know whats worse,seeing my kind getting a slap on the 3034 wirst or being denied moral copability for my sins. 3035 3036 10-13-24 Pt.1 3037 3038 I thought about African shit huts today. Im trying to look within,but if I 3039 look too deep I will find the sauce within, I feel that I am anaware if I am 3040 suppost to be thinking about self or abstracting the priorities of 3041 myse'lf(thinkinhg about African shit huts) outward to instead think about 3042 things that dont involve african shit huts. Ill be frank,there are shit huts 3043 both outside in my mind and inside,so im not sure which one to fix first. 3044 3045 10-12-24 Pt.2 3046 3047 Abstraction from oneself clouds one's priorities. It is bad to live in a 3048 fantasy void where self is abstracted out of self. 3049 3050 10-12-24 Pt.1 3051 3052 Digging a more shalow hole is a good thing. I say "retard" alot. Feeding dung 3053 beatles is good for the dung beatles. I must feed my own kind despite how others 3054 may view it. Im pretty sure there are shit huts in Africa too. (Maybe) they feed 3055 the cattle for shit and build shit huts. 3056 <19>3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 Im getting a cold dose of reality,there may not truly be anyone like me. I see 3075 this in the psuedo help I get from people where they assume (rightfully) that I 3076 am retarded and by ways can be changed via encouragement,and "help" is delegated 3077 to therapists who are proxies for complaints. 3078 3079 Just as a man feels a pain only by himself,he dies alone. Others can only 3080 relate,the best thing we can do is relate. 3081 3082 3083 10-11-24 Pt.1 Remorse 3084 3085 I cannot bear the weight of existence. I may stop working on computers. I 3086 cannot kill bacteria with their heat. Life is an illusion. I heard ignorance is 3087 bliss,I think it's true. 3088 3089 10-9-24 Pt.2 Birthday 3090 3091 Microsoft Windows probably sucks due to these reasons. 3092 -] Reasons 3093 3094 -] Little or no File buffering 3095 3096 Most OS'es will store writes to RAM in disk. Once the OS finds a good time 3097 it will then write the RAM to disk. This saves lots of time as harddisks are 3098 way slower than RAM. 3099 3100 Windows probably doesnt do this as accessing ifles in Windows is slow as 3101 fuck 3102 3103 -] Not using syscalls 3104 3105 ALmost everything in othodox windows doesn not use syscalls. In Unix 3106 almost all the functions biol down to a syscall so there is no overhead. 3107 Windows's functions are mostly userspace and require handels. TempleOS even 3108 does Raw Block writing so there is little abstraction. Windows MANDATES you 3109 use HANDLE's for about everything so you have tyo allocate a handle,the OS 3110 will have to register it then you can write to a file. Linux has 1 layer of 3111 abstraction ,Windows has 2 ,TempleOS has like 0 3112 <20>3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 -] NT(Fragmentation)S 3140 3141 TempleOS mostly stores all files as 1 file on disk. Windows splits up the 3142 files into "peices" then wrties them to disk 3143 <21>3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 10-9-24 Pt.1 Birthday 3159 3160 Microsoft windows is borderline unusable garbage. The file-access speed is 3161 slow. It is living in year 2000 in terms of usable software. It runs like shit. 3162 It is also unethically marketed because the peice of garbage is pre-installed on 3163 computers so its a "tax". 3164 3165 It performs worse than linux which costs money, It performs worse than 3166 FreeBSD. It performs worse than HaikuOS. If the purpose of Operating Systems is 3167 to move files around use FreeDOS. If your only (paid) job is to move files 3168 around then do a good job. 3169 3170 I am about to promise the Gods that I will not buy Windows 11. This 3171 software(Windows) is unethically dumb. Imagine if a President made himself look 3172 good then commited a mass genocide. Ok maybe not that bad but it still fucking 3173 sucks I am "forced"(OEM pre-installed) to indirectly pay for this garbage. 3174 3175 <22>3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 PS. All computers do the same thing except for windows which is dog shit 3196 3197 3198 10-7-24 Pt.2 Samayika 3199 3200 My thoughts are not deep. They are simply far out in the ocean but not deep. 3201 3202 I say "retard" alot but I dont think about it deeply. 3203 3204 3205 10-7-24 Pt.1 3206 3207 I played Mincraft classic and it was a borderline spirutual expirence 3208 listening to the old music. I miss it sort of. I was looking at the lighting for 3209 an idea of what to do with FrogsEngine. FrogsEngine will now have 16 levels of 3210 light via dithering. Dont expect anything fancy 3211 3212 10-6-24 Pt.3 3213 3214 A seed is planted,it bears no resemblance to its original form,yet the seed is 3215 more intresting of a contraption than a tree. The religion of the Tirhankaras 3216 cannot be dug up to say. It is not appropraite to try to dig up the morality 3217 plant when you can watch it grow.Only a fool would try to dig up his food plants 3218 for something delicious. The correct decision is to water the morality plant 3219 and then eat it's fruits. 3220 3221 <23>3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 10-6-24 Pt.2 3244 3245 There is an art to ritual. Remembering the Holy ones is imporants because it 3246 seems ignorances causes pain to follow a bee's sting. By remembering our true 3247 nature,we can avoid bees. I will ask Akesios for mantras to recite before 3248 various things. 3249 3250 10-6-24 Pt.1 3251 3252 I am a poo poo head. Conquest of the self deosnt happen through traditional 3253 means,its happens through nothingness. Walking away from barking dogs is better 3254 than reasoning with them. A decisive man picks his battles wisely. 3255 3256 9-31-24 Pt.2 3257 3258 "ambulare in animo". To wander in one's mind. 3259 3260 9-31-24 Pt.1 3261 3262 Divine morality has been obscured by the ages and famine. It is for this 3263 reason we must not abdandon the morality but strive harder than ever to preserve 3264 it. A partial win is better than no win. 3265 3266 9-31-24 Pt.2 3267 3268 Dreams signify the collapse of daytime. The waking hour signifies the collapse 3269 of fantasy. It is improper to hold onto dreams as it is improper to hold onto a 3270 meaningless Samsara reality. Words fly by too fast to be heard by the unlearned 3271 just as wise word are seldom known. The end of both dream and reality begins at 3272 liberation 3273 3274 9-31-24 Pt.1 3275 3276 -] Decreteum Compilerum I 3277 3278 1. Res finitus sunt. 3279 2. Formamentum sunt haut. 3280 3. Res creat e formamentis abditis 3281 4. Animi abditi est 3282 5. Sunt animos mutationes formamentorum 3283 6. Mutatio formamentorum sunt discursum 3284 7. Tela tenet unus fila ilico. Duo fila existit haut ubi unus existat. 3285 8. ,sed fila existat juxta alius fila. 3286 9. Unus corpus teneat haut alius positum. 3287 10.Corpus tenet diversum animos quando diversum positum existit. 3288 11.Animus est juxta diversum animos hac tela tenet diversum fila. 3289 12.idem animi sunt omnia animos in diversum positum. 3290 3291 3292 3293 9-30-24 Pt.1 3294 3295 -] Doctrine of Compilers Book 1 3296 3297 1. Things are finite. 3298 2. Representations are not 3299 3. There are seen and unseen matter 3300 4. Things are composed of represenations of unseen matter 3301 5. Soul is unseen 3302 6. Soul is volatile representation of forms 3303 7. The mutatbility of forms consistute process. 3304 8. Things has position and process 3305 9. A spider web has 1 thread of 1 thread of web at once. They cannot coexist 3306 at once 3307 10. Threads adjacent to one other occupy the same space,they insersect. 3308 11. A mind cannot contain two states at once. 3309 12. A mind can have multiple states when in different positions. 3310 13. A minds state ia adjacent to multiple differing states just as a web is 3311 composed of different threads. 3312 14. A mind with the same contents is the same at one time or another,they are 3313 seperated by position 3314 3315 <24>3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 9-29-24 Pt.1 3341 3342 Kanye is a good rapper because his music is like a stream of consciousness 3343 that reflects some of our leser expresed aspects of ourselves while also 3344 introspecting upon it. In his song "I thought about killing you",he does what 3345 many rappers do but with a twist,he seems honest. I delves into the psyche of a 3346 something I assume many are unwilling to express. He talks about he is suicidal 3347 and because he loves someone more than than him self we feels homicidial. 3348 3349 His music feeels like a weird expirence. In society,we call extermists of 3350 weird weirdos. I think this means that be was impliying there is a lesser non 3351 extreme version of weird that is acceptable for normal people. Kanye is the 3352 embodiment of things about outselves we dont want to share 3353 3354 9-28-24 Pt.1 3355 3356 Denying truth of reality is a good way to become a fictional legend. Legends 3357 has ambgious origin stories that people wonder if they ever happened. Wanna-be 3358 legeneds have birth certificates. I suppose denying a real story is sometimes 3359 better than accepting reality. 3360 3361 Legends are tossed around through the ages are their epics are reduced to 3362 qoutes. Time is cruel. A would-be legend becomes legendary through fiction and a 3363 legend becomes ordinary through talking to them. 3364 3365 9-26-24 Pt.2 3366 3367 Monks sit around all day and inspire others to do good things. I feel they 3368 help spiders and ants by doing nothing. I am bound by poo poo mentallity so to 3369 remedy my thinking I can unthink. Spiders think they are the shit but are 3370 feeble. 3371 3372 9-26-24 Pt.1 3373 3374 I often think about the n word but only in an abstract sense,it is hard to 3375 imagine non-conrete things. I believe that it has evolved past a slur and into 3376 an arechetype of suffering,yet I do believe it is more nuanced than just being a 3377 "bad" word. 3378 3379 No story exists outside of its settings and the lore of the n word is no 3380 excpetion. The n word (as history can recall to a limited degree) has 3381 historically been used to describe black people who have been oppressed. But 3382 regardless of the oppresive nature of the word itself,I do believe is a useful 3383 tool. Just as a person who cannot see cannot tell you about colors,a person 3384 cannot accurately discribe oppression without not only understand but using the 3385 n word. 3386 3387 I will elloborate,during my time as a muslim my family hated me because I was 3388 a white convert. I do believe that abstracting the evil out of racism to a 3389 degree is pointless for productive converstation; You cannot decribe evil by 3390 ignoring it. 3391 3392 It is often implied that only racists use the n word. I degress. I do believe 3393 society's taboo of saying the n word is warented,but not for de-facto reasons. I 3394 believe the n word can be used as a way to illistrate other forms of suffering 3395 by margianized groups 3396 3397 9-25-24 Pt.2 3398 3399 3400 I was in 12th grade when I first was exposed to ISSA Album by 21 Savage. I 3401 remeber seeing the pink album with the buring trees and thought about Christ 3402 because ISSA is the arabic name for Christ. 3403 3404 9-25-24 Pt.1 3405 3406 I wask asked if it saddens me to know I am going to die alone. There is a bit 3407 of truth to saying I will die alone. i do not view myself as alone because I 3408 have had vague experiences of masters who I admire. I find I admire the 3409 archetypes of people. you don't need a long 500 page story to relate to someone. 3410 People are not a substitute for the spiritual experience of relating to someone 3411 great. i do not need to define the color of someones eyes or even know them 3412 personally to love them 3413 3414 A guy on discord told me that it is "Schitzophrenic Abstraction". This is not 3415 the case. I am not schitzophrenic. In life there are boundaries in 3416 relationships. Two men may be seperated by distance or even hundreds of years 3417 and can still relate to eachother. In mind flesh is the boundary that governs 3418 thought. I literally live in a retard house and have not been diagnosed with 3419 shcitzophrenia. 3420 3421 9-24-24 Pt.1 3422 3423 The seeds to liberation are planted inside of us. We do not need stories to 3424 plant them,they only serve as reminders. I was asked "How does it feel to be 3425 autistic and kind of smart but not enough for anyone to appreachiate you." The 3426 fact is that I accept it. Much in the same way a dwarf cannot reach an apple on 3427 a tree,I cannot understand the whole of reality or how people work around me. I 3428 cannot find admiration from others so I am left with myself. 3429 3430 I can laugh at shit and piss and niggers. I saw a sexy black man on my phone 3431 in a dress but I accidently pressed the "file-downloaded" icon on my phone and 3432 someone saw the sexy muscular black man in a maid outfit on the phone. The point 3433 is that the self is immensly documented and the outside world inst. You see 3434 script kiddies making absolutley shitty code but it is all they are able to do 3435 due to the "mysterious unknown" of the computer world. You cannot work with what 3436 you do not have in the same way you cannot work with what you dont know. 3437 3438 9-23-24 Pt.1 3439 3440 Today I wil be critiqueing a response I got when I said that I dont like 3441 porn, I will start with the the reponse then I will get to the question 3442 3443 -] Reponse from Frog: 3444 3445 WHAT 3446 THE ACTUAL FUCK 3447 IS THIS 3448 ?? 3449 [Image of Kermit the frog] 3450 I don't even understand the question 3451 at the start of the paragraph he dislikes porn 3452 But it turns out it really isn't the porn he dislikes 3453 it's the fact that the cam girls fisting themselves are not expressing 3454 spiritual wisdom at the same time.. 3455 BRO 3456 @n00t 3457 what is going on brother 3458 porn is no substitute for a real relationship 3459 i don't even know what to say to this 3460 Like I'm legit stumped 3461 3462 First of all,I did not implicitly say that I want porn where women fisting 3463 thier poo poo holes expouse spiritual wisdom. What I said was an example of 3464 which involves women fisting their assholes while expressing notes on reality. 3465 An apple is a fruit but not all fruit are apples. 3466 3467 What I said was was I enjoy reality more than fiction,meaning I cannot relate 3468 to a dumb bitch pretending to enjoy sex.(Note 1) 3469 3470 Second of all,the fisting of the asshole and semantics of langauge are simply 3471 a mask for what matters most,a real life look into the soul of a real person 3472 expousing deep(perhaps spiritual or otherwise typically unspoked notes on 3473 reality). I cannot stand abstractions on sex that make sex into a cartoon which 3474 is what it feels like to watch stepmom incest fucker flicks. Its retarded(Note 3475 2) 3476 3477 Last of all,I never said that porn was to be a substitute for real 3478 relationships. I said that sexual bankrupty is a lack of expirence and not the 3479 choice of (said NON-EXISTENT) expirence.(Note 3) 3480 3481 -] Initial Statement from Nrootconauto 3482 3483 i dislike p. i dislike the unrealness of it. 3484 It's not sexy unless it feels real. 3485 it's the sexual equivalent to cartoons 3486 like efukt is real (cringe) but it's real so idk 3487 i can relate to camgirls who go on rants about how their God loves them and 3488 men and Jews are the issue 3489 i agree with the mentality and not the semantics of the statements 3490 like I feel like a camgirls who fists her asshole while talking about dharma 3491 and compilers 3492 and cycles of avarsipini and utsarpini 3493 and Gods too 3494 i feel a spiritual connection to such souls 3495 ill be frank. is it sexual bankruptcy to long for a camgirl who fists her 3496 asshole while discussing reality or to never have any other intimacy 3497 3498 3499 Get your fucking facts straight 3500 3501 9-22-24 Pt.1 3502 3503 If heaven is real im cloning myself when I get there to get more work done. I 3504 dont know if heaven has "Poopin Frogs" shit video games there though. If anyone 3505 is intrested in making a civilazation of Autistic people who make cool games 3506 email nrootconauto@gmail.com. 3507 3508 3509 3510 <25>3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 Living forever is weird because everyone on earth would die and it would get 3530 boring. Humans leave lots of shit behind. I remember moving and seeing all the 3531 unused shit my family had 3532 3533 9-21(SAVAGE)-24 Pt.2 3534 3535 Just as a bird seeks to travel the world,he is discouraged by the journey of 3536 snow and wind and heat of the deserts. I dont know if I am delusioned enough to 3537 think I have self control enough to not think about niggers and shit nad Rucka 3538 Rucka Ali. A snake is born from an egg and doesnt understand where he came 3539 from,but he terrorizes the world with his lack of knowledge. People who have 3540 morals are cultured. This peoples they were given or have otherwise found 3541 values. Cavemen are not cultured so they think about poop and niggers in thier 3542 mud huts. 3543 3544 9-21(SAVAGE)-24 Pt.1 3545 3546 Sinning is fun. I hope I just dont sin too much. People assume people become 3547 religious due to trauma. I dont think this is the case for me. People say its ok 3548 to kill people when they arent people. I have heard it be called beastiality to 3549 have sex with black people. The point is humanhood is he criteria for morality 3550 according to somepeople. 3551 3552 I volenteer 5 days a week feeding homeless pum pums. Some of the are rude and 3553 smell like ass. Good people help them but dont say "They are rude and smell like 3554 ass". I have stated an obvious fact. I am a fucked up person. This is an obvious 3555 fact. 3556 3557 I think it is best for goodness to be a good Jain and not make art because my 3558 art will reflect reality which is bad. Reality is a poo poo brain and a Samsara 3559 curse. people have an abstract method of evaluating good. Feed homeless retards 3560 and you are good. This is true and real. 3561 3562 9-20-24 Pt.1 3563 3564 Tommorrow is 21(SAVAGE) day again. I need to make 3565 The SmallTalk Serialization Code emit binary for better network sauce. Use 3566 CU8Set for easy access if you want to do it for me. Ill probably do it myself 3567 but idk. 3568 3569 9-19-24 Pt.2 3570 3571 I walked twice now i feel fatigued. Pain is an oppressor. Earth is an 3572 oppressor. Some people who were in pain created great works of art. I dont know 3573 how. Terry Davis went apeshit monk mode. When I was a muslim you werent allowed 3574 to apeshit mostly,i mean you were but not in a productive way. You werent 3575 allowed be a nun or monk because Muhammad didnt have monk mentallity. 3576 3577 What people lack in true faith they make up in aggression,people who dont 3578 understand what faith is(confuse it with objective reality) are poo poo brains. 3579 God might be real,this is why we have faith. Faith is a justified assumption. 3580 People who think he is 100% real are insane poo poo brains. 3581 3582 Faithless people who dont read scripture and condemn what they dont know are 3583 also poo poo heads. Terry Davis seemed to understand the meaning of faith when 3584 he said "If heaven is real and I walk in the sky...". I think he is a living 3585 example of faith and confusion about the world. 3586 3587 9-19-24 Pt.1 3588 3589 I love HolyC so much I should write the entirety of Poopin Frogs in it. I 3590 dislike smalltalk. I have spent the entirety of my adult life being retarded. 3591 3592 Doom is a work of art as it is written in C and doesnt use abstraction. 3593 Everything is a thinker. In the initial version of TOOM everything was slow 3594 because I was not using a grid with the things in it for collision detection(I 3595 was testing everything in the level). 3596 3597 Using smart data structures is good for performance. 3598 3599 9-18-24 Pt.1 3600 3601 Im tired. I was wondring how I wrote such shitty code checking free regions 3602 from 0x10000 only with VirtualQuery on windows. I had a weird bug with the 3603 "DoNothing" function not popping off the needed number of arguments off the 3604 stack so they were staying there. 3605 3606 9-17-24 Pt.2 3607 3608 I have no empathy for people. I only have guilt for my evils. I guess when 3609 people say I have no empathy they are saying that I am a poo poo brain. I have 3610 guily for not going full vegan mode. I dont have guilt for saying "retard" alot 3611 sort of. 3612 3613 The only moral hatred I have is against myself.In the times of great happinees 3614 people would turn self hatred into societal values. They would dilute guilt by 3615 mixing thier sins into the lake of discorse. 3616 3617 A valuesless society is one where selves defend themselves. They say "I deny 3618 this sin.". A Good person will claim evil. They will compel 3619 self-morality-defense and deny virtue. They will ask "Why did you spend lots of 3620 time doing X,you have alterior motives". This is not the case. 3621 3622 9-17-24 Pt.1 3623 3624 Arihants have destroyed thier inner enemies and have conquered themselves. 3625 Self-disassocaition is a good way to fuck yourself over. Abstracting your 3626 problems out of reality denies the self(who has the problems). Egotism thrives 3627 when denying aspects of the self. A fool can say "I am not that sort of strange" 3628 while being an other form of strange. Objective analysis is good for removing 3629 egotism 3630 3631 9-16-24 Pt.1 3632 3633 I rejected bying candy today,I feel this is good. Part of being a Jain is 3634 adopting Jain values. I feel foreign desire is easy to reject but internal 3635 desire is not. Arihants are those who have conquered their inner enemies. 3636 3637 I feel candy is a foriegn desire as it is located at the dollar store,Food is 3638 all around me at home so it is harded to observe Psodharvrata. I will work on 3639 the DOOM-2 port sometime but not now. I cant stand the controls that I made,so 3640 Aiwnios will run it savage mode with mouse locking 3641 3642 9-15-24 Pt.1 3643 3644 Poo poo brains make edited movies about things. They make movies about fiction 3645 and non-fiction. Poo poo brains make movies that make me feel like im watching a 3646 bollywood movie. Even movies in enlish to me feel unreal and unrelatable. Movies 3647 abstract real life concepts into fictional portrayals. I feel like I have been 3648 watching moveis as a kid and it abstracted me from real life duties. 3649 3650 Poo poo brains depict death in movies and it feels unreal. It makes peoples 3651 perceptions of death become unrealistic. Everytime I see a movie I see something 3652 that is unreal. Porn is unreal. It is an abstraction of reality. 3653 3654 People are fundamentally stupid so they make fictional abstractions of things 3655 they are unable or unwilling to understand. Death is hard to understand. I fear 3656 the means of death more than death itself. 3657 3658 How would I be depicted in a fictional film about me. Poo poo brain politial 3659 commentators make dumb movies with taglines like "Are you next?". People seem to 3660 have a model of reality that most times revolves around themself or their idea 3661 of themself. 3662 3663 People should idealy recognize the error of their ways. People who stormed the 3664 capital on January 6th should probably realize they are retards and not martyrs. 3665 People who harm others should realize the world isnt there to serve them,but 3666 they are unable/unwilling to stop killing/enslaving others. 3667 3668 Women rights are synonymus with "abortion". Im sure many women oppose abortion 3669 on religious grounds but they are gender-traitors because they dont think like 3670 de-facto women supporters. Do you think people who are attracted to children are 3671 mandated to be "Pedophile Rights Activists". I dont think so. 3672 3673 The problem is people base their realities around what makes them happy. Women 3674 are happy to kill their unborn children. Black people are happy to demand 3675 reparations. I think there is a personal "fiction" within everyone that makes 3676 them the hero of their story. 3677 3678 My movie would be a commedy about a fucked up person who thinks the n word 3679 alot and who is a virgin and who writes compilers and who is retarded. I say 3680 commedy but I mean a dark commedy. I feel like it would appear to be commedic 3681 but would actually depict a tragedy. 3682 3683 3684 9-14-24 Pt.3 3685 3686 You cannot kill pain. I cannot stop winter so I will be in pain. Weapons are 3687 ineffective against pain and fate. 3688 3689 9-14-24 Pt.2 3690 3691 There are so many dumb video games I see on youtube. I see they all have a 3692 unique style and theme. They are so varied you could fill a society with them. I 3693 find it weird when people play games and they think they are teleported to 3694 another world and they talk like they are in the video game. 3695 3696 They say things like,"oh fuck I died" when they die in the game. I cannot play 3697 a defacto game and see anything other than a manufacutured peice of art with a 3698 purpose and audience. I do not live life playing video games. 3699 3700 When I was 13 I was probably watching p0rn on a ubuntu 12(?) livecd so my 3701 parents wouldnt find out. Ubuntu had a sexy "unity" shell what was sexy af. 3702 After nutting on the computer I would turn if off then take the disk out. 3703 3704 This wasnt a spritual expirence,quit the opposite. I remember looking out into 3705 other people's windows with a telescope as a kid wondering what people were 3706 doing. Sometimes I would put a flash light in the telescope and troll 3707 unsuspecting walking people during the night. This was a psuedo spiritual 3708 expirence. 3709 3710 I call it spiritual because there was a degree of (para)social interaction 3711 that occured when I shined a flashlight at someone and they got spooked there 3712 was a one way interaction. 3713 3714 Art seems to be (in the traditional sense) a 1 way interaction. Good art to me 3715 seems to interact with us ,and we interact with it on an intellectual level. 3716 Things like timecube that leave us confused allow us to interact with it by 3717 trying to make sense of it. We are left with questions we want to answer so we 3718 dig deeper and we can relate to it because we are part of the art. 3719 3720 I cannot watch TV and see Art. I cannot use a Apple Macintosh and see it 3721 because I see a product that is deisnged to be consumed. They are velicles in 3722 the art of life that are largely forgettable. 3723 3724 I often wonder about the goodness of art,what makes good art. Good art is 3725 something memberable and unforgettable like a vacattion to somewhere cool,not 3726 the car you use to get there. 3727 3728 I think Super Mario 64 is a better peice of art than any of the video games I 3729 have played in awhile because I remember playing it. Modern games have better 3730 graphics but they are forgettable. Super Mario 64 does not have metaphysical 3731 properties but It is genuinely beatiful for some reason I cannot put my finger 3732 on. 3733 3734 3735 9-14-24 Pt.1 3736 3737 Im working on making a WASM backend for aiwnios. Im putting these here for 3738 reference 3739 3740 https://webassembly.github.io/wabt/demo/wat2wasm/ 3741 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAssembly/Reference 3742 3743 9-13-24 Pt.3 3744 3745 Speech is a product that people consume. I feel that speech consumes me 3746 beacuse I have produce it. Youtube removed its dislike button. You cannot 3747 receive hates on youtube anymore. I said eariler that the only thing worse than 3748 hatred is not being human enough to have shit thrown at you. Loving humans wont 3749 hate you but they will call you a subhuman poo poo brain. 3750 3751 My speech isnt profitable. I dont even care if people see my stuff. I do 3752 believe I have slave mentallity because I dont care to be a king. I want to 3753 serve a king because I cannot lead myself. A tenant lives in a apartment because 3754 he cannot buy a house. A tennant lives with others. A slave lives with others. A 3755 tennant enjoys living with others. A Jain enjoys serving other souls. 3756 3757 9-13-24 Pt.2 3758 3759 Mr Honesty is me. I feel like I am fucked up mentally. I am pathetic. I have 3760 terror mentallity. I feel terrified of people and everything. I mentally rape 3761 myself. Growing up I feel like I was suppost to wear a mask and to a degree I 3762 still do. Past is a fanstasy. Now is a reality. 3763 3764 People tell me I like volenteering. There is a part of me that is convinced 3765 too. They say "he enjoys being here to see XXX". When people say this,they are 3766 talking to a pet dog. I feel like I am fucked up. I cannot bust a nut without 3767 guilt. I feel guilty for this. I have fish and I feel guilt for owning them. 3768 They were given to me after(as a Muslim in the past) Allah said u cant have a 3769 pet rat. 3770 3771 A child gets a dog and becomes deillusioned with taking care of it so it's 3772 parents take care of it. I feel retarded. I feel very very childish and I dont 3773 feel joy for the fish but pain. I see them swim aimlessly all day. I feel guilt. 3774 3775 The guilt applies to everything in life. The only reason I volenteer is because 3776 I cant bring myself to say no. I feel like if I kiiled someone I would have 3777 guilt,only I havent killed anyone and I still feel guilt. I would assume people 3778 are thankful for me but really I am fucked up. 3779 3780 As a kid,being normal(not being an autistic retard) was a virtue. I cant blame 3781 people for feeling this way, Wearing a mask is a virtue. Guilt is the glue that 3782 keeps that mask on. 3783 3784 The first time I left a mental hopsital I cried a bit. I feel nothing,but I 3785 feel guilt for nothingness. I suppose the anser is to not have guilt but that 3786 that is bad. 3787 3788 I think that family is a cooking pot for the most fucked up parts of humanity. 3789 People are normally kiiled by people they know. If I was going to kill myself I 3790 would be asked to feel guilt for any hypothetical people who would see my dead 3791 body. People are ok asking for things only to the extend they can relate to it. 3792 3793 I remember seeing homeless people on the train tracks,and people would think 3794 "what the fuck". The issue isnt homelessness,it is the fact that someone was 3795 disconforted by a homeless person. 3796 3797 I cant blame them. I do believe certian people are destined for poo poo 3798 suaceness. Religions tend to talk about the righteous people,or unworthy people 3799 who become righteous. I think this is indicative of the worth of a person being 3800 tied to how they please others. 3801 3802 Paranoia and self-guilt are interwinned. You must have self-guilt to serve 3803 others and you are caused to feel hatred for you. I feel some people are truly 3804 doomed to a shitty existence 3805 3806 9-13-24 Pt.1 3807 3808 The compile times of the HolyC end of the codegen are slightly less worse now. 3809 I used CBitSet for the list of members during live-variable analysis and 3810 I do alot less checking with I64SetHas(with allow_repeats). Im not sure what 3811 else I can do to reduce compile times. 3812 3813 9-11-24 Pt.3 3814 3815 Things arent born out of money,they are born out of necessity. This is why 3816 piracy eexist 3817 3818 9-11-24 Pt.2 3819 3820 I will recount the ways I differ from de-facto Jain Sravak. It probably has 3821 alot to do with my N word usage. I do believe that black people have become an 3822 archetype of suffering and it is appropraite to compare other injustice in the 3823 world to the (historical) sufering of black people. I do believe the n word is 3824 appropraite to use in a morality sense. 3825 3826 Just as a scientist cannot say. XXX isnt allowed to do research on YYY 3827 subject,it is innapropraite for black people to say that tasteful usages of the 3828 N word is not allowed for white people. 3829 3830 9-11-24 Pt.1 3831 3832 Schools (in America) do not teach you useful stuff,they give you a vocabulary 3833 of terms that alone mean nothing. In life we are given terms that mean nothing. 3834 I learn more about term's meanings now than i did in school. Knowing the 3835 existence of "live-variable analysis" doesnt mean you know how to use it or even 3836 what it is. I know lots of terms but dont know their meanings. Many people have 3837 heard of "programming" but dont know how to do it. 3838 3839 I guess the (ideal) purpose of school is to give you an idea of what reality 3840 is and not exactly how to use it. 3841 3842 I learned about rotating a vector by an axis day. This is more important than 3843 anything I learned in school. 3844 3845 <26>3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 Dont ask me how any of this works. This is good for vector ray tracing math. I 3857 am truly in debt to smart people 3858 3859 Just as a person can show you what a ideal painting looks like, It doesnt mean 3860 you can paint it. Despite knowing what it looks like 3861 9-9-24 Pt.2 3862 3863 Bruh,Monks are on some serious Shit. I need the sources and I need to learn 3864 old langages ,I feel this is an important text to deciper. Its a poem made out 3865 of numbers Siribhoovalaya 3866 3867 9-9-24 Pt.1 3868 3869 Jain scriptures like Akaranga Sutra are not word salad. They tell you 3870 productive things like how to not harm things by not wearing (wool) clothes or 3871 no clothes at all. Not saying the N word is probably a good way to be liberation 3872 minded.I dont say the n word alot but I think it everyday. As a a layperson I 3873 would say saying the N word is lesser than eating a burger. 3874 3875 I saw a chinese person who did lots of cool math today. I was multipling 7*.75 3876 for prices of dishes and she did it before I did the calculation on my phone. 3877 There are people who use thier brain and those who dont. They are not equal. I 3878 suppose she uses her brain. 3879 3880 People conflate religion with feelings. I see true liberation minded people 3881 think hard. It is diffiuclt to stay 100% focued during long meditation. I think 3882 I know why monks write things because it keeps them focused. It is not about 3883 feelings,it is about living a hard way of life mentally. Monks conquer thier 3884 feelings and they dont whine about not having food to eat. 3885 3886 9-8-24 Pt.4 3887 3888 I feel nothing for others. I dont want to feel this way but I only think I am 3889 pretending to have true morals. I have trouble having empathy. I life continues 3890 then there is little need for empathy. If I die tommorow then I will be unable 3891 to feel. If I dont die tommorow then I will be unable to feel. 3892 3893 I suppose wizards to tell other peoples' fortunes except for thier own. 3894 3895 Most people would be angry if they got thier stuff stolen from them. I would 3896 not because I am powerless if such a thing happens. Life will continue until I 3897 get a new computer or something 3898 3899 I have trouble having empathy for peoples problems in a world where life just 3900 goes on. KanYe says that he thinks about killing himself and that because h 3901 loves others more than himself he thinks about killing them too(I am not 3902 homicidal) 3903 3904 I think what he is trying to say is,"I have trouble empathizing with people as 3905 I have no self-respect". I have no respect for myself. If I did I would not 3906 accept a retard's existence. I would get a "real" job and impregnate a dumb 3907 bitch. I do not care what happens to me. The means of dying are more scary than 3908 death itself. 3909 3910 Empathy is a feeling,not a choice. I am trying to feel empathy but I cannot. I 3911 legit have some mental condition or something. 3912 3913 9-8-24 Pt.3 3914 3915 Im working on networking for the frogs game. I pushin P forgot my gmail 3916 PPPassword again. 3917 3918 9-8-24 Pt2. 3919 3920 Im tired. The fuckin SmallTalk Garbage Collector was being a fatherfucking 3921 Pinko and was garbage collecting the network buffer while recv from 3922 CrossNetShims was Sleeping. I will have to mark SmallTalk->HolyC Poo poo calls 3923 are "disable the Garbage Collector". Drake Wut Dafuq 3924 3925 9-8-24 Pt.1 3926 3927 I made a new TempleOS Porn Movie called Golf.HC. I will add a NSFW tag for 3928 aiwnios tube for porn movies. I might upload to PornHub but I dont remember my 3929 password. I miss the old PornHub before they removed all the unverified shit. 3930 3931 9-7-24 Pt.3 3932 3933 Im sick. 3934 3935 9-7-24 Pt.2 3936 Why do sinners study religion. I think I know why. I feel like a spiritual 3937 hoarder who hoards information so that one day I may use it. I best use it,but 3938 first I need to make the frogs game and some cool TempleOS PPPorn. 3939 3940 I was working on netwroking today for the frogs game. I want to make art I can 3941 spritually relate to. I had a dream last night where someone said something like 3942 "You can say somthing abstract and people will agree with it,then when you apply 3943 it to reality people will hate it". I think this would apply here. 3944 3945 If I say,"We should abolish societal taboos and embrace change" people will 3946 agree. If I say "Everyone should say the N word including white people" people 3947 will object. Saying the N word is a taboo and letting white people do it issa 21 3948 Savage change. 3949 3950 People only agree to what they can see. Anything other isn't grounded in 3951 reality. 3952 3953 9-7-24 Pt.1 3954 3955 I implemented Option(OPTf_NO_REG_VAR,TRUE); use it when you are lazy and dont 3956 want to wait for code to optimize.(FrogsEngine) 3957 3958 9-6-24 Pt.2 3959 3960 Pain is something non-abstract you can interact with it by doing nothing 3961 3962 9-6-24 Pt.1 3963 3964 I have perfected to music for TempleOS porn. Thanks to the God for the music 3965 beat. I have an entire animated series planned but I still have to finish the 3966 first episode 3967 3968 9-5-24 Pt.3 3969 3970 People feel guilt when they have a gun to their head. I feel guilt when there 3971 is no gun to my head. I think most people are motivated by not getting their 3972 head blown off rather than true morality. If you know you were going to ell how 3973 would you live your life. I doesnt suprise me that people put guns to their own 3974 head when motivated by reason aone. 3975 3976 9-5-24 Pt.2 3977 3978 I wonder that the line between an asshole and a troubled person. I will assume 3979 I will find it when I cross it. I dislike labels as saying people are troubled 3980 PPPersons. "Troubled people" sounds like a softer version of "asshole". You 3981 might be wondering how I wake up in the morning. The truth is I feel morality 3982 guilt alot but I would rather be a poo poo brain that does good things like feed 3983 homeless retards than one who doesnt. 3984 3985 My plans. I cannot look into the mirror and see a man. I see a retard staring 3986 back at me. I am scared to advance because the world would be safer without 3987 people who fall into the classification of "Claytonz". I am not a bad person and 3988 I genuinely believe that. The world would simply be better off without me but I 3989 can win by staying in a hole until I die. 3990 3991 The world is better without meth heads. It is better without me. 3992 3993 9-5-24 Pt.1 3994 3995 I will make a dedicated section for TempleOS porn here. Its a work in 3996 progress,you probably shouldnt look. I will not distrobute video now. 3997 3998 9-4-24 Pt.1 3999 4000 Most people die alone,few die togheter. Is this a synonym for bravery. 4001 Soldiers live to die and they best do it as a team.Heavens Gate would be a 4002 vialble Dharma if they had proper faith and were vegetarian. It must be nice to 4003 die togheter and have the alien pyschopomps carry you to heaven. 4004 4005 4006 9-4-24 Pt.1 4007 4008 I cant stop saying "Snow Bunnies". If I transition into a woman I can be a 4009 snow bunny. One time a woman named "Snow Bunny" called me over discord after we 4010 talked about how we both left Islam. That was probably like 2018. I dont know 4011 when "Snow Bunny" became a racial slur(?). 4012 4013 There was once a man who drank lots of water. The ocean wasnt deep enough for 4014 his thirst then he drank all the water on earth. After this is got dehryated and 4015 asked for a boon. A single glass of water then brought confort to him. 4016 4017 There was once a man who liked to say racial slurs. After saying the n word 4018 2.3 trillion times he was satisfied by "snow bunnies". I dont want to say the n 4019 word anymore so I am content with "snow bunnies". 4020 4021 The fog of a city cuases a father to kill his son in the streets without 4022 knowing it. I dont want to say racial slurs. I have guilt and cringe. 4023 4024 9-4-24 Pt.1 4025 4026 Somoeone made a port of super Mario 64 from a ROM dump to C that runs on Sega 4027 Dreamcast. I want to play it on my Sega but I will legally buy a copy of Super 4028 Mario 64 first. I have to cook dinner today but I will Push P with RISC-V ABI 4029 afterwards. I am serious about a sexy RISC-V ABI. 4030 4031 9-3-24 Pt.2 4032 4033 Don't kick rocks because ants could be under them. 4034 4035 9-3-24 Pt.1 4036 4037 What is addiction(stability). People say some are addicted to phones,others 4038 are said to be addicted to meth. I am addicted. Addiction happens when you value 4039 someone more than what is socially acceptable. I am addicted to living. 4040 4041 A long time ago TV was meant to be watched and not worshipped. I do believe 4042 that religion is in decline because people arent "addicted" to Gods anymore,or 4043 rather Gods aren't as worphy of a time spender than GOOning to pornhub today in 4044 some peoples eyes. 4045 4046 I have meth-head mentallity. I feel that addiction happens when you cannot 4047 stop something. Most people are unable or unwilling to stop doing certian 4048 things. I have no off switch. When I walk I walk fast and I eat fast just so I 4049 have more time to do lit stuff. It probably doesnt help im paranoid about lots 4050 of things either. 4051 4052 I dont do meth,but I would imagine there is lots of parania involved due to 4053 not getting a fix. Im glad im addicted to compilers and not meth. 4054 4055 I said eariler that TV originaly wasnt meant to be worshipped. The Holy Ones 4056 were meant to be worshipped. I think back then peoople were addicted to God as 4057 there were values in place that didnt permit modern defacto-addiction and 4058 religion was the only thing you could spend your whole time with. 4059 4060 9-2-24 Pt.3 4061 4062 There is no land foreign to the ruler of the world. As a kid I used to imagine 4063 things in the afterlife or in my imagination. I would imagine cold milk in 4064 heaven in the grass,or a celestial palace. I suppose most people think of 4065 situations like talking to their dead grandparents or something. If God is real 4066 then no culture is foriegn to him because he rules the world. 4067 4068 I did not give 2 fucks about my parents growing up. Milk in the grass seemed 4069 to have spiritual connotations along with Super Mario 64. I feel the most sacred 4070 moments in my life were those not involving people. As a kid I could not tell 4071 you the symbolic value of milk in the grass or Super Mario 64,but it didnt 4072 matter becuase I wasnt looking for it. I literally cried when I downloaded Super 4073 Mario 64 and won it for the first time. 4074 4075 I wonder 4076 9-2-24 Pt.2 4077 4078 I have hate in my heart,or maybe just hateful mentality. I will educate the 4079 world on something productive later. I will not teach the world javascript or 4080 what to do but how to do new things. I learned alot from TempleOS about 4081 compilers and datastructures. A true ballad of God and Compilers indeed. 4082 4083 Do you know when people play video games and they win the game or get 100% 4084 achievements in it. This is a virtue then Youtubers just show the result of 4085 winning so everyone feels they are a winner. The holy ones have come to conquer 4086 the flesh but now everyone feels they have conquered the flesh by watching 4087 Youtube. Masturbating to WAP by Cardi B is a good way to feel like a winner 4088 maybe idk. Arhats have conquered the flesh and strive and I mean strive to stay 4089 focused. This is not an easy task. Gooners are consumers of the deeds of others. 4090 They are not the same. 4091 4092 You dont know an Arhat until you practice medicancy for a day. 4093 4094 4095 9-2-24 Pt.1 4096 4097 I dislike labels. Calling someone a troubled person could mean lots of things. 4098 Calling someone a wife beater is under the label of a troubled person,but the 4099 label of troubled person doesnt convey the magnitude of the situation. 4100 4101 Terrorism is terror use for a political gain. When transgender people kill 4102 lots of people it is senseless to abstract politics out of thier terrorism. You 4103 may be wondering why Im talking about labels and abstraction. 4104 4105 I went to the gas SSStation the other day and saw a woman of culture. In my 4106 personal culture saying "That fucking someone was a creep" out loud in public 4107 seems to be forbidden but I will argue it is TRUE culture in the sense that 4108 4109 -] A 4110 4111 Accuratley conveys a concept amoung a shared group of people and 4112 4113 -] B 4114 4115 People find it acceptable therefore it is culture 4116 4117 4118 I do believe everyone to a degree is pretending to have morals for cultural 4119 gain which doest not consistute authentic feeling. 4120 4121 I do believe that it is morally innapropraite to "correct" the cultural 4122 attitudes of people,so yes,saying "That fucking someone was a creep" is 4123 acceptable. 4124 4125 I wrote eariler that hate is good(relativley speaking) and dehumanization is 4126 truly evil. I am mentally disabled and I see lots of fellow mentally disabled 4127 people who are morally impared. This is fancy talk for saying they use mental 4128 disabity(or are cuased by mental disabilty) to act retarded. I do believe it is 4129 ok to discripline mentally ill people,and it is not hate. Ill elloborate. 4130 4131 If I ask,"What is your kill count?". You'll will probably say 0. This isnt 4132 true as you kill bacteria by breathing,but do you hate bacteria... No you dont. 4133 It is not morally appropriate to hat becteria despite killing them. 4134 4135 If you hate someone,you recognize that they have moral capacity. A non-human 4136 non-Samanaska does not. Dehuman(or souled being)ization is the process of 4137 abstracting soul and moral copability out of harming someone. In this way hatred 4138 of genuine non abstract evil is justified,whereas saying "he is just mentally 4139 ill" is not. Unless you are a non-souled being,you probably are capable enough 4140 to understand morality. I do find it delusional of people to say "Joe was a 4141 theorical physicist therefore him being a part os MS-13 is ok". 4142 4143 Are you actually this fucking stupid. 4144 4145 9-1-24 Pt.2 4146 4147 There is a repressed part in me that goes good things,or maybe bad things. The 4148 bigger question is who is the unrepressed side of me. Am I am evil person doing 4149 good things like feeding homeless people or a good person with a shitty sense of 4150 aiwnios.com humor. 4151 4152 I had a dream I was terrorizing normals with preparations for religious duties 4153 or something. Dream logic ceases to make sense when you wake up. 4154 <27>4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 9-1-24 Pt.1 4168 4169 Aiwnios.com is on the 4th page of google for "aiwnios". 1st P Pushin page for 4170 yandex. I need to do some SSL certificate stuff for www.aiwnios.com(not 4171 aiwnios.com) 4172 4173 <28>4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 8-31-24 Pt.2 4197 4198 White people dream of white Gods,and black people dream of black Gods. I have 4199 seen lots of white Jesus'es in america even though he was from the Middle East. 4200 A true believe revolves around God and doesnt maek divinity out of colors. 4201 4202 8-31-24 Pt.1 4203 4204 A parent is in debt to a child,and a child is in debt to a parent. Students 4205 and teachers are the same maybe. It takes alot to admit you are wrong. I dont 4206 not know where the milk ocean is located so I am wrong probably. I will 4207 continue Samayika as it is a virtue but I will not focus on any thing except for 4208 Dharma as a word. 4209 4210 Its a cruel world. 4211 4212 8-30-24 Pt.2 4213 4214 My update script for sync points to the aiwnios process and not the aiwnios 4215 (admin). I chown'ed/chmod'ed it so the server process has access to it and 4216 aiwnios poo poo meister doesnt. If I was smart I would make an group but I that 4217 is for another time. 4218 4219 8-30-24 Pt.1 4220 4221 Aiwnios.com is going to not do refactors until I learn how to use unix 4222 properly. Transistor Assembly-Code Compiler. Anything beyond that is beyond me. 4223 4224 8-29-24 Pt.2 4225 4226 I bought food for a homeless woman about 3 days ago and she didnt accept it 4227 due to having red dye. She was thankful though. I dont know whay makes a person 4228 nice,maybe im just perceiving people to be nice. Lots of homelss pum pums come 4229 in at wrok. They seem to be the kindest. I would assume having kids fucks you up 4230 in the sense that you MUST be responsible for them. This happens to meth heads 4231 too. Meth heads are ironically nicer than de-facto white moms who demand food. 4232 4233 There are unsayable things. Even severly retarded people get girlfreinds. I 4234 dont want one becaue I would not put my faith in anyone except for myself. It is 4235 improper for women to demand faith. Only Holy people like gurus and munis can 4236 demand faith,but they dont want it from me or anyone. 4237 4238 The Quran says Allah elevated Muslims above others(?I forget where). Islam 4239 literally thinks its superior to everyone else. I used to wonder how to convince 4240 Muslims that I was a good person. It is pointless. It is a virtue to stop trying 4241 to do impossible things. People are not superior to others,only less inferior. 4242 4243 A meth head who knows he is inferior is less inferior to a meth head who 4244 thinks hes the shit. Both are addicted to meth.(I might as well be a computer 4245 meth-head) 4246 4247 4248 4249 8-29-24 Pt.1 4250 4251 Directories need X bit to be usefull in unix. 4252 4253 8-28-24 Pt.1 4254 4255 I fucking hate networkin code. 4256 4257 8-27-24 Pt.2 4258 4259 Apple showed a popup crash reporter for aiwnios faulting. It said to give a 4260 desrciption so I typed "21 Savage". 4261 4262 When I get elected president I will make a $21 Bill 4263 <29>4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 8-27-24 Pt.1 4282 4283 Travis scott Released a new album. Im working on refactors with headers. 4284 4285 8-26-24 Pt.1 4286 4287 People are only morally copable for evils they intented on doing. A bully at 4288 shcool should only be punished for being a bully. Just because someone shoots up 4289 thier shcool becaus of a bully doesnt mean the bully is a murderer despite being 4290 directly responsible for the shooting. 4291 4292 Society tells women it's ok to kill unfaithful husbands. Bad advice from 4293 society. 4294 4295 8-25-24 Pt.1 4296 4297 Whose fucking brilliant idea was it to make small HDMI ports. It fucking 4298 snapped on my Raspberry Pi 4 now I have to use my Rapsberry Pi 3 to do sexy 4299 stuff because it has a Phat-Ass HDMI port. This is the second time a Micro-MDMI 4300 snapped on me. Time to flash a USB drive. 4301 4302 I will optimize the ARM part of aiwnios sometime but not on my macbook because 4303 I dont have enough USB 3.0 Ports for my mouse and keybaord. I am not ungrateful. 4304 I am not spending money for USB-3.0 shit just to use ARM. 4305 4306 8-24-24 Pt.1 4307 4308 I am a retard who doesnt not understand zero-point energy. What happens when 4309 you put 2 balls in a vaccum. Do they bounce forever because of gravity or do 4310 they reach a standstill. 4311 <30>4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 8-21(SAVAGE)-24 Pt.3 4334 4335 Peoples perceptions of things changes based on thier feelings. I dont know if 4336 this is delusion. Emotion clashes with reason. A (kind) obese person in a suit 4337 and tie is worthy of respect but a obese person who is an asshole has no self 4338 control for his overeating. 4339 4340 I do not belive this is people pleasing either . I believe there is a genuine 4341 psychological function at play. I feel like,if I wasnt kind to people,I would be 4342 a troubled person... but I feed homeless people while volenteering so idk. I say 4343 "retard" alot so Idk. People genuinely think I am a good person. I see a really 4344 fucked up person. 4345 4346 I once saw real life gang members on TV in El-Salvador(?) talking about how 4347 they would die for their gang when they were in prision. This is delusional 4348 because they are denying freedom for gang life,but I understand why they do it. 4349 I want to be (called) evil becuase it is not delusuional to call me a ableist or 4350 whatnot. I am a fucked up person who says things on the internet so yes,I am 4351 evil by normal people standards. 4352 4353 I would rather be judged for who I am rather than who Im not. 4354 4355 8-21(SAVAGE)-24 Pt.2 4356 4357 Press 'T' or 'B' to edit things/blocks in FrogsEngine. I fucking hate 4358 wordpress blogs. People will only relate to what they can understand. I could 4359 write about compilers here but it's more productive to say dumb shit. 4360 4361 8-21(SAVAGE)-24 Pt.1 4362 4363 It's 21 Savage Day. There are 21 Savage-alot of good things to be thankful 4364 for. I was listening to Charli XCX and it reminded me of a non-contraversal 4365 female version of Ye. 4366 4367 Do you know Super nintendo. I sold 9 super nintendo games today at work 4368 including StarFox. Many people use abstraction as a condom when discussing self. 4369 They dont want to bust thier feelings and explode. In this way this website is 4370 an ideologial cumrag. If you parent your kids they will probably not write 4371 Shitpits. I said "retard" only like 3 times today so im doing good. 4372 4373 8-20-24 Pt.1 4374 4375 I was working on SIMD stuff. 4376 4377 8-18-24 Pt.3 4378 4379 Best freinds for life don't follow you into death. They dont cross the death 4380 veil 4381 4382 8-18-24 Pt.2 4383 4384 People with solid values cannot betray you. If someone says,"I will do this" 4385 and belives in it they are clear about what they are doing. People with fluid 4386 psuedo-values can say one thing and mean another. They will say,"I stand for 4387 peace" and they will define "peace" after they oppress you in search of 4388 then-defined peace. The Tirthankaras were of solid non-shifting values that they 4389 lived by. 4390 4391 I regret my faults in values. Just as wine disolved into water,sins disolve 4392 then confessed. 4393 4394 -] Sins of 8-18-24 4395 4396 1 - I said "fuck" and "retard" alot today. 4397 2 - I wiped sweat from my head without checking for bugs. 4398 3 - I did lots of caffine. 4399 4 - I listened to rap music. 4400 4401 The Arihants would not be pleased with my mouth. 4402 4403 8-18-24 Pt.1 4404 4405 I finally rememberd by gmail password. I dropped my old phone so I probably 4406 cant change it becuase it has 2fa on the old phone. I am going to add 4407 arhcitecutre agnostic SIMD intrinsics maybe after my Kanye makes Aiwnios great 4408 again. I will not be making a magic "SIMD" auto-optimizer. SIMD would be cool 4409 for ray tracing because I could add vectors really easily. 4410 4411 4412 8-16-24 Pt.1 4413 4414 4415 You are born alone and die alone(in this world). Seek the goodnes of the Holy 4416 Ones to avoid dying alone. I should talk to them more. I still have lots to 4417 learn. I doubt they want to hear obscenities from me so I need to tell them 4418 about math. I will tell you what I learned today: 4419 4420 4421 //https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93line_intersection 4422 Bool SegmentSegmentIntersect(CD2 *hit_at,CD2 *a,CD2 *b,CD2 *a2,CD2 *b2,F64 4423 *t,F64 *u) { 4424 F64 bottom=(a->x-b->x)*(a2->y-b2->y)-(a->y-b->y)*(a2->x-b2->x); 4425 F64 _t=((a->x-a2->x)*(a2->y-b2->y)-(a->y-a2->y)*(a2->x-b2->x))/bottom; 4426 F64 _u=-((a->x-b->x)*(a->y-a2->y)-(a->y-b->y)*(a->x-a2->x))/bottom; 4427 if(0<=_t<=1) 4428 if(0<=_u<=1) { 4429 if(t) *t=_t; 4430 if(u) *u=_u; 4431 if(hit_at) { 4432 hit_at->x=a->x+_t*(b->x-a->x); 4433 hit_at->y=a->y+_t*(b->y-a->y); 4434 } 4435 return TRUE; 4436 } 4437 return FALSE; 4438 } 4439 4440 4441 This will tell you if the lines interect. t is the point on the segment(from 4442 0->1) what tells you where the intersection is. I use it in frogs engine. when 4443 testing if a ray hits a sprite and where it hit the sprite. 4444 4445 <31>4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 8-14-24 Pt.2 4461 4462 People said I would be successful in life because I made a blinking light via 4463 an oscilator (via an NE555) and shit as a kid. I knew more math than my freinds. 4464 Too bad I didnt become Steve Jobs. Not everyone who is smarter than you in some 4465 way will be a big person. I am an austistic person who liked transistors. 4466 Nothing more than that. 4467 4468 Acquiring stuff only gets you so far. I am glad to never have gone to colledge 4469 because people assume you acquire knowledge. Life is not minecraft and you dont 4470 just aquire stuff by going into a cave and coming out. I could say the n word 4471 now. I typed it then I back-spaced it. I am probably racist despire not hating 4472 black people/asian people/mexican people/indian people or any other race. I am a 4473 bum who has a compiler. I say the wrong things so whatever good I do is 4474 invalidated. 4475 4476 Go to colledge and let the professors fill your brain with knowledge that was 4477 acquired by more worthwhile people than you. 4478 4479 Ullman and Knuth are worthwhile people. You probably arent. Go acquire to your 4480 hearts content. Acqusition wont liberate you,only proper faith conduct and 4481 action can but I am too busy not hating black people enough to your liking 4482 therefore any knowledge I have is invalid. I have to go into the streets and 4483 tell others to not be racist to have valid knowledge,math doesnt matter anymore. 4484 4485 Ps Women cannot achieve liberation as frequently as men it may be. An old 4486 greek person said that "I am successful because I am not a animal,woman,or 4487 barbarian". This is correct knowledge(as per Digambar tradition) but may as well 4488 be misogyny to you. 4489 4490 Ps Women such as Marudeva(the first mother of Earth) have acheived liberation 4491 but not in this era. Heaven is good enough for them,and it is also noteworthy 4492 that the gates to Nirvana closed after Mahaviras Moksha so heaven is the best 4493 you can get in this planet/era. 4494 4495 8-14-24 Pt.1 4496 4497 I may make my FrogsEngine more minecraft like in terms of the world. I'll go 4498 play morrowind or something. 4499 4500 8-13-24 Pt.1 4501 4502 True morality isnt for me to decide. I look into myself and find it hard to 4503 relate to anyone else. When you do good it is for your own benefit. I dislike 4504 abstractions on death,but I will elloborate later. I feel good not killing 4505 things. This benefits me because I feel good. I dont care about others beyond 4506 the joy of helping them. If I was sadistic I would enjoy killing people but this 4507 is not the case. I cannot empathize with people but I enjoy helping them. 4508 4509 I enjoy helping people not for the sake of helping them,but because it makes 4510 me feel good. I dont actually have empathy for them. 4511 4512 I am a 2 faced person becuase I seem to have real morals but I really dont. I 4513 heard about facts and feelings. I dont have feelings for people but the fact is 4514 I only appear to care for them. I will tell you the truth that I dont care about 4515 them. 4516 4517 8-11-24 Pt.1 4518 4519 Just as a person moves from an old neighborhood to a new one,it can feel like 4520 the weight of the world has been lifty by giving something up. 4521 4522 Giving up crack is hard,but would feel good to give it up. If Muhammad got 4523 teleported 1000 years into the future where no one knew about him,would he give 4524 up pretending to be a prophet. I dont know. I doubt a person with ligament 4525 guilt would commit more crimes if released from prison. 4526 4527 I used to feel like I was released from a mental prision but im kind of fucked 4528 in the head. Time to go back to a mental prison. Its liberating to give things 4529 up. Fear ceases when reality starts. 4530 4531 8-6-24 Pt.1 4532 4533 I gave a person extra food today at the food pantry. I am not the kind to lie 4534 but I will withhold my error until confronted about it. 4535 4536 8-5-24 Pt.1 4537 4538 Being grateful is means you got something you needed. Today at work there was 4539 a very grateful woman. I cannot be grateful because I have everything I need. 4540 4541 I feed homeless people. I am not grateful for it. I dont think being kind and 4542 being grateful are synonyms. There are 2 sides to me. At work I am very kind. At 4543 home I call the computer homophobic and ableist slurs because it is a fucking 4544 retard. 4545 4546 No one at work thinks I swear. They hide thier swearing from me because they 4547 think im innocent but in reality I say the n word alot in my head. 4548 4549 I think if the Tirhankaras came to me they would seek liberation because they 4550 lost the final drop of hope in humanity from hearing me call the computer a 4551 faggot. 4552 4553 I am begining to see the error I my ways but I literally cannot control it at 4554 home. The computer is a fucking faggot. I actaully believe I have some sort of 4555 mental disorder like loggherea or something. 4556 4557 4558 8-4-24 Pt.2 4559 4560 I'll need to make aiwniosTube 4561 4562 8-4-24 Pt.1 4563 4564 Poo poo ballers. Is stability and inaction synonmyns. A house doesnt walk away 4565 during a storm. No decision is better than a haste decision. 4566 4567 8-3-24 Pt.1 4568 4569 Some guy asked if I knew where to find Xanax. I luaghed and said no. I 4570 probably look like a druggie. 4571 4572 7-31-24 Pt.1 4573 4574 There is a form called unitedbsd. I may have to make an account there because 4575 I am a BSD head. I still have to polish the MrChrootBSD program. 4576 4577 7-29-24 Pt.1 4578 4579 If Therapists are morally copable for fixing people,do they take credit for 4580 thier suicides? If the role of a therapist is only to aid in helping people I 4581 see no use for them if the help I need is within me. I am a retard so what do I 4582 know. I wrote eariler that my err is not being in a culture. 4583 4584 Dont end up in the system. Once a (diagnosed) retard always a retard. There is 4585 value in helpless-ness when it is yours to own. Its like asking to starve or be 4586 inseminated by foriegners for status. Ill gleefully starve. 4587 4588 7-28-24 Pt.2 4589 4590 When I become dictator of Jannah I will offically open Meth-Topia where 4591 Meth-heads can do meth. I will open one for furries and gay people. 4592 4593 They say segregation is bad,I think people should be segreted based on ideas. 4594 This way that like minded people can find community. Much in the same way 4595 Churches and Mosques are seperate,we get a degree of peace through seperation. 4596 Just as a woman who takes lots of naked pictures of herself shouldnt be a 4597 high-school teacher,goodness has a place and doesnt exist in a vacuum. Goodness 4598 has a place it does. An asshole could make a good police officer but not a 4599 therapist. 4600 4601 7-28-24 Pt.1 4602 4603 I am a ideological/compiler Meth-head. I feign for fixes of compilers. I got 4604 to work then I shoot up the compiler. I am a ghetto retard who writes compilers. 4605 I disregard social norms so I can just get my fix like a meth head. 4606 4607 Have you seen children playing with toys. They cry because they have no toys 4608 to play with. They will deny thier toy meth just as an adult denies his phone 4609 meth. I have compiler meth. Phones are like meth,and probably more addictive. 4610 4611 Have you seen a story without an enviroment. Such would be a strange story. I 4612 live in a place where retardation is a sacred place. I cant say "retard" without 4613 blaspheming the disability God's purple book even though I am autistic. My 4614 parents put me here. 4615 4616 I am a "smart" one. I am a "good"(?) one. I am the exception,not the example. 4617 I dont spend all day masturbating to Sonic the Hedgehog porn(defacto Austism). 4618 I'll be frank. I am just a compiler Meth-Head. Before that I was a Islam 4619 Meth-Head. I just need my fix. They will not allow liberation so I will just 4620 take my meth. 4621 4622 The funny thing is I have a family I call everyday but it is not my job to 4623 entertain them. They do not deserve my love. If they raped me I would still be 4624 told about the importance of "family values". 4625 4626 Why do you think people become meth heads. We all have desires. Meth Heads are 4627 the kings of desire. In a world where religion is denied meth is a good 4628 alterative. 4629 4630 7-24-24 Pt.1 4631 4632 Denying your humanity is a good way to appear human. If I say "I hate n words" 4633 then I appeat inhuman. If I say "I have made mistakes" then everyone can relate. 4634 Abstraction of self is a good way to appear human while denying the reality of 4635 oneself. 4636 4637 In relationships I assume people are honest about their evils(ideally). This 4638 is probably not the case. Therapists hide behind a wall of abstraction and hide 4639 thier humanity to appear archetypal and super-human. You are not allowed to ask 4640 "Who am I talking to." Real non-artifical interactions are human. I could hire a 4641 computer to be a therapist to good effect. 4642 4643 7-23-24 Pt.1 4644 4645 Im bored. Mrgirl is on facebook. Its my right to not argue with you just as 4646 it's your right to not argue with me. Facebook is a social meth minus the 4647 needles. You cant inject facebook into your balls. 4648 4649 7-22-24 Pt.1 4650 4651 Sup homies. YouTube is a fucking CrunkZone for para-social interaction. What 4652 do you get out of YouTube. I really dont know. As a kid I wasnt allowed to use 4653 YouTube because I was bad. I think this was an improper decision for my parents 4654 because with a little support I could have lived a normal life by masturbating 4655 to Twitch streamers. I could have said "Hey bro",fucked an influencer and vote 4656 for Kamala Harris(proudly). 4657 4658 This sounds far fetched,not really. Culture is a glue the influences people 4659 with values. By denying culture(masturbating to Twitch streamers) you are 4660 denying a social glue. All you have to do to end insane people is to help them 4661 before they become insane. I dont think it is possible to rationalize with 4662 school shooters once they start shooting. You have to tell them proper faith and 4663 culture. 4664 4665 I dont think school shooters are the type to be social. It would be weird if 4666 they were. They probably are isolated and have nothing. In the story of 4667 Christmas the spirits go back in time to help Mr.Scrouge become a nice man by 4668 changing events in his life before he goes to hell and gives him a second 4669 chance. There is truth to this story. 4670 4671 I really like movies about helping people and transformation. I dont see 4672 appeal in seeing action. Movies where someone gets transformed into a great 4673 person is great because is displays the archetype of goodness. 4674 4675 You may be wondering what this has to do with YouTube. YouTube is(was) a means 4676 of delivering culture. But now it seems "free" culture has been anihilated 4677 because of political correctness where everyone is safe to say nothing. 4678 4679 Leafyishere is gone sadly. I mean he(who made fun of dog fucker girl) got 4680 banned for bullying or something. WTF. 4681 4682 I suppose I have a bit of evil in me because I have no sense of culture around 4683 me. I have archetypes but no culture,but if YouTube is culture then you bet your 4684 ass I will not be satisfied. 4685 4686 7-17-24 Pt.1 4687 4688 PT_TRACE_ME is strange because all execve's happing on a pid will trigger a 4689 TRAP(you can execve multiple times tcsh->program->other). Its fuckin weird. I am 4690 closer than ever to having MrChrootBSD have proper ptrace support. 4691 4692 7-13-24 Pt.1 4693 4694 I will worked on the user management for the server,but its not there yet. Im 4695 going to make ptrace work under MrChrootBSD. Im 21 Savage Boomin'. 4696 4697 7-9-24 Pt.3 4698 4699 I am tired. I will sleep. 4700 4701 7-9-24 Pt.2 4702 4703 If I marrry a dumb bitch who has improper mentality and I divorce her for 4704 having improper ideas it is justified in the same way we worship movie actors. 4705 We worship movie actors not for their earth vessels but the roles they play on 4706 screen. In the same way I seek true mentality,I dont fucking care about someone 4707 personaly. 4708 4709 7-9-24 Pt.1 4710 4711 Choices are only measured by alteratives. I am only pretending to have 4712 morality it seems. I only have fear. There are no worthwhile alternatives. 4713 4714 7-8-24 Pt.1 4715 4716 I have a secret plan to run FreeBSD programs on that fucking peguin OS. No VM 4717 needed. Ill be frank. Linux lets me intercept the syscalls or even ignore them 4718 with SYSEMU(and set the registers and do something else instread of a syscall). 4719 4720 -] Hopes for Linux 4721 4722 -] Same TLS ABI 4723 4724 The thread local storage needs to be the same 4725 4726 -] No checking ELF-branding 4727 4728 Load the fucking FreeBSD ELFs. 4729 4730 -] Allow me to ld_preload a 'shims.so' 4731 4732 I will need the address of the syms too. 4733 4734 4735 If I get these you bet your ass Daemonic Peguins will rise. This is a secret 4736 violatile project so dont get too excited. 4737 <32>4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 7-7-24 Pt.3 4760 4761 If I marry a woman it is because she has proper ideas. If she looses proper 4762 thinking then I will divorce her because she is a dumb bitch. Praise God that I 4763 am not intrested in marriage. I am a parasite who doesnt want to procreate. In 4764 order for someone to win someone has to loose. I choose to loose because I will 4765 not cause the pain of winning. 4766 4767 Talking to me is like talking to Donald Trump. Donald Trump is all the 4768 transfer and politics of power. I seriously dont fucking care about your 4769 passions. Everyone thinks thoughts they dont share because most of them arent 4770 retards who have shitpits. No filter mentality. 4771 4772 Im not a misogynist becuase I choose not to interact with women for 4773 reproductive purposes. The world doesnt need more retard-lets running around. 4774 4775 4776 7-7-24 Pt.2 4777 4778 I should make an "aiwnios apps" thing. Like a standalone execuable version of 4779 aiwnios programs. 4780 4781 7-7-24 Pt.1 4782 4783 There is too much death in the world but I feel I am forced to smile because 4784 there is no alterative and I will face retaliation for not smilling. I see 4785 little difference between a human dying and an ant. I love ants. Humans will 4786 take a fact and masturbate with it until they die. This is called self-delusion. 4787 America founded on death? Drink beer and eat burgers. America is founded on 4788 death therefore to honor people who died for freedoom you must drink beer and 4789 eat burgers. 4790 4791 It is impolite to bring up unpleasant truths. I can say an unpleasant truth 4792 that everyone is thinking,and I will suffer for the thing everyone thinks. Like 4793 if someones say "have you thought about killing yourself". I have been doing 4794 this for a long time but if I say "yes" then you get put in a retard zoo. 4795 Physical death is ok for americans to make video games about but word death is 4796 unspeakable in a nation that is free from "blasphemy". 4797 4798 I think about killing myself everyday. This is word death. There are 4799 priorities other than dying by you cannot escape the black and white boolean 4800 cure of "word-death" that is defined by saying something that is true. 4801 4802 I am sorry for living in this world. I dont know how monks come up with great 4803 peices of art. They probably secretly think about coool things when they are 4804 suppost to be meditating. 4805 4806 7-6-24 Pt.1 4807 4808 I have a raging headache. 4809 4810 7-5-24 Pt.1 4811 4812 Gunna learn spnaish. 4813 4814 7-4-24 Pt.3 4815 4816 Truama is probably something I expirence(d) in some way. Like when people get 4817 raped they have truama. In Silent Hill 2 the main charactor is actually a 4818 murderer with amnesia. The reason I say this is because my truama is partly my 4819 own fualt unlike getting raped. My parents were garbage humans but I will not 4820 list thier errors out of respect. The only pain in my control is the pain I 4821 give. I used to be a Muslim and people hated me but I actually believed I would 4822 go to hell if I didnt believe. My parents thought it was because I was retarded. 4823 I have been described as retarded for a long time. 4824 4825 If I could profit from truama instead of suffer for it,it would be a no 4826 brainer. I call myself a retard alot. It is funny to me. It isnt even a cope 4827 with the nihilism of my own existence,it's just funny. I profit from calling 4828 myself a retard. 4829 4830 Some people say it is obligitory to overcome truama. I dont know why 4831 considering truama doesnt go away. I think about how retarded Islam is everyday. 4832 I will for a long time. I can try to stop myself but I dont think it helps. 4833 4834 One time I saw a person at the DMV and he made a joke about being retarded. It 4835 was funny. I find no offense or ill intent in what he said. If you are suppost 4836 to overcome truama then I should have "been pained by it",but no,it was funny. 4837 4838 I legidmently dont even know what it means to overcome trauma. Like when 4839 people leave relgions ,zealots assume they have no peace but this is not the 4840 case sometimes. Life goes on. Maybe letting go of the pain and realized it is 4841 retarded is the answer. 4842 4843 4844 7-4-24 Pt.2 4845 4846 Windows bugged out on the lowercase 'c' key. I have to reboot my windows 4847 machine.Redacted: Windows allows shortcut icons to have hot keys when installed 4848 and I accently alaised 'c' to "Make a new boot directory for Aiwnios 4849 4850 7-4-24 Pt.1 4851 4852 Im working on a Quest system for the FrogsEngine. I will make it so you go on 4853 quests like collect peices of shit to sell at BurgerHut as Assburgers. Im 4854 demeneted. I imagine everything in the is reality comes at a cost. Will it be 4855 worth it to express myself? In stores there is a fixed price on stuff,in life 4856 there isnt. Time to find out. 4857 4858 7-3-24 Pt.1 4859 WHO THE FUCK PUT ADS ON https://timecube.online/. Fucking poo poo brains. You 4860 ruined nice piece of art. 4861 7-2-24 Pt.1 4862 4863 I dont know if have learned anything in life other than about compilers. About 4864 10 years ago I was in a retard house and I still am. I really wonder if I have 4865 learned anything. Just in the same way mercy is synonymous with 4866 gullibilty,being "free-sprited" is a synonym for being an immorral poo poo 4867 brain. I cannot look in the mirror and see a man. 4868 4869 I think I hallucinate facts sometimes. I sometimes imagine myself speaking 4870 spanish but I dont know spanish. This is called Mirsha Manayog(mixing truth with 4871 falsehood in one's mind). 4872 4873 7-1-24 Pt.2 Bool-7 4874 4875 -] Types of bodies 4876 4877 -] AudarikSharir 4878 4879 Physical earth body capable of attaining Liberation. 4880 4881 -] VaikriyaSharir 4882 4883 God/Demon body 4884 4885 -] AharakSharir 4886 4887 Space body that travels in space in search of Tirhankaras. 4888 4889 -] Taizas Sharir 4890 4891 Fire body. Can change colors and act like spirits 4892 4893 -] Karman Sharir 4894 4895 A body that accomponies a soul during a new death/birth 4896 4897 4898 4899 7-1-24 Pt.1 4900 4901 I fucked up snapd on linux and now I cant use firefox. The apt version in 4902 ubuntu is aliased to the snap version. Im now stuck using dillo. 4903 4904 I get this when I run firefox. 4905 4906 /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope is not a snap cgroup 4907 6-30-24 Pt.4 4908 4909 Part of growth is doing what you are capable of doing. Donald Trump has "the 4910 secret". I do not have the secret so it is best I dont strive for someone else's 4911 secret but to use my own secret sauce. I feel like I am wasting time 4912 volenteering alot so I should quit to pursue my own expressive ambitions. There 4913 is only 1 of me so I should express him. 4914 4915 6-30-24 Pt.3 4916 4917 I will redact my dark humor. It is optimal to not feed poo poo brains. I have 4918 a problem. 4919 4920 6-30-24 Pt.2 4921 4922 [Redacted]. 4923 4924 6-30-24 Pt.1 4925 4926 Truth is only as effective as it is practical. I am thinking about the retard 4927 word now. Is it pracitcal. I was wondering about proto-truths. What goes on in 4928 the mind of an artist before he delivers a truth. This is probably more 4929 intresting than the truth itself. 4930 4931 Proto-Truths make artists appear more human when exposed. Saying the n word 4932 makes you appear more human because it shows your confusion. 4933 4934 6-29-24 Pt.3 4935 4936 This website looks lit and contraversal: https://maxkarson.com/. Im watching 4937 the video section. 4938 4939 6-29-24 Pt.2 4940 4941 If no one speaks truth another famine may happen where the Truth is lost. I 4942 dont know if it is self censorship is good because when people censored 4943 themselves great knowledge was lost with death. 4944 4945 If this is true I will need to say racial slurs on aiwnios.com and beat my 4946 dick to Jordan Peterson. Is self-censorship a virtue? When I think I think of 4947 unthinkable things like the n word because it is funny. 4948 4949 I will introspect on this next Samayika session. 4950 4951 6-29-24 Pt.1 4952 4953 Ye is a good rapper. I was optimizing the smalltalk engine. I am just trying 4954 to remove dumb shit. I just have to make assigning into members less dumb then I 4955 will be done micro-optimzing. 4956 4957 I dont know when it got cool to write all game logic in a scripting 4958 language(Smalltalk-80). I will do it anyway. Probably was a retarded(?) idea. No 4959 stopping now. 4960 4961 I am plannin on using silent-NANs of IEE754 to do lit stuff. I will allocate a 4962 massive memory chunk for the game,then I will the 50 bit left-over room(of 4963 silent NANs) for real shit. No more AsF64/FrogNumNew necessary. 4964 4965 4966 6-28-24 Pt.1 4967 4968 The SmallTalk engine is still the bottleneck of the FrogsEngine. Graphics take 4969 like no time relativley speaking 4970 4971 6-27-24 Pt.1 4972 4973 Donald Trump needs to shit on the table during to debate. This will even the 4974 playing feild considering Biden shits himself every day. By Donald Trump 4975 shitting on the desk he will make the coprophilia reddit(Shit eating fetish 4976 reddit) be the new "thedonald" of reddit for 2024. 4977 4978 Reddit fucked me over with 4979 A) Making me make a account to view porn on it and 4980 B) Removing "thedonald" subreddit 4981 4982 6-27-24 Pt.0 4983 4984 Hey whats up, you can now show off your cool IBM Code Page 437 art and show 4985 off your cool symbols and shit with the latest commit in DolNet. Here is an 4986 example 4987 4988 //┌──────────┐ 4989 //│ π⌠ │ 4990 //│ │cos²ΘdΘ│ 4991 //│-π⌡ │ 4992 //└──────────┘ 4993 4994 You can view this directly in the live DolDoc viewer AND your browser thanks to 4995 UTF-8. It might have alignment issues on the Web though, keep that in mind 4996 4997 6-25-24 Pt.2.5 Ammended 4998 4999 I made the Thing use line numbers instead of File anchors and it runs 5000 smoothly. See the Help index here. /SmallTalkHelp.DD 5001 5002 6-25-24 Pt.2 5003 5004 I made a SmallTalk Help index but it generates fuckin massive HTML,also takes 5005 like over a few minutes to generate on the Thinkpad 5006 5007 6-25-24 Pt.1 5008 5009 im on my phone waiting yo come home from work. This sucks now. Yesterday 5010 poaying Quake3 i saw cool wster effects for the grpahocs. i may have to make the 5011 water in the game look cool. Like there water layers would move around alot and 5012 it was multilayered. 5013 5014 i dont know much about graphics. i uses to keep track of the on screen 5015 geometry but i just use z buffering now. Im ashamed of my poopy graphics code. 5016 Like maybe im romanicizing quake2s performance but consideringn it runs on 5017 software renderer its insanely fast . Probably cuz it uses BSP which divides the 5018 level into rooms.(sort of). 5019 5020 6-24-24 Pt.3 5021 5022 The God/Allah entity likes to make people feel like they are chosen. It is 5023 very easy to love God/Allah and it is a shortcut to liberation. You dont have to 5024 be a good person or know anything. Ill elloborate. All you have to do is believe 5025 in God and you can be a poo poo brain because you are chosen. Anyone can go 5026 crazy and go to heaven by actin like a poo poo brain. 5027 5028 There is no sense of worthyness in Islam. There is no sense of being worthy 5029 enough to do something because you can just do it,nothing is off-limits in terms 5030 of practice. 5031 5032 In Jainism,it is improper to go apeshit. You are not allowed to just become a 5033 monk. Someone asked about this. In Ratnakaradana Sravakacara there are 11 steps 5034 you must do before you are worthy of being a monk. You cannot just decide to 5035 become a monk,not allowed. 5036 5037 Islam is a shortcut theology because the Quran is polemic against any form of 5038 abstract thinking about God. Islam rejects the trinity and other Gods because it 5039 is too simple. It takes out any level of abstraction and replaces it with 5040 "common-sense" things that most people think about God. This is why people feel 5041 chosen when they read it. It is because the theology is forcibly simplied to the 5042 point where unworthy people can understand it. 5043 5044 I am not worthy or choosen. 5045 5046 Even the Bible is better than the Quran in the sense that the Bible permits 5047 abstract thinking about God whereas the Quran is a (somewhat) straightforward 5048 text when it says things about heaven and hell. 5049 5050 The Quran also makes no sense. Read the second Surah and try summarizing it. 5051 You cannot becuase it jumps from topic to topic very fast with very little glue 5052 between the verses. It is not a linear narrative. It was not compiled into a 5053 book until later on,and the first revealed verse appears near the middile/end of 5054 the Quran. 5055 5056 It literaly is a "raw" unfiltered collection of direct-from-Allah sound bites 5057 that makes no sense when put into a book. I say straighfoward because it has no 5058 abstract thinking in it. 5059 5060 6-24-24 Pt.2 5061 5062 All pleasure comes at the expense of others. I cannot breath without killing 5063 bacteria. It is important to not have an abstract view of death when talking 5064 about killing oneself. Suicide is a painful process. Suicide is not synonymus 5065 with turning off a light. There are people who give up living with a clear 5066 heart. I am a creatin who cannot relate to pain. I am truly a coward for not 5067 paining myself. The least I can do is volenteer more. 5068 5069 I will try to learn the Pakrit version of Navakar Mantra tonight. 5070 5071 I looked at this: 5072 5073 Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind 5074 - Einstein 5075 5076 6-24-24 Pt.1 5077 5078 Heres the deal. If Donald Trump doesnt come up with cool shit to say during 5079 the 2024 presidential debate,my vote wont be for the Donald Guy. This is going 5080 to be a hard battle because Hillary had an attitude to fuck with,but Biden 5081 bumbles about politics or something. 5082 5083 /*Censored Political Speech about Trump.*/ 5084 5085 Real talk. Donald is a hypocrite because he is all for "law and order" but he 5086 is a convicted felon but denies guilt. 5087 5088 6-23-24 Pt.2 5089 5090 I made a backup of my /usr which is symlink'ed in /lib(/usr/lib) so I have my 5091 shit in case something poo poo happens again(NO upgrading SID ok). Im glad I 5092 know how to use linux sort of. 5093 5094 I wasted loads of time re-flashing the storage for my sexy Lichee Pi 4A today. 5095 No commits today,I made this picture awhile ago(Echo) 5096 5097 6-23-24 Pt.1 5098 5099 I am feignin for food. Also I apt upgraded my RISC-V machine that was running 5100 debian SID it messed things up. SID is the offical debian for RISC-V machines. 5101 Looks like a sad time for RISC-V machines around the world. 5102 5103 Who the fuck even uses RISC-V except for big-techies and me? 5104 5105 I worked on SmallTalk-Serialization. It isnt there yet but I sent it to aiwnio 5106 s.com today so you can see it do next to nothing. 5107 5108 I have decided that the frogs will not talk in the game for now. 5109 5110 6-22-24 Pt.2 5111 5112 Being dis-illusioned with living is a virtue when you make others happy. Die 5113 to make someone else's dream come true. I will ask about volenteering more to 5114 make someone else's dream come true. If I make the pain of others a pleasuree to 5115 me then that will be problematic when I face retaliation. If I make others' 5116 pleasure a pleasure to me then it will be better. 5117 5118 If living is a pleasure then suicide isnt a good option. I should seek neither 5119 death or living so I am pleasured by existence. My life shouldnt belong to me 5120 anymore. Let me be a public fuck toy for others to play with who feels nothing. 5121 5122 Can you win? Either you incur someone's disrepect or you fight them for 5123 respect. Either way you will feel pain. It seems to win at life you just give up 5124 fighting to win. The only thing better than winning is not having a battle in 5125 the first place. 5126 5127 5128 6-22-24 Pt.1 Serialization 5129 5130 I worked on some lit serialization code for SmallTalk(Save.HC). 5131 5132 5133 6-19-24 Pt.2 Tadpole Emergency 5134 5135 I accidently poured flavored water into my tadpole bowl. I saved 1 but there 5136 is another lurking in the bowl I think. I was drinking flavored water and I had 5137 another water for the tadpoles but I made a mistake and put the wrong water in. 5138 I hope sink water doesnt kill him. I put him in a pitcher full of sink water 5139 5140 I accidently killed assloads of tadpoles the other day because it was hot 5141 outside and they died. 5142 5143 6-19-24 Pt.1 5144 5145 I went to burger king and i bought a vegan burger. It was good. I bought new 5146 shoes today too. I was asked about primordial things. I cannot answer such 5147 questions. What is the purpose of eating,for fun. People learn things to 5148 construct reality 5149 5150 6-18-24 Pt.3 5151 5152 A king can give away his kingdom at death time. This is good. What if the king 5153 becomes alive again and sees how silly the new ruler is. Would he do it again. 5154 Ceasing to exist would be a blessing in this case. The pain comes not from his 5155 good(giving away the kingdom)but because of his attachment to his kingdom. I 5156 will give up the TOOM 2 port just as the King renounces his attachment to the 5157 world. I will try to make the networking code decent. I love my work but I will 5158 give it up when it is ready. 5159 5160 6-18-24 Pt.2 5161 5162 Good people arent just remembered for the things they accomplished but for 5163 what good they brought to others. It is important to remember how people 5164 impacted the world around them before we can analyze themself 5165 5166 6-18-24 Pt.1 5167 5168 Its so hot outside so I cant get tea so my productivity will plumet. I cannot 5169 operate while being hot without tea. I was debugging the networked multiplayer. 5170 I was sending the client hashes and using that size for the final number of 5171 things to be sent from the server. This lead to "vanishing" things. 5172 5173 The multiplayer code will suck ass but will be fun. People play games is for 5174 fun. I really really hope latency is not going to be an issue 5175 5176 6-17-24 Pt.4 Bool-3 5177 -] Birth bodies 5178 5179 -] (Inside) Earth 5180 5181 Natural things like rocks 5182 5183 -] From Water 5184 5185 Tadpoles 5186 5187 -] From Fire 5188 5189 Fire bodies 5190 5191 -] From Air 5192 5193 Bacteria 5194 5195 -] From Plants 5196 5197 Plants 5198 5199 -] Moving 5200 5201 Humans/animals 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 6-17-24 Pt.3 Bool-2 5207 5208 -] Cha Jiva Nikayah(Classes of living beings) 5209 5210 -] 1 Sense(Sense of touch/collision) 5211 5212 Earth,fire/water phenomon,Plants 5213 5214 -] 2 Sense creatures(Taste) 5215 5216 Worms 5217 5218 -] 3 Sense creatures(Smell) 5219 5220 Ants 5221 5222 -] 4 Sense creatures(Sight) 5223 5224 Flies 5225 5226 -] 5 Sense creatures(Hearing) 5227 5228 Humans 5229 5230 5231 5232 6-17-24 Pt.2 5233 5234 It is hard to find my Amazon books. I bought a book called 5235 The Mystery of Life: 25 Bol.Jainism Simplified in English. It was so hard to 5236 find in my amazon stuff. I have other books like OpenCL cookbook and 5237 Santa Conquers the Homophobes. I think in the eariler shitpits I would say 5238 whatever with no filter and it was true. I think that some people arent equiped 5239 to hear unpleasant truths so I will be more conversative in my ramblings. It is 5240 best to humble yourself. 5241 5242 I used to wonder why scripture makes reference to human desires while 5243 condemning human vices. It is because Truth is so hard to understand sometimes 5244 you have to be able to eat it in a way that tastes good. The same applies to the 5245 Shitpit. Expousing reality is benefical and it leaves little room for baises. 5246 The religion of the Tirhankaras is good at expousing reality. 5247 5248 6-17-24 Pt.1 Bool-1 5249 5250 -] States of Movement between Lives 5251 5252 -] Narak Gati 5253 5254 Hellish Poo Poo realm 5255 5256 -] Tiryach Gati 5257 5258 A abnormal confused reality comparable to human life 5259 5260 -] Manusha Gati 5261 5262 Transgere to a Human or Human-Like(Samaska) life,the only state that can 5263 obtain Moska 5264 5265 -] Deva Gati 5266 5267 A Godlike state of existence 5268 5269 5270 5271 6-16-24 Pt.2 5272 5273 Fuckin DolDoc fucked up my dollar signs and I lost some shitpit entries 5274 5275 5276 6-15-24 Pt.2 5277 5278 The only thing better than winning a fight is not having one. I am a big 5279 looser because I am not a winner. 5280 5281 6-15-24 Pt.1 5282 5283 Working on Doom is boring now. I have to implement the secret levels. Big 5284 boring. I cant wait to work on the frogs game again. 5285 5286 6-12-24 Pt.2 5287 5288 The Gihon server at aiwnios.com 6667 now uses CrossNetShims. You can probably 5289 run it on vinilla TempleOS. 5290 5291 6-12-24 Pt.1 5292 5293 Scientists use precise langauge,psychologists use abstract language. There is 5294 a clear disconnect. I have not seen psychologist so anything impressive. I have 5295 heard that bhuddists are a middle way. I dont know what this actually means. 5296 5297 People in distress hire lawyers to whine for them in precise langauge. In 5298 precise language I will say that "help" is in itself useless. Therapy only works 5299 becuase of the process of help and not the therapy itself. It you use magic to 5300 help you it is irrelevant if magic is acutally real because you are putting your 5301 faith in magic and that is what is causing you to change. 5302 5303 6-10-24 Pt.3 5304 5305 Enemies in TOOM can walk through each-other(it gets crowded). I will make them 5306 "bounce" off eachother in the future maybe 5307 5308 6-10-24 Pt.2 5309 TOTSE(Looks like a cool website). Its not goatse,its like an old text board that 5310 is pretty cool. 5311 5312 6-10-24 Pt.1 5313 5314 Kralech streamed porn during a twich stream. I laughed even though its bad. I 5315 optimized the TOOM collision code today. It's quite boring actually. I was 5316 iterating all of the things that needed colision. This is bad because if you 5317 have 100 things,that means you will do 100*100 things. I now ONLY use the thing 5318 grid(blockmap) when looking for things. It speeds things up alot. 5319 <33>5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 Doom II has massive levels and its boring to play. I still have to balance the 5339 gameplay a bit. 5340 5341 5342 6-9-24 Pt.1 5343 5344 Billie Ellish is a depressed singer who says things that dperessed people want 5345 to hear with Good-Artistry. 5346 5347 My favorite singers are those who talk about poop/the n-word with good 5348 artistry. Not really good taste but idk. 5349 5350 -] Best signers 5351 5352 1 - London Yellow(Raps about poop) 5353 2 - Rucka Rucka Ali(Is a fan of racism but not a racist somehow) 5354 3 - Micheal Jackson(Good artistry) 5355 4 - Scarlxrd (Fuckin sick flows,but lacking in depth) 5356 5357 5358 Ill tell you a story though a comic 5359 Froggis5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 6-8-24 Pt.2 5451 5452 Wtf 5453 5454 6-8-24 Pt.1 5455 5456 I live in a good country where I can do barley anything and live likee a king. 5457 I dont know why it seems suicide is so common here,but this isnt the point. 5458 Monks dont really do too much so its good. I am blessed enough to have a job 5459 where I feed homeless people and can think 5460 5461 Monks limit their travel. When I was a kid there were plants that would get 5462 stuck to me. They would attach themselves to me. Much in the same way a plant 5463 attaches its seeds to an animal,morals attach themselves to animals from travel. 5464 5465 If I was to quit getting tea everyday this would be good. Sticking your head 5466 underwater for swimming sounds fun until you run out of breath. I will practice. 5467 5468 6-7-24 Pt.2 5469 5470 -] Ratnakarandaka Sravak-acara notes Pt.1 5471 5472 -] The path to Nirvana is defined by 5473 5474 1 - Right Faith 5475 2 - Right knowledge 5476 3 - Right conduct 5477 -] Right Faith 5478 5479 Belief in the true Devas who are free from vices of the flesh and who 5480 are onmipotetent and who have true dharma. 5481 Gods are true only when they say the right things in an unbaised nature 5482 with no evil motives. Truth is clouded by biases therefore true Gods have 5483 to have no biases 5484 5485 Right Faith is above knowledge and conduct. A seed is not above the tree 5486 5487 -] Limbs of faith 5488 5489 1 - Belief in realities substances 5490 2 - Rejection of sense gratifaction as they lead to bad karmas 5491 3 - Love for monks 5492 4 - Rejection of poo poo brain morality 5493 5 - Dont corrupt truth 5494 6 - ??? 5495 7 - Have respect for monks and householders 5496 8 - Establish the glory of the Jain religion by doing cool stuff. 5497 5498 5499 -] Right Knowledge 5500 5501 True Knowledge is neither ineffective of exagerated. 5502 5503 -] Right Conduct 5504 5505 Ridding yourself of likes and dislikes is peace 5506 -] Anuvratas (minor vows) 5507 5508 1 - Avoid destruction of >=2 sensed beigns(anything beyond vegetables) 5509 2 - Dont make falsehood or say harmful truths 5510 3 - No stealing 5511 4 - No adultery 5512 5 - No buying assloads of shit 5513 6 - No wine and honey 5514 5515 -] Moolgunas (fundamental virtues) 5516 5517 Digvrata - Limit travel distance 5518 Dont eat roots and flowers and butter 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 6-7-24 Pt.1 5526 5527 Here is a secret formula for making a TempleOS ram disk: 5528 5529 CDrv *dv=DrvMakeFreeSlot(DrvNextFreeLet('A')); 5530 CBlkDev *bd=BlkDevNextFreeSlot(dv->drv_let,BDT_RAM); 5531 bd->max_blk=0x10000; 5532 BlkDevAdd(bd,,TRUE,TRUE); 5533 Fmt('A'); 5534 5535 I want to make Aiwnios's files be put in a RAM disk,user files will be put in 5536 hard-disk or whatever,that way you cannot mess up the KernelA.HH 5537 6-6-24 Pt.2 5538 5539 "Transiton" means seperation from the past and the future. Is is fundamentary a 5540 seperation. In this possibly transitory journey I am on in life I am seperated by 5541 nature. Transition ends when you reach your goal. It is fallacious thinking to 5542 think things are acquired except through the self. You dont get knowledge by 5543 appearing in class in the same way therapists dont cure you. It only works if you 5544 believe in it. 5545 5546 I said that hope is composed of abstraction and heuristics. It is fundamentally 5547 an abstraction of truth that looks closer to a desired result. You are forcing 5548 reality to look like a desired outcome via hope. If something doesnt look 5549 right,just abstract the ill feelings out of it and it will look better. This is 5550 how hope works. 5551 5552 I gave up a long time ago on hope. It is better to confront a cruel reality than 5553 to abstract the truth out of truth and become a poo poo brain. 5554 5555 6-6-24 Pt.1 5556 5557 I accidently deleted the shitpit entry for today 5558 5559 5-28-24 Pt.1 5560 5561 A fool seeks validation of others while a learned man knows himself. I am 5562 working on a Temple-Chat thing that is an AI. Self control is black and white. 5563 Either you control yourself or not. Reality is a good religion to study and you 5564 can find it's scripture everywhere you look. I suppose the Tirhankaras wouldnt 5565 mind me studing algorithms becasue theyt are real. 5566 5567 I cannot control myself to turn off my brain because i want to study Machine 5568 Learning. My mind is racing,the world could be burning and I wouldnt care. Man Im 5569 fuckin zooted. 5570 5571 5572 5573 5-27-24 Pt.1 5574 5575 Im Pushin' P putting Quake2 from steam on a flash drive to play on the RISC-V 5576 machine. I once said I am a living legend. This is simply not the case. A educated 5577 person in kindegarden looks like a genius(by comparasion). I need to find the rest 5578 of the compiler clan.Im not sure where they are 5579 5580 In my life I used to play with transitors as a kid. I wanted to build robots. I 5581 guess you could say I was a genius,but in reality I simply had access to more 5582 imformation than other kids. Its not that hard to build and AND gate,or a NOT 5583 gate. Alternating Current was secrectly above my head. I never understood 5584 inductors. 5585 5586 Math is the real star of the show. Do you ever wonder how people come up with 5587 operational amplifiers and filters; It's through math. Ill give an example of a 5588 simple amplifier and how math is responsible for it 5589 <35>5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 Edit: I have no idea how I worked the math of an operational amplififier at like 5608 12/13. I have become dumbers over the years. Time to stop pretending to be smart 5609 5610 5-26-24 Pt.2 5611 5612 Some people suffer for fame. I am not famous and even if I was I would not care. 5613 If you have seen the qualities of seeking attention you have seen whatever the 5614 fuck this is: 5615 <36>5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 Detioration of the senses and substance will occur. You will no longer be able 5637 to drink the Gamer Girl piss and bathwater. Dont carelessly misuse yourself while 5638 you are sensible. God will misuse you once your senses start to disappear and you 5639 will be unable to construct reality. I dont know if the target demographic for 5640 retarded Gamer Girl piss is old men or young men. I really dont know. 5641 5642 5-26-24 Pt.1 5643 5644 I heard autistic people cannot think abstractly easier. If I look at my notes 5645 they are not glued togheter or make any sense when viewed as a whole. They are not 5646 concrete(abstract). I am diagnosed with autism but I dont have it too bad. 5647 5648 You may be wondering about socialization. I have wrote before that beings are 5649 capable of receiving and giving love. This could apply to humanity at large as 5650 opposed to a small group of individuals. I do not care about anyone enough to 5651 marry them. I don't even care about them enough to serious talk to them,but I care 5652 enough to offer tea to homeless people and volenteer/work at food pantry for 5653 homeless people. I dont do this for money because I only get paid half of what I 5654 "work"(I volenteer the rest of the days). 5655 5656 See this section for why I am not Schitzophrenic. 5657 5658 5-25-24 Pt.2 5659 5660 Have you seen internal conflict. No? I have(self control). There are few if any 5661 outside oppressors. A room with a sexy RISC-V machine or other programmable 5662 machine is sexy is the same as the world to me. I wonder about the mentality of 5663 insane people. I used to belive God wanted me to wash myself alot but I was not 5664 insane becuase the Quran said so,therefore my "insane" OCD was based in a sort of 5665 reality. I was operating on bad info. I am not actually insane because I was 5666 operating on bad information as opposed to pure insanity. 5667 5668 Actually insne people(I imagine) are unable to different reality from thoughts. 5669 Insane people and "insane" people only appear the same on the outside. Hueristics 5670 are illrevelant here. 5671 5672 5673 5-25-24 Pt.1 5674 5675 Biases obscure reality. Try looking in the mirror and seeing an evil person. 5676 Morality seems to be used to justify sins more than it is used to condemn them. 5677 People eat food then it comes back out. This is self morality. True morality is 5678 not a by-product. 5679 5680 A facts is different than the reason is it being presented to you 5681 5682 5-23-24 Pt.1 5683 5684 People going full smart mode must not eat beans. There was a crow 2(?) days ago 5685 that wanted to enter my workplace,he flew into the window multiple and squaked and 5686 left his claw-marks on the window. Mr Crow tried to enter again at the front door. 5687 5688 What belongs to humans is in my hands,and what is the crow's is in his(?) claws. 5689 It is improper to take what belongs to the crow,and improper for the bird to enter 5690 my workplace,even though he is cute. 5691 5692 5-22-24 Pt.1 5693 5694 Things not to think about: 5695 <37>5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 Im not sure why this sounds like a good idea to me. They say sharing sins is a 5721 first step. Just as jucie has less taste when mixed with lots of water,sins become 5722 reduced when confessed. I asked StableDefusion to make a picture of a hedgehog 5723 made out of shit and cheetos but I didnt get a good result 5724 5725 5-21-24 Pt.4 5726 5727 I will reload the Smalltalk compiler. I wil use goto's instead of switch 5728 statements 5729 5730 5-21-24 Pt.3 5731 5732 We loose life when we loose senses(by death),to live we must remain sensible to 5733 live. I think of a severly retarded frog individual that has no snese of reality 5734 and does everthing that comes to mind. He looks like a meth addict. 5735 5736 I should make a archive of sexy content that demonstrates the in-sensibity of 5737 humans,like a "best of" list of crazyshit.com. I saw a guy smoking meth out of 5738 some fine plumbing dressed up like Super Mario. I swear the shit was fuckin lit. 5739 5740 5-21-24 Pt.2 5741 The Tirhankaras would not approve of deporting people but I cannot censor 5742 myself. The best person to deport to Africa is yourself sometimes. 5743 5744 5-21-24 Pt.1 5745 5746 Systematic deportation of mastrubators to Africa is a good way to solve the 5747 world's problems. Ill do research on how to run for President. I need to be 35 5748 years old. We need to assemble a Pornhub to Africa pipeline to fuel economic 5749 growth. Africa will benefit because they will have people to help fix poverty 5750 <38>5751 5752 5753 5754 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5-20-24 Pt.5 5791 5792 It is improper to romanicize anything out of reach. Security is a virtue. If I 5793 lost everythng and I accept the situation I will have security. Hypothetical gains 5794 from "just try it" are no match for security. A hyptohetical gain is lesser than 5795 the actuall loss in aquiring such a gain. Doing what suites you and makes you 5796 happy is perfecty fine and doesnt need to be fixed 5797 5798 5-20-24 Pt.4 5799 5800 Delusion could be defined as holding a gun to someone's head and claiming 5801 victimhood for the victim disobeying him. If the victim obeys it is still 5802 delusion. They say forced non-murder isnt true peace. This is the socitey 5803 delusion 5804 5805 Societies are defined by sets of morals. A Society without morals is an 5806 oxymoron. 5807 5808 Good people sell cures.Bad people create problems then sell cures. It is common 5809 for people to advocate freedom then condemn the liberties of others. Religious 5810 freedoom is no more of an oxymoron than society liberty. No values == no morals. 5811 The only super power you get from morality is self control 5812 5813 It seems to me that people dont have true morals and are just pretending. If I 5814 say the n word then everyone will condemn me but I am literally on a literal level 5815 harming no one. Sweet words("dont say the n word") can motivate people to do good. 5816 Does evil brew in silence or numbers. 5817 5818 Religion is good at reminding people to have morals. Home and security guards 5819 evils. Its like visiting house that you no longer live in. 5820 5821 5-20-24 Pt.3 5822 5823 If you have even seen words,you probably dont remember the paper they were 5824 written on. Thats becuase it is way too easy to read words. You could even 5825 transliterate greek if I told you what the letters sounded like. Reading isnt the 5826 true virtue,understanding is. Why am I writing the things I write 5827 5828 Compasion comes in 2 forms,Self-helping and Self-Obstructing. Somtimes helping 5829 others helps you or hurts you. Rejecting compassion is garenteed to deny the 5830 possibly of benefit but accepting compasion can give you either or 5831 5832 5-20-24 Pt.2 5833 5834 I am not a f*g,maybe I am a fig so I might be plantsexual but I dont know how 5835 sexy lettuce is. I dont know if it is possible that plants have genderes 5836 5837 5-20-24 Pt.1 5838 5839 Members of the Heavens Gate cult dressed up as star trek charactors before 5840 pwning themselves. Sometimes reality is strange we have to do strange things to 5841 express reality. It is less narcasistic to accept a loss than to deny it. I am 5842 reflecting on my reality.It is an serious act,the only people seeing 5843 trajedy/confusion are outsiders 5844 5845 5-19-24 Pt.2 5846 5847 Abstracting the dying out of death is bad. Everyone wants what they lust for 5848 until they have it. Vice versa. The problem with good people isnt good people 5849 dying,rather its when death becomes an abstract and trajedy becomes just. 5850 5851 5-19-24 Pt.1 5852 5853 I am a creatin with little sense of direction,but with a Compiler and loads of 5854 time. Despite being true I will refuse to hear it from other. Just in the same way 5855 it is useless to reason with a wall,it is useless to explain compilers with 5856 outsiders. Likewise it is useless to reason with me about direction; This is not a 5857 choise made in ignorance though 5858 5859 A Goldfish does what is best for him,witihin his capacity. Whatever hypothetical 5860 gain will go over it's goofy goldfish brain. He is soley concerned with reality. 5861 Anyone thinking of hyptheticals alone isnt thinking about reality. Goldfish poo 5862 poo brains are good at reality studies. 5863 5864 My misadventures are focosed with reality and not hyptoheticals. A hyptohetical 5865 evil is lesser than the actuall evil in combaring a hypothetical evil. 5866 5867 Morality is over my head. It is not for me to decide. 5868 5869 5-13-24 Pt.1 5870 5871 It is a strange occurance to read something to complex to understand,it is 5872 stranger to understand it. Aquisition and understanding is a 2 fold activity 5873 5874 5-10-24 Pt.2 5875 5876 Dillo 3.1 is out,grab your bros 5877 5878 5-10-24 Pt.1 5879 5880 I will say that humility is knowling your place as the asker of questions. Gods 5881 I think have a degree of humility in awnsering questions. The planter doesnt ask 5882 the Sun God for rain and the Althete doesnt ask the Rain God for sun. I suppose 5883 the Gods know their place and we ought to know our place too 5884 The 1 God cannot awnser the prayers of both the farmer and the athlete. 5885 5886 You see,knowledge is reduction ,and reality consitutes knowledge. You cannot 5887 attain liberation without reduction and restaint from evil 5888 5889 Clayton 5890 5891 <nrootconauto@gmail.com>5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 WIP DOOM port 5930 I am working on a port of Doom that runs on Aiwnios(TOOM). 59315932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 Compiler Part 1,The Lexer 5980 5981 The first part of the compiler is the lex. It turned the text from the source 5982 code into words(tokens) that the compiler understands. For example, 5983 "123" gets turned into a TK_I64. 5984 5985 In our lexer,we have CLexFile's which are blocks of text we read,this can we any 5986 piece of text,like a macro's definition or an #exe block or a file. We get the 5987 charactors out of the Lexer via LexGetChar,which will do things like free the old 5988 CLexFile if we reach the end of the stream. 5989 5990 Sometimes we want to put a charactor back into the stream. You can use CCF_USE_L 5991 AST_U16 to reuse the last charactor. For example,if we are looking for digits in 5992 the expression 123; and we hit the semicolon,we dont want to discard the semicolon 5993 that we just got,so we put it back into the lexer by setting CCF_USE_LAST_U16 5994 5995 5996 <41>5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 Compiler Part 2,The Parser 6017 6018 The second part of the compiler is the the parser. At the heart of this parser 6019 (in AIWNIOS_PrsExp.HC) is the shunting yard algorithm. This uses Reverse Polish 6020 Notation. This is a form of stack notation that looks like this: 6021 6022 6023 1 2 + 3 4 + * 6024 6025 The operators come is the order that they are used,lets see again with some 6026 parenthesis 6027 6028 ((1 2 +) (3 4 +) *) 6029 6030 Pretty epic isn't it. 6031 6032 To generate this,I use a stack called CCmpCtrl->ps with a class of CPrsStk. 6033 There are 3 stacks in a CPrsStk. The first is the precedence stack,the second is 6034 pointers to the generated CRPN's. The final is tree nodes. 6035 6036 The algorithm works by immediately pushing numbers to the stack first. Operators 6037 are pushed to the Shunting yard stack. It looks like this 6038 6039 <42>6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 The first thing to do here is put the '+' operator on the stack. 6060 6061 <43>6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 The next thing to do(after we push 2 to the output) is to check if + comes after 6082 *. + comes after the * so we push it to the output,then push * to the stack for 6083 later. We end up with something like this 6084 6085 <44>6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 Once we are at the end of input(after we add 3). We add all the operators to the 6108 output 6109 6110 <45>6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 Compiler Part 2,The Parser II 6131 6132 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 6133 6134 Compiler Part 3,The Code Generator 6135 6136 6137 The code generator in aiwnios is platform dependant and is written in C to make 6138 porting to new platforms easier(bootstrapping is done in C). There is an interface 6139 in AIWNIOS_CodeGen.HC to use the turn the Intermediate Codes from the HolyC parser 6140 into the C intermediate codes. 6141 6142 There are multiple phases to turning the intermeidate codes into machine code. 6143 The first phases are in optpass.c. This file is pretty simple and does things like 6144 constant folding(OptPassConstFold) and merging communitive operations(OptPassMerge 6145 Communitives). This is boring stuff ,but the epic part is in x86_64_backend.c(or a 6146 rm_backend.c for AARCH64). 6147 6148 The most important thing this file does is generate machine code,at the top of 6149 the file you will see functions that generate voluptuous X86 instructions for you. 6150 The second most important part is generating the temporary registers for the 6151 intermediate codes. 6152 6153 To do this,I imagine the CRPN's as a tree. Beacuse temporary registers are 6154 scare,we need to make good use of them. A good way to do this is to assign them to 6155 the leafs of the tree,and when we are done using them,we Pop them from our 6156 imaginary stack(computers loves stacks). 6157 6158 6159 <46>6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 The heavy lifting for this is done in PushTmpDepthFirst. This we recuse into the 6178 parse "Tree" and Push items once it's children are done. Items are popped when we 6179 are done with them. The PushTmp/PushTmpSpilled functions will automatically choose 6180 a temporary register based on how many temporary registers are used,or if none are 6181 availble a stack location will be choosed. 6182 6183 The fun part is at the __OptPassFinal function. This is basically a gaint switch 6184 statement that will generate the machine code from the intermediate codes. 6185 6186 This is done in 2 passes,the first pass is done to see how big the resulting 6187 source code is,and the second part is to actually generator the source code. In my 6188 code generator,I have code_misc's on some of the intermedaite codes like IC_GOTO. 6189 6190 Sometimes we want the address of a label,but we dont know it untill all the 6191 machine code is generated. You can have the compiler fill in the label at an 6192 offset in the machine code with CodeMiscAddRef(CCodeMisc*,I64 offset). At the end 6193 of our OptPassFinal function I fill in the holes with the label pointers. 6194 6195 6196 User-Guide 6197 6198 Runtime Part 1:Graphics I 6199 6200 Use the Fs->draw_it callback to draw something to the current window 6201 6202 6203 U0 DrawIt(CTask *,CDC *dc) { 6204 dc->color=BLUE; 6205 GrRect(dc,0,0,100,100); 6206 } 6207 Fs->draw_it=&DrawIt; 6208 6209 6210 6211 The first argument is a pointer to the CTask being drawn,and the second argument 6212 is a CDC drawing context,use some primitives to draw to the screen. 6213 6214 -] GrRect 6215 6216 GrRect(dc,200,200,100,100); 6217 6218 -] GrPlot(single pixel) 6219 6220 GrPlot(dc,200,200); 6221 6222 -] GrFillCircle 6223 6224 GrFillCircle(dc,100,100,50); 6225 6226 -] GrCircle 6227 6228 GrCircle(dc,100,100,50); 6229 6230 -] GrLine 6231 6232 GrLine(dc,100,100,0,0); 6233 6234 -] GrPrint 6235 6236 GrPrint(dc,100,100,"Hello World"); 6237 6238 -] GrBlot(copy dc to other dc) 6239 6240 GrBlot(dc,100,100,new); 6241 6242 -] DCClear 6243 6244 DCClear(dc); //Resets Z buffer 6245 6246 -] DCFill 6247 6248 DCFill(dc,COLOR); 6249 6250 6251 Runtime Part 1:Graphics Transformations and 3D graphics 6252 6253 TempleOS lets you do sexy stuff with the graphics like 3D graphics. At the heart 6254 of this is a transformation matrix. Im not a math genius but luckily for me there 6255 are functions for managing the math for me. Before we can use a transformation 6256 matrix,we need to set the DCF_TRANSFORMATION flag in CDC->flags. After wards you 6257 can use matrix functions to rotate your drawing things cordanates 6258 6259 6260 CDC *dc=DCNew(100,100); 6261 Mat4x4IdentEqu(dc->r); //Assign a identity matrix(No transformation) 6262 DCFill; 6263 dc->flags|=DCF_TRANSFORMATION; 6264 F64 rotx=0; 6265 for(;rotx<=2*pi;rotx+=(2*pi/100.)) { 6266 DCFill(dc); 6267 Mat4x4IdentEqu(dc->r); //Reset our transformation 6268 Mat4x4RotZ(dc->r,rotx); 6269 Mat4x4TranslationEqu(dc->r,50,50,0); 6270 dc->color=YELLOW; 6271 GrRect3(dc,0,0,0,50,50); 6272 DCFill; 6273 GrBlot(,100,100,dc); 6274 Sleep(33); 6275 } 6276 DCDel(dc); 6277 DCFill; 6278 6279 6280 Here are a list of (transformation) matrix goodies: 6281 -] Mat4x4RotX 6282 6283 //Rotates around the X axis,used for Y-flipping 6284 6285 -] Mat4x4RotY 6286 6287 //Rotates around the Y axis,used for X-flipping 6288 6289 -] Mat4x4RotZ 6290 6291 //Rotates around the Z axis,use general 2D rotations 6292 6293 -] Mat4x4Scale 6294 6295 //Zooms a matrix 6296 6297 -] Mat4x4TranslationEqu 6298 6299 Mat4x4TranslationEqu(mat,x,y,z); //Sets the cordantes of a matrix 6300 6301 -] Mat4x4TranslationAdd 6302 6303 Mat4x4TranslationAdd(mat,x,y,z); //Add to the cordantes of a matrix 6304 6305 -] Mat4x4MulXYZ 6306 6307 Mat4x4MulXYZ(mat,&x,&y,&z); //THIS WILL TRANSFORM THE CORDANTES BY THE MATRIX 6308 6309 6310 You may want to do general math on matricies too: 6311 -] Mat4x4IdentEqu 6312 6313 Mat4x4IdentEqu(mat); //This makes a normal matrix that doesnt do transofrmations 6314 6315 -] Mat4x4IdentNew 6316 6317 I64 *malloced=Mat4x4IdentNew; //This makes a normal matrix that doesnt do 6318 transofrmations 6319 6320 -] Mat4x4MulMat4x4Equ 6321 6322 Mat4x4MulMat4x4Equ(dst,a,b); //Multiplies a matrix to another matrix,ask a 6323 genius what this actually does 6324 6325 -] Mat4x4MulMat4x4New 6326 6327 I64 *malloced=Mat4x4MulMat4x4Nw(a,b); //Same as above but MAlloced 6328 6329 6330 Sometimes in your 3D adventures you may want to make sure you draw things in the 6331 distacne behind the things in the front. This is called Z-buffering. In TempleOS 6332 this is easy-peasy. Just call DCDepthBufAlloc(dc). This will handle your depths 6333 for you. 6334 6335 Here is a cube thing for you: 6336 6337 6338 CD3I32 poly[4]= {{-100,-100,-100},{100,-100,-100},{100,100,-100},{-100,100,-100}}; 6339 I64 colors[4]= {BLUE,YELLOW,GREEN,CYAN}; 6340 CDC *dc=DCNew(200,200); 6341 dc->r=Mat4x4IdentNew; 6342 DCDepthBufAlloc(dc); 6343 DCFill; 6344 dc->flags|=DCF_TRANSFORMATION; 6345 F64 rotx=0,roty; 6346 CD3I32 cube[6][6]; 6347 I64 i=0,i2=0; 6348 I64 *trans=Mat4x4IdentNew; 6349 for(rotx=0.; rotx<=(2.*pi)-1.; rotx+=2*pi/4.) { 6350 Mat4x4IdentEqu(trans); 6351 Mat4x4RotX(trans,rotx); 6352 Mat4x4RotY(trans,roty); 6353 for(i2=0; i2!=4; i2++) { 6354 MemCpy(&cube[i][i2],&poly[i2],sizeof(CD3I32)); 6355 Mat4x4MulXYZ(trans,&cube[i][i2].x,&cube[i][i2].y,&cube[i][i2].z); 6356 } 6357 i++; 6358 } 6359 for(rotx=0; rotx<=2*pi; rotx+=(2*pi/100.)) { 6360 DCFill(dc); 6361 DCDepthBufRst(dc); 6362 Mat4x4IdentEqu(dc->r); 6363 Mat4x4RotX(dc->r,rotx); 6364 Mat4x4RotY(dc->r,rotx); 6365 Mat4x4RotZ(dc->r,rotx); 6366 Mat4x4Scale(dc->r,.5); 6367 Mat4x4TranslationEqu(dc->r,0,0,3000); 6368 for(i2=0; i2!=6; i2++) { 6369 dc->color=colors[i2]; 6370 GrFillPoly3(dc,4,cube[i2]); 6371 } 6372 DCFill; 6373 GrBlot(,100,100,dc); 6374 Sleep(33); 6375 } 6376 DCDel(dc); 6377 DCFill; 6378 6379 6380 If you ran the above example,the cube looks flat,THIS IS BECUASE YOU NEED TO 6381 MAKE THINGS SHRINK IN THE DISTANCE 6382 6383 Let me introduce the CDC->transform callback: This callback will be called for 6384 every point that is rendered when DCF_TRANSFORMATION is enabled. To acheive the 6385 epic "shrinking effect",divide the X/Y coordinates by the Z coordanate times a 6386 scale distance Let's see an example: 6387 Heres an example: 6388 6389 6390 #define SCRN_SCALE 512 6391 U0 Transform(CDC *dc,I64 *x,I64 *y,I64 *z) 6392 { 6393 I64 zz; 6394 Mat4x4MulXYZ(dc->r,x,y,z); 6395 zz=SCRN_SCALE/3+*z; 6396 if (zz<1) zz=1; 6397 *x=SCRN_SCALE/2* *x/zz; 6398 *y=SCRN_SCALE/2* (*y)/zz; 6399 *x+=dc->x; 6400 *y+=dc->y; 6401 *z+=dc->z; 6402 } 6403 CDC *dc=DCAlias; 6404 dc->transform=&Transform; 6405 dc->flags|=DCF_TRANSFORMATION; 6406 I64 dist=0; 6407 dc->z=-60; 6408 for(dist=0;dist!=100;dist++) { 6409 Mat4x4TranslationEqu(dc->r,0,0,dist); 6410 dc->color=LTRED; 6411 GrRect3(dc,0,0,0,100,100); 6412 Refresh; 6413 DCFill; 6414 } 6415 6416 Runtime Part 1:Graphics Raster Operations 6417 6418 In TempleOS there are 16 colors,but you can mix them to make "new" colors. This 6419 is called dithering. To use dithering to use raster operations. This allows us to 6420 do things like make shading or invert the colors below what your drawing. Let's 6421 get started 6422 6423 6424 CDC *dc=DCAlias; 6425 I64 cnt; 6426 for(cnt=0;cnt!=100;cnt++) { 6427 dc->color=LTRED+YELLOW<<16+ROPF_DITHER; //Mix LTRED+YELLOW for Orange-ish color 6428 GrRect3(dc,0,0,0,100,100); 6429 Refresh; 6430 DCFill; 6431 } 6432 6433 6434 If you though that was cool,check out probability dithering. This will make a 6435 shading effect. You can change the percentage of what color gets used to make a 6436 shading of your choice.The CDC->dither_probability_u16 is a 16bit percentage of 6437 the the colors being used. If the dither_probability_u16 is 0,it will use 6438 dc->color,otherwise it will use dc->color.u8[2] if the probability is U16_MAX; 6439 6440 Let's rock(.u8[2] is 16 bits over): 6441 6442 CDC *dc=DCAlias; 6443 I64 cnt; 6444 for(cnt=0;cnt!=100;cnt++) { 6445 dc->color=BLACK; 6446 GrRect(dc,0,0,100,100); 6447 dc->color=LTRED+YELLOW<<16+ROPF_PROBABILITY_DITHER; 6448 dc->dither_probability_u16=U16_MAX*ToF64(cnt)/100.; 6449 GrFloodFill(dc,10,10); 6450 Refresh; 6451 DCFill; 6452 } 6453 DCDel(dc); 6454 6455 Runtime Part 2: Making Noises 6456 6457 TempleOS makes sounds that will bring you back to the days of Atari games. The 6458 simplest way to make a tone is Snd(23);(This higher the number the higher the 6459 pitch). Call "Snd;" to cancel the sound. 6460 6461 If you want to go the extra mile and make a bodacious explosioon sound,use Nois 6462 e(milliseconds,min_pitch,max_pitch);. Or if you want a jumping sound,use Sweep. 6463 6464 Runtime Part 3: Making Music 6465 6466 TempleOS let's you make some epic jams. To do this,we use the Music 6467 6468 A simple song looks like this: 6469 6470 Play("wChDqEeFwGwAwB"); 6471 6472 6473 There are special charactors that change the duration/properties of the notes,so 6474 without further ado,here is a list 6475 -] # 6476 6477 Make a note sharp(comes after the note) 6478 6479 -] w 6480 6481 When before a note,it makes it a whole note 6482 6483 -] h 6484 6485 Makes a half note 6486 6487 -] q 6488 6489 Makes a 1/4 note 6490 6491 -] e 6492 6493 Makes a tiny eigth note 6494 6495 6496 You can change the tempo of the music via the global vairable music.tempo(Be 6497 sure to reset the music's settings via MusicSettingsRst) 6498 6499 Try this: 6500 6501 6502 music.tempo=8; 6503 Play( 6504 "hEhEwEhChEwGqG" 6505 "wCqGqEqAqBqA#qAqGhEhGwAhFhGwEhChDqB" 6506 "wCqGqEqAqBqA#qAqGhEhGwAhFhGwEhChDqB" 6507 "hGhF#hFhD#wEqG#qAhCqAhChD" 6508 "hGhF#hFhD#wE.wC.wC.wC" 6509 "hGhF#hFhD#wEqG#qAhCqAhChDwD#wDwC" 6510 "hGhF#hFhD#wEqG#qAhCqAhChD" 6511 "hGhF#hFhD#wE.wC.wC.wC" 6512 "hGhF#hFhD#wEqG#qAhCqAhChDwD#wDwC" 6513 ); 6514 MusicSettingsRst; 6515 6516 Runtime Part 4: Meta-data and Reflection 6517 6518 HolyC is a mainly just in time language. This means when the code gets 6519 compiled,the information about the code is still in memory. This is great for 6520 having the code reflect on itself and saves a lot of time doing meanial things 6521 like serializing a class. The primary way to do this is via MetaData. This means 6522 data about the self. 6523 6524 To get the metadata of a class out of the compiler,we must use the CTask's hash 6525 table and do these steps 6526 6527 -] Step 1 6528 6529 Lookup the class by it's name CHashClass 6530 *findc=HashFind(cls,Fs->hash_table,HTT_CLASS); 6531 6532 -] Step 2 6533 6534 Lookup the class by it's name CMemberLst 6535 *member=MemberFind("member_name",findc); 6536 6537 -] Step 3 6538 6539 Lookup the meta data I64 meta_data=MemberMeta("META_DATA",member); 6540 6541 6542 6543 Perhaps an example will help: 6544 6545 class CMeta { 6546 I64 a fmt "A:%d\n"; 6547 I64 b fmt "B:%d\n"; 6548 F64 c fmt "C:%n\n"; 6549 }; 6550 CMeta abc={1,2,3}; 6551 U0 Main(U8 *ptr,U8 *cls=lastclass) { 6552 CHashClass *findc=HashFind(cls,Fs->hash_table,HTT_CLASS); 6553 CMemberLst *ml; 6554 U64 sf; 6555 if(!findc) return; 6556 ml=MemberFind("a",findc); 6557 sf=(ptr+ml->offset)[0](U64); 6558 if(MemberMetaFind("fmt",ml)) { 6559 Print(MemberMetaData("fmt",ml),sf); 6560 } 6561 } 6562 Main(&abc); //Here we use lastclass to get the class of abc 6563 6564 6565 If you want to make a form using meta data,you can use PopUpForm 6566 6567 6568 class CInput { 6569 //Be sure to use -P with strings 6570 U8 name[STR_LEN] format "\n"; 6571 I64 age format "\n"; 6572 Bool is_tall format "\n"; 6573 }; 6574 CInput inp; 6575 PopUpForm(&inp); 6576 "%s is %d years old\n",inp.name,inp.age; 6577 if(inp.is_tall) 6578 "Tall!\n"; 6579 6580 6581 Runtime Part 5: Filesystem 6582 6583 If you are used to using TempleOS,use the Cd("Folder"); to move into a folder. 6584 You can list the contents of the directory via Dir(".");("." is the current folder 6585 ). Sometimes you want your programs to be aware of the folders. Luckily for 6586 you,you have come to the right place 6587 6588 In TempleOS,each task has a current directory path in Fs->cur_dir(this doesnt 6589 include the drive letter). If you want the full path,use DirCur. 6590 6591 To make a file,use FileWrite("filename","text",4 /*text length*/);. When you 6592 want to read it use FilleRead("filename",&len); FileRead will always put a NULL 6593 terminator at the end of the file for your,so you can use it like a string. 6594 6595 Like C,in TempleOS you can read files in a stream,But in TempleOS,all file 6596 reads/writes act directly on the Hard-Disks sectors(Which are BLK_SIZE bytes big). 6597 You FOpen("filename","w") for writing FOpen("filename","r") for reading. To open a 6598 file for adding more data to it,use FOpen("filename","w+"). Lets see an example 6599 6600 6601 // 6602 // Files opened with FOpen MUST WRITE BLK_SIZE bytes at once 6603 // A BLK is the size of a hard-disk sector 6604 // 6605 CFile *file=FOpen("Database.BIN","w"); 6606 class CFileEnt { 6607 U8 name[STR_LEN]; 6608 U8 password[STR_LEN]; 6609 }; 6610 #assert sizeof(CFileEnt)<=BLK_SIZE 6611 CFileEnt clayton={"Clayton","123"}; 6612 CFileEnt root={"Root","toor"}; 6613 U8 buffer[BLK_SIZE]; 6614 MemCpy(buffer,&root,sizeof(CFileEnt)); 6615 FBlkWrite(file,buffer,0,1); //Write 1 blk at the first block(blk 0) 6616 MemCpy(buffer,&clayton,sizeof(CFileEnt)); 6617 FBlkWrite(file,buffer,1,1); //Write 1 blk at the second block(blk 1) 6618 FClose(file); 6619 // 6620 // Now we read 6621 // 6622 file=FOpen("Database.BIN","r"); 6623 CFileEnt user; 6624 while(FBlkRead(file,buffer,,1)) { 6625 MemCpy(&user,buffer,sizeof(CFileEnt)); 6626 "Got user \"%s\" with password \"%s\"\n",user.name,user.password; 6627 } 6628 FClose(file); 6629 6630 6631 Making and reading files is fun,but first you need to figure out where a file 6632 is. To do this use, . This will return a CDirEntry of the results(which may be 6633 multiple files). Assuming you are familiar with wildcards from Linux,DOS and CP/M. 6634 Look at this example 6635 6636 6637 FileWrite("abc.TXT","abc",3); 6638 FileWrite("def.TXT","def",3); 6639 FileWrite("ghi.TXT","ghi",3); 6640 CDirEntry *cur,*root=FilesFind("*.TXT",FUF_JUST_FILES); 6641 for(cur=root;cur!=NULL;cur=cur->next) { 6642 "I Found %s\n",cur->full_name; 6643 } 6644 DirEntryDel(root); 6645 6646 6647 A CDirEntry has much information about the directory structure. The most 6648 important is full_name which tells you the full name of the file as you may 6649 expect(name is the filename without the path). When you are done with a CDirEntry 6650 be sure to free the root data with . 6651 6652 To check if a file exists,you can use FileFind("file.HC") to check if a file 6653 exists. 6654 6655 Time to get to the nitty gritty. Has some epic flags you can use.Im not going to 6656 waste time with exposiiton,rather I will give you a table of flags 6657 6658 6659 -] FUF_RECURSE 6660 6661 This will search in the child folders for the pattern too 6662 6663 -] FUF_JUST_DIRS 6664 6665 Chooses only directories(folders) 6666 6667 -] FUF_JUST_FILES 6668 6669 Chooses only files 6670 6671 -] FUF_JUST_TXT 6672 6673 Chooses only text files 6674 6675 -] FUF_JUST_DD 6676 6677 Chooses only DolDoc files 6678 6679 -] FUF_JUST_SRC 6680 6681 Chooses only source files 6682 6683 -] FUF_Z_OR_NOT_Z 6684 6685 This will ignore Ziped named of files and just check as normal 6686 6687 -] FUF_FLATTEN_TREE 6688 6689 This will flatten a FUF_RECURSE tree for you conveince 6690 6691 6692 If you want to delete files,use DelTree("folder/files");,or if you just want to 6693 remove a fule use Del("file"); 6694 6695 There are 2 ways to make a folder,use Cd("a/b/c/d/e",TRUE); to make a path,or 6696 make a folder one at a time via DirMk("folder_name");. Copy your stuff via CopyTre 6697 e("old","new") or just a file via Copy("old","new"). 6698 6699 And by the way you can open a file chooser via PopUpPickFile("T:/"); 6700 6701 Runtime Part 6: Data structures(1 CQue) 6702 6703 TempleOS comes loaded with useful data structures but it may be confusing at 6704 first. The most important one is a CQue. This means a Circular Queue. It's likle a 6705 loop,ill draw a picture for you. 6706 6707 6708 6709 <47>6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6719 As you can see(poorly drawn) is that each item has 2 pointers( the CQue->last 6720 and the CQue->next).The ->last pointer is the previous item in the chain,not the 6721 "last" one. 6722 6723 To make a new CQue,use QueInit on the item make both pointers point to the 6724 item,which means an empty CQue. You can insert items into the CQue via QueIns(to_i 6725 nsert,at). Perhaps an example will help you. 6726 6727 In our below example,I start at head and also end at head as the queue is 6728 ciruclar 6729 6730 6731 CQue *head=MAlloc(sizeof CQue),*one=MAlloc(sizeof CQue),*two=MAlloc(sizeof 6732 CQue),*cur; 6733 QueInit(head); 6734 QueIns(one,head); 6735 QueIns(two,one); 6736 for(cur=head->next;cur!=head;cur=cur->next) 6737 "Current element(excuding HEAD):%P\n",cur; 6738 QueDel(head); //Remove all items in the CQue 6739 Free(head); //QueDel doesnt Free the head 6740 6741 6742 To get the count of items in your queue use QueCnt(head). And to remove an item 6743 form the queue(not Free it),use QueRem which will detach the item from a queue 6744 6745 6746 CQue *head=MAlloc(sizeof CQue),*one=MAlloc(sizeof CQue),*two=MAlloc(sizeof 6747 CQue),*cur; 6748 QueInit(head); 6749 QueIns(one,head); 6750 QueIns(two,one); 6751 QueRem(one); //Detach one from the CQue 6752 Free(one); //Free it's data 6753 for(cur=head->next;cur!=head;cur=cur->next) 6754 "Current element(excuding HEAD):%P\n",cur; 6755 QueDel(head); //Remove all items in the CQue 6756 Free(head); //QueDel doesnt Free the head 6757 6758 6759 You can insert get the item count of the QueCnt(head) 6760 6761 Here is a reference section: 6762 -] QueInit(head) 6763 6764 Intialize the head of a queue 6765 6766 -] QueIns(to_ins,elem) 6767 6768 Insert an item after the elem 6769 6770 -] QueInsRev(to_ins,elem) 6771 6772 Insert an item before the elem 6773 6774 -] QueRem(elem) 6775 6776 Detach an item from the queue(doesnt free it) 6777 6778 -] QueDel(head) 6779 6780 Frees all items in the queue 6781 6782 -] QueCnt(head) 6783 6784 How many items in the queue(excluding the head) 6785 6786 6787 Runtime Part 7: Data structures 2(HashTable) 6788 6789 Hash tables are like dictionary data structures and each task has one in Fs->has 6790 h_table. Each CHash has a type and a str. 6791 6792 When you look up a hash from a hash-table you will need the type. For example,if 6793 we want to grab a define(HTT_DEFINE_STR) from our current task,we do: 6794 6795 #define FOO 123 6796 CHashDefineStr *def=HashFind("FOO",Fs->hash_table,HTT_DEFINE_STR); 6797 if(def) 6798 "%s\n",def->data; 6799 6800 We looked up foo with type HTT_DEFINE_STR. Sometimes we want to add things to a 6801 CHashTable. To do this we need to use HashAdd. 6802 6803 CHashDefineStr *d=CAlloc(sizeof(CHashDefineStr)); 6804 d->str=StrNew("Hello"); //Must allocate string on heap 6805 d->type=HTT_DEFINE_STR; 6806 d->data=StrNew("10"); 6807 HashAdd(d,Fs->hash_table); 6808 //We added the macro Hello into the hash table 6809 "%d\n",Hello; 6810 6811 6812 Sometimes you want to make your own hashtables. You can do this via HashTableNew 6813 (size). size MUST BE A POWER OF 2. 6814 6815 Any generic data in the hashtable should use type HTT_FRAME_PTR as HashTableDel 6816 doesnt try to make assuptions on how to free the data 6817 6818 Perhaps an example will help: 6819 6820 CHashTable *ht=HashTableNew(0x100); 6821 CHashGeneric *ent=CAlloc(sizeof CHashGeneric); 6822 ent->user_data0=1; 6823 ent->user_data1=2; 6824 ent->user_data2=3; 6825 ent->type=HTT_FRAME_PTR; 6826 ent->str=StrNew("look"); 6827 HashAdd(ent,ht); 6828 CHashGeneric *g=HashFind("look",ht,HTT_FRAME_PTR); 6829 "%d,%d,%d\n",g->user_data0,g->user_data1,g->user_data2; 6830 HashTableDel(ht); 6831 6832 6833 Here is a reference of hash table functions 6834 6835 -] HashAdd(item,table) 6836 6837 Adds an item to the hash table 6838 6839 -] HashRemDel(item,table) 6840 6841 Delete an item from the hash table 6842 6843 -] HashFind(str,table,type) 6844 6845 Find an item in the table 6846 6847 -] HashSingleTableFind(str,table) 6848 6849 Find an item in the table,but dont check parent task's thing 6850 6851 -] HashTableNew(sz) 6852 6853 Make new hashtable,sz must be a power of 2 6854 6855 6856 Runtime Part 8: Data structures 3(Fifo) 6857 6858 Fifo's mean "First In First Out" and do things like store key presses. The first 6859 key you press is the the first one you get out. They also have a maximum 6860 size,which means that if you get too many keys,the old ones will be discarded 6861 6862 It looks like this: 6863 <48>6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 First create a FIFO with FifoI64New,Size must be a power of 2 6880 6881 CFifoI64 *fifoI64=FifoI64New(4); 6882 FifoI64Ins(fifoI64,1); 6883 FifoI64Ins(fifoI64,2); 6884 FifoI64Ins(fifoI64,3); 6885 6886 You can remove an item with FifoI64Rem. This takes a pointer and returns TRUE 6887 6888 CFifoI64 *fifoI64=FifoI64New(4); 6889 FifoI64Ins(fifoI64,1); 6890 FifoI64Ins(fifoI64,2); 6891 FifoI64Ins(fifoI64,3); 6892 I64 val; 6893 while(FifoI64Rem(fifoI64,&val)) 6894 "Got a %d\n",val; 6895 6896 6897 Here is a reference section 6898 6899 -] FifoI64New(sz) 6900 6901 Make a new fifo,sz must be a power of 2 6902 6903 -] FifoI64Flush(f) 6904 6905 Remove all the items from the fifo 6906 6907 -] FifoI64Cnt(f) 6908 6909 Get a count of all the items in the fifo 6910 6911 -] FifoI64Peek(f,&val) 6912 6913 Look at the next item in the fifo without removing it 6914 6915 -] FifoI64Del(f) 6916 6917 Free the fifo 6918 6919 -] FifoI64Rem(f,&val) 6920 6921 Remove an item from the fifo 6922 6923 -] FifoI64Ins(f,val) 6924 6925 Insert an item into the fifo 6926 6927 -] FifoU8Flush(f) 6928 6929 Remove all the items from the fifo 6930 6931 -] FifoU8Cnt(f) 6932 6933 Get a count of all the items in the fifo 6934 6935 -] FifoU8Peek(f,&val) 6936 6937 Look at the next item in the fifo without removing it 6938 6939 -] FifoU8Del(f) 6940 6941 Free the fifo 6942 6943 -] FifoU8Rem(f,&val) 6944 6945 Remove an item from the fifo 6946 6947 -] FifoU8Ins(f,val) 6948 6949 Insert an item into the fifo 6950 6951 -] FifoU8New(sz) 6952 6953 Make a new fifo,sz must be a power of 2 6954 6955 6956 Runtime Part 9: User Input 6957 6958 TempleOS lets you do lit stuff like click on things and use the keyboard. These 6959 events are passed through messages. We use GetMsg to get the messages,along with a 6960 message mask. 6961 6962 I64 x,y; 6963 U0 DrawIt(CTask *t,CDC *dc) { 6964 dc->color=RED; 6965 GrRect(dc,x,y,100,100); 6966 } 6967 U0 Run() { 6968 Fs->draw_it=&DrawIt; 6969 I64 m,x2,y2; 6970 while(TRUE) { 6971 m=GetMsg(&x2,&y2,1<<MSG_MS_MOVE+1<<MSG_MS_R_DOWN); 6972 if(m==MSG_MS_R_DOWN) 6973 break; 6974 x=x2; 6975 y=y2; 6976 Refresh; 6977 } 6978 } 6979 Run; 6980 6981 6982 Keyboard messages can be gotten via ScanKey(&ch,&sc). The first argument is the 6983 ASCII charactor,and the second one is the scancode. The scancode is the raw key 6984 being pressed and has flags in it. I'll give an example usage of the function 6985 first before I dive into details. 6986 6987 I64 x,y; 6988 U0 DrawIt(CTask*,CDC*dc) { 6989 dc->color=GREEN; 6990 GrRect(dc,x,y,100,100); 6991 } 6992 U0 Run() { 6993 Fs->draw_it=&DrawIt; 6994 I64 msg,sc,ch; 6995 for(;TRUE;) { 6996 if(ScanKey(&ch,&sc)) { 6997 if(sc&0xff==SC_ESC) break; 6998 if(sc&0xff==SC_CURSOR_UP) { 6999 y-=3; 7000 } else if(sc&0xff==SC_CURSOR_DOWN) { 7001 y+=3; 7002 } else if(sc&0xff==SC_CURSOR_LEFT) { 7003 x-=3; 7004 } else if(sc&0xff==SC_CURSOR_RIGHT) { 7005 x+=3; 7006 } 7007 } else { 7008 Refresh; 7009 } 7010 } 7011 } 7012 Run; 7013 7014 As you can see,I check the first 8 bits(0xff) of the scan code to test what key 7015 it is. There also flags on the scancode that tell you things like if the shift key 7016 is down etc. 7017 7018 The first byte of scancode is the key code,but the other bytes are flags which 7019 can be tested via the "&" operator 7020 7021 7022 I64 x,y; 7023 I64 color=GREEN; 7024 U0 DrawIt(CTask*,CDC*dc) { 7025 dc->color=color; 7026 GrRect(dc,x,y,100,100); 7027 dc->color=RED; 7028 } 7029 U0 Run() { 7030 Fs->draw_it=&DrawIt; 7031 I64 msg,sc,ch; 7032 for(;TRUE;) { 7033 if(ScanMsg(&ch,&sc,1<<MSG_KEY_UP|1<<MSG_KEY_DOWN)) { 7034 if(sc.u8[0]==SC_ESC) break; 7035 if(sc.u8[0]==SC_CURSOR_UP) { 7036 y-=3; 7037 } else if(sc.u8[0]==SC_CURSOR_DOWN) { 7038 y+=3; 7039 } else if(sc.u8[0]==SC_CURSOR_LEFT) { 7040 x-=3; 7041 } else if(sc.u8[0]==SC_CURSOR_RIGHT) { 7042 x+=3; 7043 } 7044 if(sc&SCF_CTRL) 7045 color=RED; 7046 else if(sc&SCF_SHIFT) 7047 color=YELLOW; 7048 else 7049 color=GREEN; 7050 } else { 7051 Refresh; 7052 } 7053 } 7054 } 7055 Run; 7056 7057 7058 Here's a list of scancode flags: 7059 7060 -] SCF_KEY_UP 7061 7062 The key was released 7063 7064 -] SCF_CTRL 7065 7066 The Ctrl key is down 7067 7068 -] SCF_SHIFT 7069 7070 The shift key is down 7071 7072 -] SCF_ALT 7073 7074 The alt key is down 7075 7076 -] SCF_CAPS 7077 7078 The Caps lock key is down 7079 7080 -] SCF_NUM 7081 7082 The NumLock key is kdown 7083 7084 -] SCF_SCROLL 7085 7086 Scroll Lock key is down 7087 7088 -] SCF_MS_L_DOWN 7089 7090 The left mouse is down 7091 7092 -] SCF_MS_R_DOWN 7093 7094 The right mouse is down 7095 7096 -] SCF_NO_SHIFT 7097 7098 There is no shift 7099 7100 7101 Here's a list of scancode keys: 7102 7103 -] SC_ESC 7104 7105 The escape key 7106 7107 -] SC_BACKSPACE 7108 7109 The backspace key 7110 7111 -] SC_TAB 7112 7113 The tab key 7114 7115 -] SC_ENTER 7116 7117 The enter key 7118 7119 -] SC_CTRL 7120 7121 The ctrl key 7122 7123 -] SC_ALT 7124 7125 The alt key 7126 7127 -] SC_CAPS 7128 7129 The caps lock key 7130 7131 -] SC_NUM 7132 7133 The num lock key 7134 7135 -] SC_SCROLL 7136 7137 The scroll lock key 7138 7139 -] SC_CURSOR_UP 7140 7141 The up key 7142 7143 -] SC_CURSOR_DOWN 7144 7145 The down key 7146 7147 -] SC_CURSOR_LEFT 7148 7149 The left key 7150 7151 -] SC_CURSOR_RIGHT 7152 7153 The right key 7154 7155 -] SC_PAGE_DOWN 7156 7157 The page down key 7158 7159 -] SC_PAGE_UP 7160 7161 The page up key 7162 7163 -] SC_HOME 7164 7165 The home key 7166 7167 -] SC_END 7168 7169 The end key 7170 7171 -] SC_INS 7172 7173 The insert key 7174 7175 -] SC_DELETE 7176 7177 The delete key 7178 7179 -] SC_F1-SC_F12 7180 7181 The Fxx keys 7182 7183 -] SC_PAUSE 7184 7185 The pause key 7186 7187 -] SC_GUI 7188 7189 The logo key 7190 7191 -] SC_PRTSCRN1 7192 7193 The print screen key 7194 7195 -] SC_PRTSCRN2 7196 7197 The print screen key 7198 7199 7200 I mentioned eariler about GetMsg,and I used ScanMsg. GetMsg waits for an 7201 event,but ScanMsg doesn't. There are also message codes 7202 7203 -] MSG_KEY_DOWN(ch,scancode) 7204 7205 A Key is put down 7206 7207 -] MSG_KEY_UP(ch,scancode) 7208 7209 A Key is release 7210 7211 -] MSG_MS_MOVE(x,y) 7212 7213 The mouse is moved 7214 7215 -] MSG_MS_L_DOWN(x,y) 7216 7217 The left button is down 7218 7219 -] MSG_MS_L_UP(x,y) 7220 7221 The left button is down 7222 7223 -] MSG_MS_R_DOWN(x,y) 7224 7225 The right button is down 7226 7227 -] MSG_MS_R_UP(x,y) 7228 7229 The right button is down 7230 7231 7232 Runtime Part 9: Multithreading 7233 7234 TempleOS is non-premptive. This means each Task has to manually tell the 7235 computer when to context swap. The way to do this and prevent freezing is to Yield 7236 7237 In TempleOS,spawning task's is easy,use the Spawn function 7238 7239 7240 U0 Foo(U8 *data) { 7241 Beep; 7242 } 7243 Spawn(&Foo,"Some_data","TaskName"); 7244 7245 7246 You can make a user terminal via User. You can talk to that task via XTalk 7247 7248 7249 CTask *u=User; 7250 XTalk(u,"\"Exiting in 5 seconds\\n\";\n"); //Be sure to put a semi-colon at the 7251 end as we are "the-user". 7252 Sleep(5000); 7253 XTalk(u,"Exit;\n"); 7254 7255 7256 Sometimes you want to wait for a task to die,to do this use DeathWait 7257 7258 7259 CTask *t=User; 7260 DeathWait(&t); //Note address of t 7261 Beep; //Will beep when you exit the User task 7262 7263 7264 There is also a BirthWait 7265 7266 7267 CTask *t=User; 7268 BirthWait(&t); //Note address of t 7269 Beep; //Will beep when you exit the User task 7270 7271 7272 To avoid race conditions we use locks. In TempleOS this is acheived through 7273 locked bit instructions with spinlocks. How it works is LBts will set the bit,and 7274 return the old value of the bit. We keep on setting the bit. If the old value is 7275 not set,it means we have access to the lock,otherwise we keep on looping. Be sure 7276 to reset the bit when you are done with LBtr. 7277 7278 7279 I64 beep_lock=0; 7280 U0 OneThread(I64 snd) { 7281 //This will spin until bit 0 is reset(look at the end of the function) 7282 while(LBts(&beep_lock,0)) //LBts has a side effect of setting the bit after it 7283 is checked 7284 Yield; //We are going to be beeping for awhile so Yield out control to other 7285 tasks 7286 Beep(snd); 7287 //We reset bit 0 of beep_lock to signify we are done with it. 7288 LBtr(&beep_lock,0); 7289 } 7290 I64 i; 7291 for(i;i!=10;i++) { 7292 Spawn(&OneThread,i*7+10); 7293 "Spawned a thread!!\n"; 7294 } 7295 7296 Runtime Part 10: Jobs 7297 7298 In TempleOS,each core has a seth_task. This task does lit stuff like run Jobs 7299 which can be created via TaskExe and you get the results via JobResGet 7300 7301 7302 CJob *job=TaskExe(Gs->seth_task,Fs,"1+1;;;",0); 7303 res=JobResGet(job); 7304 Kill(jobber); 7305 "I got %d\n",res; 7306 7307 With cpu_structs,you can spawn jobs on other cores 7308 7309 7310 CTask *parent_task=Fs; 7311 I64 core=0; 7312 //mp_cnt is the number of cpus 7313 CJob *jobs[mp_cnt]; 7314 for(core=0;core!=mp_cnt;core++) { 7315 jobs[core]=TaskExe(cpu_structs[core].seth_task,Fs, 7316 "Sleep(RandI64%1000);" 7317 "Gs->num;;", //Gs is the current CCPU for the core,->num is the cpu number 7318 0); 7319 } 7320 for(core=0;core!=mp_cnt;core++) { 7321 "Core %d return %d\n",core,JobResGet(jobs[core]); 7322 } 7323 7324 7325 If you want to have the parent task wait while a job runs,you can use the JOBf_W 7326 AKE_MASTER flag. 7327 7328 7329 CTask *parent_task=Fs; 7330 //Things ending in a lowecase f as bits(and need to be shifted to be flags) 7331 TaskExe(Gs->seth_task,parent_task,"Play(\"EGBDF\");",(1<<JOBf_WAKE_MASTER)); 7332 7333 Runtime Part 11: DolDoc 7334 7335 Most of the text you see on screen is from the DolDoc layout engine. It uses a 7336 series of dollar signs to set things like the text color and make elements. The 7337 are stored as a circular queue of CDocEntry's. The easyiest way to make a DolDoc 7338 element is to use DocPrint,use DocPut to get the current task's document. 7339 7340 7341 //BT is a button 7342 CDocEntry *de=DocPrint(DocPut,"\n\n$BT,\"Hello\"$\n\n"); 7343 7344 7345 As you can see,the DolDoc entries have a type and argument. They are surrounded 7346 by $'s. They can also have flags too. This let's you do things like center the 7347 text. Lets see an example: 7348 7349 7350 //TX is a text,+CX is the center flag 7351 CDocEntry *de=DocPrint(DocPut,"\n\n$TX+CX,\"Hello\"$\n\n"); 7352 7353 7354 DolDoc entries can also take an argument,Links use this to figure out where to 7355 go when you click them. Arguments for DolDoc entries come after the comma,some of 7356 the arguments are named and have the format "name=value" 7357 7358 7359 CDocEntry *de=DocPrint(DocPut,"\n\n$LK,\"Text\",A=\"FL:/PersonalMenu.DD\"$\n\n"); 7360 7361 7362 You can interact directly with the generated CDocEntrys. You can put things like 7363 callbacks into them. In our below example I set the left_cb function pointer to 7364 Beep2 and I tell the entry that it has a callback with DOCEF_LEFT_CB. 7365 7366 7367 I64 Beep2(CDoc *,CDocEntry *) { 7368 Beep; 7369 } 7370 CDocEntry *de=DocPrint(DocPut,"\n\n$BT+CX,\"Hello\"$\n\n"); 7371 de->de_flags|=DOCEF_LEFT_CB; 7372 de->left_cb=&Beep2; 7373 7374 7375 You can use the DocMenu function to get a value from your document. I use the LE 7376 for a left-click-expression. 7377 7378 7379 U0 CreateDialog() { 7380 CDocEntry *nums[3]; 7381 I64 i; 7382 DocClear(DocPut); 7383 "$TX+CX,\"Pick a number:\"$\n"; 7384 for(i=0;i!=3;i++) { 7385 nums[i]=DocPrint(DocPut,"\n\n$BT+CX,\"%d\",LE=%d$\n\n",i,i); 7386 } 7387 DocBottom(DocPut); 7388 switch(DocMenu(DocPut)) { 7389 start: 7390 DocClear(DocPut); 7391 case 0: 7392 "You picked nothing lol.\n"; 7393 break; 7394 case 1: 7395 "One is the one\n"; 7396 break; 7397 case 2: 7398 "Two is too good\n"; 7399 break; 7400 end: 7401 } 7402 } 7403 CreateDialog; 7404 7405 7406 You can use PopUpForm to use a class's meta data for making a menu. 7407 7408 7409 U0 CreateDialog() { 7410 class CInput { 7411 //Be sure to use -P with strings 7412 U8 name[STR_LEN] format "\n"; 7413 I64 age format "\n"; 7414 Bool is_tall format "\n"; //CB is a Check box 7415 }; 7416 CInput inp; 7417 PopUpForm(&inp); 7418 "%s is %d years old\n",inp.name,inp.age; 7419 if(inp.is_tall) 7420 "Tall!\n"; 7421 7422 7423 Yeah time for some reference section ehh: 7424 7425 -] TX 7426 7427 Text 7428 7429 -] CR 7430 7431 Newline 7432 7433 -] CU 7434 7435 Cursor pos,normally a ASCII #5 7436 7437 -] TB 7438 7439 Tab 7440 7441 -] CL 7442 7443 Clears all elements without the "+H" flag 7444 7445 -] PB 7446 7447 Page break 7448 7449 -] PL 7450 7451 Page length 7452 7453 -] LM 7454 7455 Left margin 7456 7457 -] RM 7458 7459 Right margin 7460 7461 -] HD 7462 7463 Header margin 7464 7465 -] FO 7466 7467 Footer margin 7468 7469 -] ID 7470 7471 Indent,use wit tree elements,and use with a negative number to un-indent 7472 7473 -] FD 7474 7475 Forground default color 7476 7477 -] BD 7478 7479 Background default color 7480 7481 -] PT 7482 7483 Command Line Prompt 7484 7485 -] WW 7486 7487 Use 1 to enable word wrap,use 0 to disable 7488 7489 -] UL 7490 7491 Use 1/0 to enable/disable underline 7492 7493 -] IV 7494 7495 Disable/enable Inverting of colors 7496 7497 -] BK 7498 7499 Burger Kind,just kidding,it's actually for blinking 7500 7501 -] SX 7502 7503 Shift the text by a amount of pixels 7504 7505 -] SY 7506 7507 Shift the text up/down by an amount of pixels 7508 7509 -] CB 7510 7511 Checkbox 7512 7513 -] LS 7514 7515 Major Lit Alert 7516 Use with the "D" argument to make a list(from a DefineListLoad),do this 7517 $LS,"potato",D="ST_BIBLE_BOOKS"$ 7518 Clicking on this will make a menu to pick an item from the list 7519 7520 -] MA 7521 7522 A macro,clicking on this will insert LM into the command line prompt 7523 7524 -] TR 7525 7526 A Tree wigdet,use this with ID to nest the tree's 7527 7528 -] HL 7529 7530 Turn HolyC syntax highting on/off 7531 7532 7533 Here is a reference section for the flags,they can be added/removed with +/-(For 7534 example you can do "$TX+CX+H,\"I have CX and H flags.\"$\n";) 7535 7536 -] H 7537 7538 Hold,this will prevent CL from deleting this element 7539 7540 -] L 7541 7542 This will make the element act as a link 7543 7544 -] TR 7545 7546 This will make the element act as a tree 7547 7548 -] LS 7549 7550 This will make the element act as a list 7551 7552 -] PU 7553 7554 This will make a macro run in a popup window 7555 7556 -] C 7557 7558 This will collapse a tree,use -C to uncollapse the tree 7559 7560 -] X 7561 7562 This will save and Exit after the macro is done 7563 7564 -] UD 7565 7566 Update data on typing 7567 7568 7569 Here is a reference section for the argument codes,use them like "$TX,T=\"123\"$" 7570 7571 -] T 7572 7573 Tag text,this is the text that gets displayed. 7574 7575 -] LEN 7576 7577 Sets the length of the DA element. 7578 7579 -] A 7580 7581 Sets the link location 7582 7583 -] LE 7584 7585 Left expression,runs an expression on left click 7586 7587 -] RE 7588 7589 Right expression,runs an expression on right click 7590 7591 -] LM 7592 7593 Left macro,runs text on left click 7594 7595 -] RM 7596 7597 Right macro,runs text on right click 7598 7599 -] RT 7600 7601 Raw type of DA 7602 7603 -] U 7604 7605 User data 7606 7607 -] SCX 7608 7609 Scroll x columns Makes a amazing scrolling effect 7610 7611 -] SX 7612 7613 Scroll x pixels 7614 7615 -] SY 7616 7617 Scroll y pixels 7618 7619 7620 Making links is easy,to do this we use "$LK,\"text\",A=\"BF:Acts,2:3\"$"; Here 7621 is a reference for the link codes: 7622 7623 -] FI 7624 7625 File index,FI="file" or FI="file,line" 7626 7627 -] FF 7628 7629 File Find,FF="file,text" 7630 7631 -] BF 7632 7633 Bible Find,BF="book,text". "text" can be a chapter/verse 7634 7635 -] HI 7636 7637 Help Index,HI="Help Index". Make help indexes via #help_index 7638 7639 -] A 7640 7641 Symbol address, takes a pointer A="0x11223344" 7642 7643 7644 Now a function reference: 7645 7646 -] DocBottom 7647 7648 Move to the bottom of the document 7649 7650 -] DocCenter 7651 7652 Make ->cur_entry be in the viewport 7653 7654 -] DocClear 7655 7656 Clear all elements except those with the +H flag 7657 7658 -] DocCollapse(collapsed,doc) 7659 7660 Collapse or un-collapse all trees in the document 7661 7662 -] DocDel 7663 7664 Delete a documents memory 7665 7666 -] DocEntryDel(doc,elem) 7667 7668 Deletes a document entry 7669 7670 -] DocEntryCopy(doc,elem) 7671 7672 Copy an element 7673 7674 -] DocInsDoc(to,from) 7675 7676 Insert a document into an other document 7677 7678 -] DocLock 7679 7680 Lock a document 7681 7682 -] DocUnlock 7683 7684 Unlock a document 7685 7686 -] DocRst 7687 7688 Reset the document 7689 7690 -] DocTop 7691 7692 Go to the top of the document 7693 7694 -] DocLineRead(filename,line) 7695 7696 Read a line from a file 7697 7698 -] DocLineWrite(filename,line,text) 7699 7700 Write a line into a file 7701 7702 -] DocRead(filename) 7703 7704 Read a document from a file 7705 7706 -] DocLoad(into_doc,ptr,len) 7707 7708 Read a document from memory into a docuemnt 7709 7710 -] DocSave(doc,len_ptr) 7711 7712 Save a document into memory 7713 7714 -] DocWrite(doc) 7715 7716 Save a document to disk. Filename is detirmnined by DocNew("filename"); 7717 7718 -] DocMenu 7719 7720 Interact with a document until a value is found 7721 7722 -] DocForm 7723 7724 Use a class's meta-data to make a form for you to fill out 7725 7726 -] DocNew(filename) 7727 7728 Make a new document that will be saved to filename 7729 7730 -] DocGR(doc,filename.GR) 7731 7732 Insert a .GR file into a document 7733 7734 -] DocPrint 7735 7736 Print text into a document 7737 7738 -] DocPut 7739 7740 Get the current document for a task 7741 7742 -] DocType(doc,filename) 7743 7744 Type a file into a document